Deutscher Wetterdienst
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  • GeoMIP (234)
  • LUCID (75)
  • PMIP3 (311)
  • TAMIP (512)
  • TEST (2)
  • c3s-cmip5-adjust (623)
  • c3s 312b lot1 (14561)
  • c3se (184)
  • cc4e (456)
  • clim2power (64270)
  • climatepredictionsde (365545)
  • clipc (10)
  • cordex-adjust (4)
  • data dmi (2880)
  • obs4MIPs (45)
  • prowas (37)
  • specs (18744)
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  • CLD CCI MM (448)
  • ERB CCI MM (476)
  • Regional Reanalysis (10)
  • SRB CCI MM (473)
  • bias-adjusted-output (2119)
  • climate-projection (395)
  • historical (49)
  • model-output (2872308)
  • observations (45)
  • output (558488)
  • output1 (8295)
  • output2 (577)
  • season-forecast (12)
  • BCC (56)
  • BCCR (14)
  • BNU (34)
  • BOM (199)
  • BOUN (112)
  • CCCMA (376)
  • CLMcom (174)
  • CMCC (41)
  • CNRM (3287)
  • CNRM-CERFACS (1107)
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  • CSIRO-QCCCE (1505)
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  • DWD (365582)
  • FUB (6)
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  • IPSL (4550)
  • IPSL-INERIS (368)
  • ISU (140)
  • KNMI (173)
  • KNU (22)
  • LASG-CESS (15)
  • LASG-IAP (6)
  • LOA-IPSL (4)
  • MGO (645)
  • MIROC (50)
  • MOHC (72)
  • MPI-CSC (89)
  • MPI-M (89)
  • MRI (15)
  • NASA-GISS (25)
  • NCAR (193)
  • NCC (634)
  • NIMS-KMA (111)
  • NOAA-GFDL (93)
  • ORNL (2280)
  • PCMDI (9)
  • PNU (85)
  • POSTECH (57)
  • RU-CORE (1890)
  • SMHI (81800)
  • UA (78)
  • UCAN (942)
  • ULg (70)
  • UNIST (25)
  • UNSW (12430)
  • UQAM (344)
  • UW (2)
  • ACCESS1.0 (167)
  • ACCESS1.3 (256)
  • BCC-CSM1.1 (33)
  • BCC-CSM1.1(m) (23)
  • BNU-ESM (34)
  • CCLM4-8-17 CCCma-CanESM2 (1440)
  • CCLM4-8-17 MIROC-MIROC5 (1440)
  • CCSM4 (30)
  • CMCC-CM (25)
  • CMCC-CMS (16)
  • CNRM-CM5 (1040)
  • CNRM-CM5-2 (67)
  • COSMOS-ASO (6)
  • CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 (1505)
  • CSIRO-Mk3L-1-2 (385)
  • EC-EARTH (1840)
  • EC-EARTH3 (18744)
  • FGOALS-g2 (15)
  • FGOALS-s2 (6)
  • GFDL-CM3 (28)
  • GFDL-ESM2G (35)
  • GFDL-ESM2M (30)
  • GISS-E2-R (25)
  • HadGEM2-CC (34)
  • HadGEM2-ES (38)
  • INM-CM4 (28)
  • IPSL-CM5A-LR (3213)
  • IPSL-CM5A-MR (418)
  • IPSL-CM5B-LR (263)
  • MIROC-ESM (18)
  • MIROC5 (32)
  • MPI-ESM-LR (30)
  • MPI-ESM-MR (34)
  • MPI-ESM-P (25)
  • MRI-CGCM3 (15)
  • NorESM1-M (442)
  • NorESM1-ME (192)
  • 1pctCO2 (233)
  • G1 (49)
  • G1oceanAlbedo (6)
  • G2 (49)
  • G3 (19)
  • G3S (30)
  • G4 (30)
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  • G5 (11)
  • L1A85 (18)
  • L1B85 (19)
  • L2A26 (19)
  • L2A85 (19)
  • abrupt4xCO2 (404)
  • amip (294)
  • amip4K (63)
  • amip4xCO2 (76)
  • amipFuture (63)
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  • aqua4xCO2 (16)
  • aquaControl (22)
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  • asORAoIFSa (5)
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  • convoffaqua4K (3)
  • convoffaquaControl (3)
  • decadal (18452)
  • decadal1960 (157)
  • decadal1961 (40)
  • decadal1962 (40)
  • decadal1963 (40)
  • decadal1964 (40)
  • decadal1965 (157)
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  • decadal1975 (157)
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  • decadal1979 (40)
  • decadal1980 (157)
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  • decadal1985 (157)
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  • decadal2000 (157)
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  • decadal2002 (40)
  • decadal2003 (40)
  • decadal2004 (40)
  • decadal2005 (157)
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  • esmFdbk2 (22)
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  • esmFixClim2 (22)
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  • evaluation (7922)
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  • historicalMisc (1009)
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  • improvedStratVertRes (5832)
  • lgm (82)
  • midHolocene (137)
  • obs (45)
  • offamip (4)
  • offamip4K (3)
  • offamip4xCO2 (4)
  • offaqua4K (4)
  • offaqua4xCO2 (3)
  • offaquaControl (4)
  • offpblamip (4)
  • offpblaquaControl (3)
  • past1000 (33)
  • piControl (303)
  • rcp26 (14154)
  • rcp45 (22613)
  • rcp60 (157)
  • rcp85 (34265)
  • seas199502 (630)
  • seas199505 (630)
  • seas199508 (630)
  • seas199511 (360)
  • seas199602 (630)
  • seas199605 (630)
  • seas199608 (630)
  • seas199611 (360)
  • seas199702 (630)
  • seas199705 (630)
  • seas199708 (630)
  • seas199711 (360)
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  • seas199805 (630)
  • seas199808 (630)
  • seas199811 (360)
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  • seas199908 (630)
  • seas199911 (360)
  • seas200002 (630)
  • seas200005 (630)
  • seas200008 (630)
  • seas200011 (360)
  • seas200102 (630)
  • seas200105 (630)
  • seas200108 (630)
  • seas200111 (450)
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  • seas200211 (450)
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  • seas200311 (450)
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  • seas200408 (630)
  • seas200411 (450)
  • seas200502 (630)
  • seas200505 (630)
  • seas200508 (630)
  • seas200511 (450)
  • seas200602 (630)
  • seas200605 (630)
  • seas200608 (630)
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  • seas200908 (630)
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  • seas201405 (630)
  • seas201408 (630)
  • seas201411 (450)
  • seas201502 (630)
  • seas201505 (630)
  • seas201508 (630)
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  • seasonal (98080)
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  • subseasonal (259065)
  • tamip200810 (128)
  • tamip200901 (128)
  • tamip200904 (128)
  • tamip200907 (128)
  • All (569434)
  • Atmos-only (748)
  • Control (423)
  • Decadal (21494)
  • ESM (258)
  • Historical (35706)
  • Idealized (637)
  • Paleo (252)
  • RCP (71224)
  • 1hr (993)
  • 3hr (7912)
  • 5yr (16)
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  • sea (12)
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  • subhr (75)
  • yr (378)
  • yrClim (14)
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  • atmos (1212230)
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  • landIce (80104)
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  • ocnBgChem (15)
  • ocnBgchem (239474)
  • seaIce (218281)
  • 3hr (483)
  • 3hrCurt (64)
  • 3hrMlev (128)
  • 3hrPlev (128)
  • 3hrSlev (128)
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  • 6hrPlev (368)
  • Aclim (41)
  • Amon (9742)
  • LIclim (34)
  • LImon (320)
  • Lclim (37)
  • Lmon (969)
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  • SZA std (25558)
  • TOT PREC (2880)
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  • c3h6 (58)
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  • cLitterBelow (4140)
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  • cLitterSurf (3922)
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  • cdnc500 (7)
  • cdnc700 (7)
  • cdnc850 (7)
  • cdnc925 (7)
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  • cer (448)
  • cer cor (448)
  • cer day (13164)
  • cer day cor (13130)
  • cer day std (13130)
  • cer day unc (13164)
  • cer std (448)
  • cer unc (448)
  • cfad2Lidarsr532 (3)
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  • cfadLidarsr532 (105)
  • cfc (13227)
  • cfc11 (530)
  • cfc11global (1661)
  • cfc12 (499)
  • cfc12global (1661)
  • cfc day (25943)
  • cfc day std (4719)
  • cfc day unc (8445)
  • cfc high (12779)
  • cfc low (12779)
  • cfc middle (12779)
  • cfc night (25943)
  • cfc night std (4719)
  • cfc night unc (8445)
  • cfc std (12935)
  • cfc unc (292)
  • ch3coch3 (58)
  • ch4 (493)
  • ch4global (3294)
  • cheaqpso4 (58)
  • chegpso4 (58)
  • chepasoa (5)
  • chepsoa (208)
  • chl (3633)
  • chldiat (2303)
  • chldiatos (1848)
  • chlmisc (2305)
  • chlmiscos (1847)
  • chlos (2734)
  • ci (1653)
  • cl (6380)
  • clMISR (1)
  • clayfrac (39)
  • clc (493)
  • clcalipso (3439)
  • clcalipso2 (85)
  • clcalipsoice (15)
  • clcalipsoliq (15)
  • clccalipso (3)
  • cldicemxrat (36)
  • cldncl (417)
  • cldnvi (184)
  • cldwatmxrat (36)
  • clfr (3)
  • clfr1000 (2)
  • clfr200 (5)
  • clfr300 (2)
  • clfr400 (2)
  • clfr500 (5)
  • clfr600 (2)
  • clfr700 (2)
  • clfr850 (5)
  • clfr875 (2)
  • clfr900 (2)
  • clfr925 (2)
  • clfr950 (2)
  • clfr975 (2)
  • clh (584)
  • clhcalipso (7146)
  • clhvi (1)
  • cli (6354)
  • clic (181)
  • clice (3)
  • clice1000 (2)
  • clice200 (5)
  • clice300 (2)
  • clice400 (2)
  • clice500 (5)
  • clice600 (2)
  • clice700 (2)
  • clice850 (5)
  • clice875 (2)
  • clice900 (2)
  • clice925 (2)
  • clice950 (2)
  • clice975 (2)
  • climodis (1101)
  • clis (181)
  • clisccp (3420)
  • clivi (13631)
  • clivic (48)
  • cll (585)
  • cllcalipso (7147)
  • clm (575)
  • clmcalipso (7146)
  • clmisr (30)
  • cloud count (743)
  • cloud fraction (238)
  • clrcalipso (3)
  • cls (91)
  • clt (57727)
  • cltc (189)
  • cltc100 (10)
  • cltcalipso (4542)
  • cltcloudsat (1)
  • cltisccp (4605)
  • cltlidarradar (72)
  • cltmodis (1101)
  • clw (6365)
  • clwc (358)
  • clwmodis (1101)
  • clwmr (3)
  • clwmr1000 (2)
  • clwmr200 (5)
  • clwmr300 (2)
  • clwmr400 (2)
  • clwmr500 (5)
  • clwmr600 (2)
  • clwmr700 (2)
  • clwmr850 (5)
  • clwmr875 (2)
  • clwmr900 (2)
  • clwmr925 (2)
  • clwmr950 (2)
  • clwmr975 (2)
  • clws (358)
  • clwvi (13330)
  • clwvic (52)
  • cly (146)
  • cnc (20)
  • co (100)
  • co2 (732)
  • co23D (51)
  • co2mass (3219)
  • co2s (18)
  • co3 (3194)
  • co3nat (478)
  • co3natos (240)
  • co3os (387)
  • co3satarag (654)
  • co3sataragos (327)
  • co3satcalc (2839)
  • co3satcalcos (387)
  • cod (1351)
  • concbb (33)
  • concbc (401)
  • conccn (38)
  • concdms (212)
  • concdust (401)
  • concoa (330)
  • concpoa (70)
  • concso2 (212)
  • concso4 (401)
  • concsoa (33)
  • concss (260)
  • cot (448)
  • cot cor (448)
  • cot day (13164)
  • cot day cor (13130)
  • cot day std (13130)
  • cot day unc (13164)
  • cot ice (12779)
  • cot ice error (12779)
  • cot ice error std (12779)
  • cot ice log (12779)
  • cot ice std (12779)
  • cot liq (12779)
  • cot liq error (12779)
  • cot liq error std (12779)
  • cot liq log (12779)
  • cot liq std (12779)
  • cot std (448)
  • cot unc (448)
  • cropFrac (8196)
  • cropFracC3 (5986)
  • cropFracC4 (5407)
  • crs (18)
  • cth (13227)
  • cth cor (448)
  • cth day (13164)
  • cth day cor (13130)
  • cth day std (13130)
  • cth day unc (13164)
  • cth night (13164)
  • cth night cor (13130)
  • cth night std (13130)
  • cth night unc (13164)
  • cth std (13227)
  • cth unc (448)
  • ctp (13227)
  • ctp cor (448)
  • ctp day (13164)
  • ctp day cor (13164)
  • ctp day std (13164)
  • ctp day unc (13164)
  • ctp log (12779)
  • ctp night (13164)
  • ctp night cor (13164)
  • ctp night std (13164)
  • ctp night unc (13164)
  • ctp std (13227)
  • ctp unc (448)
  • ctt (13227)
  • ctt cor (448)
  • ctt day (13164)
  • ctt day cor (13130)
  • ctt day std (13130)
  • ctt day unc (13164)
  • ctt night (13164)
  • ctt night cor (13130)
  • ctt night std (13130)
  • ctt night unc (13164)
  • ctt std (13227)
  • ctt unc (448)
  • cttisccp (1)
  • cttisccpunweighted (1)
  • cw (24)
  • dcalc (286)
  • dcw (20)
  • deptho (3383)
  • detoc (4769)
  • detocos (426)
  • dfe (4245)
  • dfeos (1641)
  • dfr (13)
  • dgw (20)
  • diftrblo (122)
  • diftrelo (122)
  • diftrxylo (122)
  • difvho (931)
  • difvmo (755)
  • difvmto (120)
  • difvso (251)
  • difvtrto (689)
  • dispkevfo (114)
  • dispkexyfo (114)
  • dissic (4800)
  • dissicnat (1200)
  • dissicnatos (336)
  • dissicos (567)
  • dissoc (3860)
  • dissocos (387)
  • divice (65)
  • dmc (125)
  • dmlt (40)
  • dms (1478)
  • dmso (107)
  • dmsos (440)
  • dpco2 (2368)
  • dpco2nat (240)
  • dpo2 (2026)
  • drivw (20)
  • drybc (425)
  • drydust (526)
  • drynh3 (68)
  • drynh4 (68)
  • drynoy (65)
  • dryo3 (58)
  • dryoa (331)
  • drypoa (69)
  • dryso2 (1828)
  • dryso4 (573)
  • dryss (367)
  • dslw (20)
  • dsn (20)
  • dsw (20)
  • dtes (20)
  • dtesn (20)
  • ec (47)
  • ec550aer (289)
  • edt (207)
  • emibb (181)
  • emibc (1827)
  • emibvoc (1463)
  • emico (58)
  • emidms (1687)
  • emidust (1805)
  • emiisop (1463)
  • emilnox (55)
  • eminh3 (65)
  • eminox (58)
  • emioa (1795)
  • emipoa (33)
  • emiso2 (1828)
  • emiso4 (1795)
  • emiss (1868)
  • emivoc (1458)
  • eow (20)
  • eparag100 (478)
  • epc100 (4196)
  • epcalc100 (3716)
  • epfe100 (2278)
  • epfy (1314)
  • epfz (1314)
  • epn100 (333)
  • epp100 (333)
  • epsi100 (3708)
  • es (47)
  • esn (38)
  • et (13)
  • evap (284)
  • evs (5032)
  • evspsbl (18119)
  • evspsblpot (5919)
  • evspsblsoi (6273)
  • evspsblveg (5710)
  • evu (211)
  • expc (2056)
  • expcalc (377)
  • expcfe (156)
  • expfe (1973)
  • expsi (453)
  • fAnthDisturb (3567)
  • fBNF (754)
  • fCLandToOcean (102)
  • fDeforestToAtmos (3835)
  • fDeforestToProduct (5799)
  • fFire (3235)
  • fFireAll (143)
  • fFireNat (1654)
  • fGrazing (140)
  • fHarvest (5481)
  • fHarvestToAtmos (3384)
  • fHarvestToProduct (4789)
  • fLitterFire (177)
  • fLitterSoil (5726)
  • fLuc (5643)
  • fLulccAtmLut (264)
  • fLulccProductLut (253)
  • fLulccResidueLut (262)
  • fN2O (1411)
  • fNAnthDisturb (102)
  • fNLandToOcean (102)
  • fNLitterSoil (102)
  • fNOx (1411)
  • fNProduct (1502)
  • fNVegLitter (102)
  • fNdep (1988)
  • fNfert (279)
  • fNgas (1987)
  • fNgasFire (1411)
  • fNgasNonFire (1411)
  • fNleach (1987)
  • fNloss (1988)
  • fNnetmin (2002)
  • fNup (725)
  • fProductDecomp (4396)
  • fProductDecompLut (262)
  • fVegFire (135)
  • fVegLitter (7020)
  • fVegLitterMortality (177)
  • fVegLitterSenescence (1411)
  • fahLut (3)
  • fbddtalk (1458)
  • fbddtdic (1458)
  • fbddtdife (1459)
  • fbddtdin (1459)
  • fbddtdip (1459)
  • fbddtdisi (1459)
  • fco2antt (149)
  • fco2fos (10)
  • fco2nat (227)
  • fgcfc11 (266)
  • fgcfc12 (857)
  • fgco2 (4803)
  • fgco2nat (1021)
  • fgdms (440)
  • fgo2 (4192)
  • fgsf6 (859)
  • ficeberg (4170)
  • ficeberg2d (1)
  • flandice (1316)
  • fldcapacity (39)
  • fracInLut (141)
  • fracLut (5391)
  • fracOutLut (141)
  • frfe (330)
  • fric (2186)
  • friver (7304)
  • frn (330)
  • froc (541)
  • frogt10 (19)
  • frogt25 (19)
  • fsd (12)
  • fsfe (1937)
  • fsitherm (2832)
  • fsn (1768)
  • gpp (9258)
  • gppGrass (3833)
  • gppLut (265)
  • gppShrub (3)
  • gppTree (3833)
  • grCongel (108)
  • grFrazil (136)
  • grLateral (228)
  • grassFrac (7922)
  • grassFracC3 (5985)
  • grassFracC4 (5985)
  • graz (2775)
  • h2o (210)
  • hcho (100)
  • hcice (103)
  • hcl (191)
  • hcont300 (579)
  • hfbasin (4970)
  • hfbasinba (136)
  • hfbasindiff (136)
  • hfbasinpadv (334)
  • hfbasinpmadv (882)
  • hfbasinpmdiff (331)
  • hfcorr (1082)
  • hfds (7826)
  • hfdsl (24)
  • hfdsn (4407)
  • hfdsnb (13)
  • hfevapds (3310)
  • hfgeou (2301)
  • hfibthermds (255)
  • hfls (29374)
  • hflsIs (41)
  • hflsLut (79)
  • hflso (525)
  • hflssi (47)
  • hfmlt (17)
  • hfnorth (288)
  • hfnortha (288)
  • hfrainds (1043)
  • hfrunoffds (344)
  • hfsbl (17)
  • hfsifrazil (1842)
  • hfsithermds (171)
  • hfsnthermds (250)
  • hfss (29373)
  • hfssIs (41)
  • hfssLut (79)
  • hfssi (47)
  • hfsso (525)
  • hfx (2824)
  • hfxba (243)
  • hfxdiff (240)
  • hfy (2823)
  • hfyba (247)
  • hfydiff (242)
  • hno3 (315)
  • ho2 (198)
  • hs (1)
  • htovgyre (1459)
  • htovovrt (1461)
  • hufs (6)
  • hur (15622)
  • hur1000 (2)
  • hur200 (14)
  • hur300 (2)
  • hur400 (2)
  • hur500 (14)
  • hur600 (2)
  • hur700 (11)
  • hur850 (14)
  • hur875 (2)
  • hur900 (2)
  • hur925 (10)
  • hur950 (2)
  • hur975 (2)
  • hurs (66934)
  • hursAdjust (15)
  • hursAnom (26)
  • hursAnom corr pea (26)
  • hursAnom mse (26)
  • hursmax (1794)
  • hursmin (6908)
  • hus (22223)
  • hus1000 (3)
  • hus200 (367)
  • hus250 (29)
  • hus300 (296)
  • hus400 (296)
  • hus500 (331)
  • hus50m (7)
  • hus600 (296)
  • hus700 (331)
  • hus850 (2219)
  • hus875 (2)
  • hus900 (2)
  • hus925 (332)
  • hus950 (2)
  • hus975 (31)
  • huss (21186)
  • hussLut (79)
  • i (2)
  • ialb (246)
  • ice count (448)
  • ice count day (13612)
  • ice count night (13164)
  • icfriver (107)
  • icod (10)
  • intdic (2355)
  • intdoc (514)
  • intpbfe (2019)
  • intpbsi (2019)
  • intpcalcite (241)
  • intpdiat (160)
  • intpmisc (160)
  • intpn2 (2347)
  • intpnitrate (160)
  • intpoc (512)
  • intpp (2860)
  • intppdiat (1858)
  • intppmisc (1857)
  • intppnitrate (1857)
  • intuadse (5373)
  • intuaw (5876)
  • intvadse (5373)
  • intvaw (5878)
  • irrLut (91)
  • isop (1466)
  • iwp (13227)
  • iwp allsky (12779)
  • iwp cor (448)
  • iwp day (13164)
  • iwp day cor (13130)
  • iwp day std (13130)
  • iwp day unc (13164)
  • iwp error (12779)
  • iwp error std (12779)
  • iwp night (8445)
  • iwp night cor (8411)
  • iwp night std (8411)
  • iwp night unc (8445)
  • iwp std (13227)
  • iwp unc (448)
  • j (2)
  • jno2 (59)
  • jpdftaureicemodis (44)
  • jpdftaureliqmodis (44)
  • ksat (52)
  • l3 flags (238)
  • lai (11932)
  • laiLut (266)
  • landCoverFrac (4388)
  • lat bounds (8794)
  • latitude (8794)
  • lcod (10)
  • limfediat (1848)
  • limfemisc (1849)
  • limirrdiat (1847)
  • limirrmisc (1849)
  • limndiat (1849)
  • limnmisc (1848)
  • liquid count (448)
  • liquid count day (13612)
  • liquid count night (13164)
  • loadbc (3123)
  • loaddust (4630)
  • loadno3 (2705)
  • loadoa (3054)
  • loadpoa (2774)
  • loadso4 (3252)
  • loadsoa (33)
  • loadss (4661)
  • lon bounds (8794)
  • longitude (8794)
  • lossch4 (58)
  • lossco (58)
  • lossn2o (5)
  • lwp (17633)
  • lwp allsky (12779)
  • lwp cor (448)
  • lwp day (13164)
  • lwp day cor (13130)
  • lwp day std (13130)
  • lwp day unc (13164)
  • lwp error (12779)
  • lwp error std (12779)
  • lwp night (8445)
  • lwp night cor (8411)
  • lwp night std (8411)
  • lwp night unc (8445)
  • lwp std (13227)
  • lwp unc (448)
  • lwsffluxaero (3297)
  • lwsnl (7072)
  • lwtoacsaer (69)
  • lwtoafluxaerocs (2572)
  • masscello (3934)
  • masso (3137)
  • maxpblz (38)
  • mc (4086)
  • mcd (159)
  • mcu (456)
  • meanage (135)
  • mfo (4632)
  • minpblz (38)
  • missingdatafraction (1)
  • mlotst (11113)
  • mlotstmax (782)
  • mlotstmin (1196)
  • mlotstsq (1157)
  • mmraerh2o (235)
  • mmrbc (1560)
  • mmrdust (1595)
  • mmrnh4 (68)
  • mmrno3 (77)
  • mmroa (1555)
  • mmrpm1 (224)
  • mmrpm10 (32)
  • mmrpm2p5 (183)
  • mmrso4 (1560)
  • mmrsoa (1478)
  • mmrss (1595)
  • mrfso (12866)
  • mrfsofr (20)
  • mrlqso (20)
  • mrlsl (160)
  • mrlso (5436)
  • mross (6)
  • mrro (16509)
  • mrroLut (266)
  • mrrob (51)
  • mrros (9689)
  • mrsfl (9584)
  • mrsll (9782)
  • mrso (19811)
  • mrsoLut (266)
  • mrsofc (5195)
  • mrsol (10347)
  • mrsos (14165)
  • mrsosLut (167)
  • mrsow (17)
  • mrtws (6822)
  • msftbarot (4881)
  • msftmrho (2166)
  • msftmrhompa (331)
  • msftmrhoz (28)
  • msftmyz (533)
  • msftmyza (288)
  • msftmyzba (430)
  • msftmz (2219)
  • msftmzmpa (331)
  • msftyrho (117)
  • msftyrhoz (19)
  • msftyrhozba (19)
  • msftyyz (21)
  • msftyyzba (19)
  • msftyz (7024)
  • mslc (6)
  • n2o (334)
  • n2oglobal (3241)
  • nLand (2005)
  • nLeaf (1497)
  • nLitter (2005)
  • nLitterCwd (87)
  • nLitterSubSurf (87)
  • nLitterSurf (87)
  • nMineral (1990)
  • nMineralNH4 (1411)
  • nMineralNO3 (1411)
  • nOther (87)
  • nProduct (581)
  • nRoot (1497)
  • nSoil (2006)
  • nStem (1498)
  • nVeg (2006)
  • n obs (238)
  • n obs all ascend (18639)
  • n obs all ascend descend (18639)
  • n obs all descend (18639)
  • n obs valid ascend (18639)
  • n obs valid ascend descend (18639)
  • n obs valid descend (18639)
  • nbp (7540)
  • necavg (1)
  • necbLut (263)
  • nep (7525)
  • netAtmosLandCO2Flux (220)
  • nh4 (2766)
  • nh4os (60)
  • no (107)
  • no2 (107)
  • no3 (6954)
  • no3os (1674)
  • nobs (51116)
  • nobs cloud (12372)
  • nobs cloud day (12372)
  • nobs cloud ice (12372)
  • nobs cloud liq (12372)
  • nobs cloud night (12372)
  • nobs day (407)
  • nobs night (407)
  • noy (198)
  • npp (9126)
  • nppGrass (3829)
  • nppLeaf (6435)
  • nppLut (266)
  • nppOther (3375)
  • nppRoot (6435)
  • nppShrub (3)
  • nppStem (3375)
  • nppTree (3829)
  • nppWood (6433)
  • npvcf1 (26)
  • npvcf1avg (1)
  • npvcf2 (23)
  • npvcf2avg (1)
  • npvcf3 (23)
  • npvcf3avg (1)
  • nudgincsm (9)
  • nwcf1 (22)
  • nwcf1avg (1)
  • nwcf2 (23)
  • nwcf2avg (1)
  • nwcf3 (23)
  • nwdFracLut (5440)
  • nwhdd (22)
  • nwhddavg (1)
  • o2 (6954)
  • o2min (1287)
  • o2os (1674)
  • o2sat (325)
  • o2satos (325)
  • o3 (6229)
  • o3loss (100)
  • o3prod (100)
  • o3ste (59)
  • obvfsq (1098)
  • ocfriver (106)
  • ocontempdiff (154)
  • ocontempmint (13)
  • ocontemppadvect (152)
  • ocontemppmdiff (152)
  • ocontemppsmadvect (25)
  • ocontemprmadvect (182)
  • ocontemptend (154)
  • od440aer (3501)
  • od443dust (13)
  • od550aer (5279)
  • od550aerh2o (2989)
  • od550aerso (97)
  • od550bc (4188)
  • od550csaer (159)
  • od550dust (4151)
  • od550lt1aer (876)
  • od550no3 (2843)
  • od550oa (4146)
  • od550so4 (4152)
  • od550soa (68)
  • od550ss (4146)
  • od865dust (13)
  • od870aer (551)
  • oh (1714)
  • olr (476)
  • omldamax (1064)
  • omlmax (311)
  • opottempmint (343)
  • orog (11879)
  • orogIs (41)
  • osaltdiff (154)
  • osaltpadvect (152)
  • osaltpmdiff (152)
  • osaltpsmadvect (25)
  • osaltrmadvect (182)
  • osalttend (154)
  • otwpcfiec1 (1)
  • otwpcfiec2 (1)
  • otwpcfiec3 (1)
  • overpasses (1)
  • oxloss (67)
  • oxprod (67)
  • pabigthetao (7)
  • pan (58)
  • parasolRefl (494)
  • pastureFrac (159)
  • pastureFracC3 (142)
  • pastureFracC4 (142)
  • pbfe (278)
  • pbo (3078)
  • pbsi (747)
  • pcalc (286)
  • pctisccp (7067)
  • pctisccpunweighted (1)
  • pdi (164)
  • pfull (5729)
  • ph (3847)
  • phalf (5709)
  • phnat (479)
  • phnatos (240)
  • phos (437)
  • photo1d (6)
  • phyc (5922)
  • phycos (2322)
  • phydiat (2843)
  • phydiatos (141)
  • phyfe (2685)
  • phyfeos (2093)
  • phymisc (2844)
  • phymiscos (141)
  • phyn (325)
  • phynos (371)
  • phypmisc (164)
  • physi (2360)
  • physios (1768)
  • pixel count (1397)
  • pixel count day (13612)
  • pixel count night (13164)
  • pixel time day (4719)
  • pixel time night (4719)
  • pnitrate (1378)
  • po4 (7426)
  • po4os (568)
  • pon (326)
  • ponos (325)
  • pop (326)
  • popos (325)
  • pp (5023)
  • ppdiat (2462)
  • ppmisc (2462)
  • ppos (1023)
  • pr (90761)
  • pr-bc (120)
  • pr-fl (120)
  • prAdjust (410)
  • prAnom (26)
  • prAnom corr pea (26)
  • prAnom mse (26)
  • prbigthetao (7)
  • prc (15353)
  • prcprof (22)
  • precip (8794)
  • precip error (486)
  • prhmax (10349)
  • prls (6)
  • prlsns (23)
  • prlsprof (22)
  • prra (2396)
  • prraIs (38)
  • prrc (108)
  • prrsn (13)
  • prsn (21787)
  • prsnIs (41)
  • prsnc (93)
  • prsnsn (13)
  • prveg (7397)
  • prw (13946)
  • ps (22789)
  • psitem (41)
  • psl (85135)
  • pslAnom (26)
  • pslAnom corr pea (26)
  • pslAnom mse (26)
  • pso (1132)
  • ptp (5496)
  • qgwr (47)
  • rGrowth (6463)
  • rMaint (6463)
  • ra (9076)
  • raGrass (3829)
  • raLut (265)
  • raShrub (3)
  • raTree (3829)
  • ref ice (12779)
  • ref ice error (12779)
  • ref ice error std (12779)
  • ref ice std (12779)
  • ref liq (12779)
  • ref liq error (12779)
  • ref liq error std (12779)
  • ref liq std (12779)
  • reffclis (83)
  • reffclwc (189)
  • reffclws (382)
  • reffclwtop (1602)
  • remoc (200)
  • residualFrac (5901)
  • rh (9007)
  • rhGrass (3826)
  • rhLitter (3826)
  • rhLut (266)
  • rhSoil (3826)
  • rhTree (3826)
  • rhopoto (419)
  • rhs (327)
  • rhsmax (273)
  • rhsmin (273)
  • ridgice (29)
  • rinfw (1)
  • rivi (13)
  • rivo (1539)
  • rld (419)
  • rld4co2 (2780)
  • rldcs (428)
  • rldcs4co2 (2781)
  • rlds (26002)
  • rldsIs (41)
  • rldscs (13060)
  • rldssi (46)
  • rlntds (525)
  • rls (11268)
  • rlsaf (4)
  • rlscsaf (4)
  • rlu (438)
  • rlu4co2 (2781)
  • rlucs (429)
  • rlucs4co2 (2781)
  • rlus (19097)
  • rlusIs (41)
  • rlusLut (79)
  • rluscs (32)
  • rlussi (47)
  • rlut (26092)
  • rlut4co2 (2784)
  • rlutaf (1919)
  • rlutcs (13823)
  • rlutcs4co2 (2784)
  • rlutcsaf (1930)
  • rootd (5182)
  • rpvcf1 (23)
  • rpvcf2 (23)
  • rpvcf3 (23)
  • rsd (446)
  • rsd4co2 (2781)
  • rsdcs (464)
  • rsdcs4co2 (2781)
  • rsdo (1676)
  • rsdoabsorb (22)
  • rsds (82186)
  • rsdsAdjust (167)
  • rsdsAnom (26)
  • rsdsAnom corr pea (26)
  • rsdsAnom mse (26)
  • rsdsIs (41)
  • rsdscs (14445)
  • rsdsdiff (3334)
  • rsdssi (217)
  • rsdt (20025)
  • rsf (476)
  • rsntds (7182)
  • rss (10980)
  • rssaf (4)
  • rsscsaf (4)
  • rsu (446)
  • rsu4co2 (2781)
  • rsucs (464)
  • rsucs4co2 (2781)
  • rsus (19793)
  • rsusIs (41)
  • rsusLut (79)
  • rsuscs (14427)
  • rsussi (46)
  • rsut (20397)
  • rsut4co2 (2784)
  • rsutaf (1919)
  • rsutcs (14020)
  • rsutcs4co2 (2784)
  • rsutcsaf (1888)
  • rtmt (7928)
  • rv850 (126)
  • rwcf1 (23)
  • rwcf2 (23)
  • rwcf3 (23)
  • rwhdd (1)
  • rzwc (20)
  • samplesMISR (1)
  • sandfrac (37)
  • sbl (4282)
  • sblnosn (13)
  • sblsi (165)
  • sci (992)
  • sconcbc (413)
  • sconcdust (4197)
  • sconcoa (339)
  • sconcpoa (71)
  • sconcso4 (4219)
  • sconcsoa (32)
  • sconcss (4071)
  • sdl (473)
  • sdl std (473)
  • sedustCI (14)
  • sf6 (1076)
  • sfcWind (71933)
  • sfcWindAdjust (210)
  • sfcWindAnom (26)
  • sfcWindAnom corr pea (26)
  • sfcWindAnom mse (26)
  • sfcWindmax (19494)
  • sfcWindmaxmax (92)
  • sfdsi (3469)
  • sfno2 (19)
  • sfo3 (20)
  • sfo3max (15)
  • sfpm25 (2)
  • sfriver (607)
  • sftgif (6345)
  • sftgrf (9506)
  • sftlf (9375)
  • sftof (4363)
  • shrubFrac (1394)
  • si (6030)
  • siage (3190)
  • siareaacrossline (1847)
  • siarean (2786)
  • siareas (2540)
  • sic (2337)
  • sicompstren (2347)
  • siconc (12391)
  • siconca (4227)
  • sidconcdyn (1703)
  • sidconcth (1702)
  • sidivvel (2012)
  • sidmassdyn (2419)
  • sidmassevapsubl (2364)
  • sidmassgrowthbot (3176)
  • sidmassgrowthwat (3173)
  • sidmasslat (718)
  • sidmassmeltbot (3189)
  • sidmassmelttop (3187)
  • sidmasssi (3174)
  • sidmassth (2416)
  • sidmasstranx (2347)
  • sidmasstrany (2348)
  • sidragbot (43)
  • siextentn (2898)
  • siextents (2899)
  • sifb (1705)
  • siflcondbot (1702)
  • siflcondtop (1702)
  • siflfwbot (2172)
  • siflfwdrain (1360)
  • sifllatstop (2507)
  • sifllwdtop (400)
  • sifllwutop (723)
  • siflsenstop (1710)
  • siflsensupbot (2175)
  • siflswdbot (647)
  • siflswdtop (874)
  • siflswutop (722)
  • siforcecoriolx (1317)
  • siforcecorioly (1317)
  • siforceintstrx (1317)
  • siforceintstry (1317)
  • siforcetiltx (1317)
  • siforcetilty (1317)
  • sihc (2587)
  • siitdconc (1316)
  • siitdsnconc (329)
  • siitdsnthick (1316)
  • siitdthick (1316)
  • siltfrac (24)
  • sim (127)
  • simass (4458)
  • simassacrossline (1853)
  • simpconc (399)
  • sios (1203)
  • sipr (2230)
  • sirdgconc (330)
  • sirdgthick (331)
  • sis (473)
  • sis std (473)
  • sisali (1201)
  • sisaltmass (2015)
  • sishevel (986)
  • sisnconc (2553)
  • sisnhc (2140)
  • sisnmass (2830)
  • sisnthick (6283)
  • sispeed (6274)
  • sistremax (986)
  • sistresave (986)
  • sistrxdtop (2071)
  • sistrxubot (1899)
  • sistrydtop (2071)
  • sistryubot (1899)
  • sit (1147)
  • sitempbot (1702)
  • sitempsnic (3830)
  • sitemptop (6573)
  • sithick (10196)
  • sitimefrac (2861)
  • siu (7987)
  • siv (7985)
  • sivol (6957)
  • sivoln (2898)
  • sivols (2898)
  • sltbasin (115)
  • slthick (65)
  • sltnorth (288)
  • sltnortha (363)
  • sltovgyre (952)
  • sltovovrt (953)
  • smc (125)
  • snc (15988)
  • snd (17861)
  • sndmassdyn (1375)
  • sndmassmelt (3199)
  • sndmasssi (1707)
  • sndmasssnf (3638)
  • sndmasssubl (1306)
  • sndmasswindrif (331)
  • snl (473)
  • snl std (473)
  • snld (356)
  • snm (6482)
  • snmassacrossline (1844)
  • snoToIce (272)
  • snomelt (280)
  • snowmxrat (61)
  • snownc (6)
  • snrefr (13)
  • sns (473)
  • sns std (473)
  • snw (11024)
  • so (11144)
  • so2 (1572)
  • sob (894)
  • soga (5344)
  • soil bounds (9)
  • soil layer (9)
  • sol (473)
  • sol std (473)
  • solbnd (34)
  • somint (537)
  • sootsn (1462)
  • sos (10442)
  • sosga (2975)
  • sossq (841)
  • spco2 (4025)
  • spco2nat (338)
  • spv (46)
  • srb (473)
  • srb std (473)
  • srs (473)
  • srs std (473)
  • ssi (63)
  • sst (225)
  • strairx (297)
  • strairy (297)
  • streng (65)
  • strocnx (133)
  • strocny (133)
  • sund (1931)
  • sw (20)
  • sweLut (76)
  • swit (7)
  • swsffluxaero (2572)
  • swtoafluxaerocs (2572)
  • sza (36)
  • t2 (30)
  • t20d (9441)
  • tSoilPools (571)
  • ta (34703)
  • ta1000 (3)
  • ta200 (1959)
  • ta250 (29)
  • ta300 (296)
  • ta400 (296)
  • ta500 (2249)
  • ta50m (7)
  • ta600 (296)
  • ta700 (3429)
  • ta850 (10963)
  • ta875 (2)
  • ta900 (2)
  • ta925 (334)
  • ta950 (2)
  • ta975 (31)
  • talk (7430)
  • talknat (719)
  • talknatos (242)
  • talkos (569)
  • tas (86192)
  • tasAdjust (457)
  • tasAnom (26)
  • tasAnom corr pea (26)
  • tasAnom mse (26)
  • tasLut (79)
  • tasmax (71472)
  • tasmax-bc (120)
  • tasmaxAdjust (338)
  • tasmaxAnom (26)
  • tasmaxAnom corr pea (26)
  • tasmaxAnom mse (26)
  • tasmaxts (4)
  • tasmin (71835)
  • tasmin-bc (120)
  • tasminAdjust (338)
  • tasminAnom (26)
  • tasminAnom corr pea (26)
  • tasminAnom mse (26)
  • tasmints (4)
  • tatp (268)
  • tau (8)
  • tauu (16010)
  • tauucorr (94)
  • tauuo (8142)
  • tauv (16009)
  • tauvcorr (94)
  • tauvo (8142)
  • tb18 mean ascend (18639)
  • tb18 mean descend (18639)
  • tb18 std ascend (18639)
  • tb18 std descend (18639)
  • tcs (27)
  • tcwv (238)
  • tcwv back (238)
  • tcwv err (238)
  • tcwv stdev (238)
  • tdps (10888)
  • tgs (40)
  • thetao (11390)
  • thetaoga (3993)
  • thetaot (4793)
  • thetaot2000 (4733)
  • thetaot300 (4730)
  • thetaot700 (4728)
  • thetapw1000 (3)
  • thetapw700 (3)
  • thetapw850 (3)
  • thetapw925 (3)
  • thkcello (4854)
  • time bounds (8794)
  • tmelt (272)
  • tnhus (564)
  • tnhusa (556)
  • tnhusc (550)
  • tnhusd (315)
  • tnhusmp (556)
  • tnhuspbl (88)
  • tnhusscp (88)
  • tnhusscpbl (554)
  • tnkebto (114)
  • tnpeo (857)
  • tnt (614)
  • tnta (556)
  • tntc (705)
  • tntd (63)
  • tntmp (771)
  • tntnogw (1)
  • tntogw (142)
  • tntpbl (88)
  • tntr (554)
  • tntrl (128)
  • tntrlcs (236)
  • tntrs (121)
  • tntrscs (234)
  • tntscp (231)
  • tntscpbl (556)
  • tob (1307)
  • toffset (68)
  • tomint (37)
  • tos (15664)
  • tosga (1009)
  • tossq (2396)
  • toz (1906)
  • tpf (123)
  • tr (24)
  • tran (5723)
  • transifs (111)
  • transix (442)
  • transiy (445)
  • treeFrac (8167)
  • treeFracBdlDcd (4425)
  • treeFracBdlEvg (4425)
  • treeFracNdlDcd (4424)
  • treeFracNdlEvg (4425)
  • treeFracPrimDec (3689)
  • treeFracPrimEver (3687)
  • treeFracSecDec (3)
  • treeFracSecEver (3)
  • tro3 (291)
  • tropoz (66)
  • ts (16805)
  • tsIs (41)
  • tsice (636)
  • tsl (11977)
  • tsland (19)
  • tslsi (1108)
  • tslsiLut (79)
  • tsmax (6)
  • tsmin (6)
  • tsn (533)
  • tsnint (71)
  • tsnl (13)
  • tsns (17)
  • ttop (125)
  • twap (30)
  • u2 (31)
  • u200 (36)
  • u500 (36)
  • u850 (36)
  • ua (32695)
  • ua10 (1434)
  • ua1000 (3)
  • ua100m (273)
  • ua150m (7)
  • ua200 (1923)
  • ua200m (7)
  • ua250 (29)
  • ua250m (7)
  • ua300 (296)
  • ua400 (296)
  • ua500 (1920)
  • ua50m (7)
  • ua600 (296)
  • ua700 (342)
  • ua850 (2053)
  • ua875 (2)
  • ua900 (2)
  • ua925 (332)
  • ua950 (2)
  • ua975 (31)
  • uas (42393)
  • umo (6828)
  • uncalipso (3)
  • uo (9797)
  • uqint (79)
  • usi (544)
  • ustar (6)
  • ut (31)
  • utendepfd (1351)
  • utendnogw (373)
  • utendogw (364)
  • utendvtem (41)
  • utendwtem (41)
  • uth mean ascend (18639)
  • uth mean ascend descend (18639)
  • uth mean descend (18639)
  • uth median ascend (18639)
  • uth median ascend descend (18639)
  • uth median descend (18639)
  • uth std ascend (18639)
  • uth std ascend descend (18639)
  • uth std descend (18639)
  • uv (30)
  • uwap (30)
  • v2 (29)
  • v200 (36)
  • v500 (36)
  • v850 (36)
  • va (31651)
  • va1000 (3)
  • va100m (273)
  • va150m (7)
  • va200 (1923)
  • va200m (7)
  • va250 (29)
  • va250m (7)
  • va300 (296)
  • va400 (296)
  • va500 (1920)
  • va50m (7)
  • va600 (296)
  • va700 (342)
  • va850 (2052)
  • va875 (2)
  • va900 (2)
  • va925 (332)
  • va950 (2)
  • va975 (31)
  • valid fraction (238)
  • vas (42391)
  • vegFrac (6722)
  • vegHeight (1966)
  • vertices latitude (2)
  • vertices longitude (2)
  • vmo (6827)
  • vmrox (67)
  • vo (9794)
  • volcello (2865)
  • volo (3084)
  • vqint (80)
  • vsf (1785)
  • vsfcorr (104)
  • vsfevap (66)
  • vsfpr (66)
  • vsfriver (66)
  • vsfsit (161)
  • vsi (544)
  • vt (30)
  • vt100 (41)
  • vtem (1014)
  • vtendnogw (157)
  • vtendogw (143)
  • vwap (30)
  • wa (133)
  • wa1000 (1)
  • wa200 (1)
  • wa500 (3)
  • wa700 (1)
  • wa850 (1)
  • wa925 (1)
  • wap (21302)
  • wap2 (30)
  • wap200 (7)
  • wap500 (4453)
  • wap700 (7)
  • wap850 (7)
  • wap925 (7)
  • wbepi (1)
  • wbptemp (6)
  • weareffreq (2)
  • wearegdist (22)
  • wetbc (422)
  • wetdust (525)
  • wetlandCH4 (1410)
  • wetlandFrac (1989)
  • wetnh3 (65)
  • wetnh4 (68)
  • wetnoy (65)
  • wetoa (330)
  • wetpoa (69)
  • wetso2 (1689)
  • wetso4 (570)
  • wetss (389)
  • wfcorr (735)
  • wfo (3906)
  • wfonocorr (3021)
  • wilt (39)
  • wmo (4226)
  • wmosq (288)
  • wo (3798)
  • wofcfr (46)
  • woncfr (46)
  • wpcfiec1 (1)
  • wpcfiec2 (1)
  • wpcfiec3 (1)
  • ws100 (46)
  • wsgmax10m (20)
  • wsgsmax (268)
  • wtd (1733)
  • wtem (1014)
  • xgwdparam (25)
  • ygwdparam (25)
  • zfull (5329)
  • zfullo (327)
  • zg (28597)
  • zg10 (1460)
  • zg100 (195)
  • zg1000 (5658)
  • zg100m (7)
  • zg150m (7)
  • zg200 (1966)
  • zg200m (7)
  • zg250 (29)
  • zg250m (7)
  • zg300 (303)
  • zg350 (7)
  • zg400 (303)
  • zg450 (7)
  • zg500 (11016)
  • zg50m (7)
  • zg550 (7)
  • zg600 (303)
  • zg650 (7)
  • zg700 (343)
  • zg750 (7)
  • zg800 (7)
  • zg850 (398)
  • zg875 (2)
  • zg900 (9)
  • zg925 (338)
  • zg950 (2)
  • zg975 (31)
  • zhalf (58)
  • zhalfo (570)
  • zmeso (2844)
  • zmesoos (140)
  • zmicro (2843)
  • zmicroos (140)
  • zmla (1034)
  • zmtnt (136)
  • zo2min (2346)
  • zooc (4466)
  • zoocmisc (1)
  • zoocos (425)
  • zos (9789)
  • zosga (287)
  • zossga (288)
  • zossq (2600)
  • zostoga (7338)
  • zsatarag (326)
  • zsatcalc (432)
  • ztp (5675)
  • (8833)
  • 1D-Var Total Column Water Vapor from MERIS and SSM/I (238)
  • 2-D Maximum Convective Available Potential Energy (3)
  • 2-m specific humidity (36)
  • 20C isotherm depth (4310)
  • 2m Dewpoint Temperature (1858)
  • 2m dewpoint temperature (9030)
  • 3D field of transported CO2 (17)
  • 3D-Field of Transported CO2 (34)
  • Accumulated Morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
  • Accumulated downwelling LW flux at top (6)
  • Accumulated snow (9)
  • Accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
  • Aerodynamic Resistance (27)
  • Aerodynamic resistance (20)
  • Aerosol Extinction Coefficient (2)
  • Aerosol Number Concentration (38)
  • Aerosol Sulfate Mass Mixing Ratio (1476)
  • Aerosol Water Mass Mixing Ratio (219)
  • Aerosol Water Optical Thickness at 550nm (204)
  • Aerosol extinction coefficient (58)
  • Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm due to stratospheric volcanic aerosols (2572)
  • Aerosol sulfate mass mixing ratio (84)
  • Aerosol water mass mixing ratio (16)
  • Age of Sea Ice (1972)
  • Age of sea ice (1311)
  • Air Pressure (164)
  • Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base (4064)
  • Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top (4069)
  • Air Temperature (55104)
  • Air temperature (108)
  • Albedo (356)
  • Altitude of Model Full-Levels (5329)
  • Altitude of Model Half-Levels (58)
  • Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550 nm (373)
  • Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550nm (240)
  • Ambient Aerosol Extinction at 550 nm (229)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Depth at 870nm (204)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 440nm (670)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (407)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm (873)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 870 nm (181)
  • Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (218)
  • Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (338)
  • Annual Gross Percentage That Was Transferred into This Tile from Other Land-Use Tiles (141)
  • Annual Gross Percentage of Land-Use Tile That Was Transferred into Other Land-Use Tiles (26)
  • Annual gross percentage of Land-use tile that was transferred into other Land-use tiles (115)
  • Anomaly of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Anomaly of Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Anomaly of Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (26)
  • Anomaly of Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Anomaly of Near-Surface Relative Humidity (26)
  • Anomaly of Precipitation (26)
  • Anomaly of Sea Level Pressure (26)
  • Anomaly of Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (26)
  • Anthropogenic Heat Flux Generated from non-Renewable Human Primary Energy Consumption (3)
  • Anthropogenic Pasture Fraction (12)
  • Aqueous-Phase Production Rate of SO4 (54)
  • Aqueous-phase production rate of SO4 (4)
  • Aragonite Concentration (913)
  • Aragonite Saturation Depth (326)
  • Atlantic Northward Ocean Heat Transport (288)
  • Atlantic Northward Ocean Salt Transport (363)
  • Atmosphere CO2 (18)
  • Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area (186)
  • Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thickness (4)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Grass Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Land-Use Tile as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (78)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Shrub Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Tree Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Average Error of 1D-Var Total Column Water Vapor (238)
  • Average layer fraction of frozen moisture (20)
  • Average layer fraction of liquid moisture (20)
  • Average normal stress in sea ice (986)
  • Avg evaporation (36)
  • Avg latent heat flux (36)
  • Avg sensible heat flux (36)
  • Avg soil moisture 1 (36)
  • Background (a priori) of 1D-Var Total Column Water Vapor from ECMWF ERA Interim (238)
  • Bare Soil Evaporation (27)
  • Bare Soil Fraction (1252)
  • Bare Soil Percentage (5498)
  • Bare Soil Percentage Area Coverage (1428)
  • Bare soil evaporation (20)
  • Bias-Adjust Near-Surface Wind Speed (131)
  • Bias-Adjusted Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (338)
  • Bias-Adjusted Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (338)
  • Bias-Adjusted Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (108)
  • Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Air Temperature (457)
  • Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Relative Humidity (15)
  • Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Wind Speed (17)
  • Bias-Adjusted Precipitation (410)
  • Bias-Adjusted Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (167)
  • Biogenic Iron Production (278)
  • Biogenic Silica Production (667)
  • Biogenic Silicon Production (80)
  • Biological Nitrogen Fixation (754)
  • Black Carbon Optical Thickness at 550nm (205)
  • Boundary Layer Depth (1502)
  • Brightness temperature mean ascending passes (18639)
  • Brightness temperature mean descending passes (18639)
  • Brightness temperature standard deviation ascending passes (18639)
  • Brightness temperature standard deviation descending passes (18639)
  • Broadleaf Deciduous Tree Area Percentage (726)
  • Broadleaf Evergreen Tree Area Percentage (726)
  • Broadleaf deciduous tree area percentage (3349)
  • Broadleaf deciduous tree fraction (350)
  • Broadleaf evergreen tree area percentage (3349)
  • Broadleaf evergreen tree fraction (350)
  • Burnt Area Fraction (45)
  • C2H2 Volume Mixing Ratio (1)
  • C2H2 volume mixing ratio (4)
  • C2H6 Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • C2H6 volume mixing ratio (4)
  • C3 Grass Area Percentage (5364)
  • C3 Natural Grass Area Percentage (114)
  • C3 Pasture Area Percentage (142)
  • C3 grass Area Percentage (507)
  • C3H6 volume mixing ratio (14)
  • C3H6 Volume Mixing Ratio (44)
  • C3H8 volume mixing ratio (14)
  • C3H8 Volume Mixing Ratio (44)
  • C4 Grass Area Percentage (5363)
  • C4 Natural Grass Area Percentage (114)
  • C4 Pasture Area Percentage (142)
  • C4 grass Area Percentage (508)
  • CALIPSO 3D Clear fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO 3D Undefined fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Clear Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Area Fraction (68)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Fraction (3031)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Fraction Undetected by CloudSat (85)
  • CALIPSO High Level Cloud Area Percentage (1088)
  • CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction (3114)
  • CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Cover Percentage (1089)
  • CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction (3096)
  • CALIPSO Low-Level Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Cover Percentage (1088)
  • CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction (3114)
  • CALIPSO Percentage Cloud Cover (340)
  • CALIPSO Percentage High Level Cloud (2944)
  • CALIPSO Percentage Low Level Cloud (2959)
  • CALIPSO Percentage Mid Level Cloud (2944)
  • CALIPSO Percentage Total Cloud (340)
  • CALIPSO Scattering Ratio (40)
  • CALIPSO Scattering Ratio CFAD (68)
  • CALIPSO Total Cloud Cover Percentage (1088)
  • CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction (3114)
  • CALIPSO ice cloud Fraction (15)
  • CALIPSO liquid cloud Fraction (15)
  • CH3COCH3 volume mixing ratio (14)
  • CH3COCH3 Volume Mixing Ratio (44)
  • CH4 volume mixing ratio (189)
  • CO Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • CO volume mixing ratio (46)
  • CO2 volume mixing ratio (41)
  • Calcite Concentration (3023)
  • Calcite Concentration at Surface (183)
  • Calcite Dissolution (286)
  • Calcite Production (527)
  • Calcite Saturation Depth (432)
  • Canopy Albedo (15)
  • Canopy covered area percentage (20)
  • Capacity of Soil to Store Water (5195)
  • Carbon in Above and Below-Ground Litter Pools on Land-Use Tiles (3)
  • Carbon Harvested Due to Land-Use or Land-Cover Change Process That Enters Anthropogenic Product Pools on Tile (78)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Leaf (3688)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Roots (3688)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Wood (3686)
  • Carbon Mass Flux from Litter, CWD or any non-Living Pool into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from All Fire [kgC m-2 s-1] (177)
  • Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation into Atmosphere due to CO2 Emission from all Fire (135)
  • Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation, Litter or Soil Pools into the Atmosphere Due to any Human Activity (12)
  • Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation, Litter or Soil Pools into the Atmosphere Due to any Human Activity [kgC m-2 s-1] (90)
  • Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation, Litter or Soil Pools into the Atmosphere due to Any Human Activity (3326)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to All Anthropogenic Emissions of CO2 (44)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to All Anthropogenic Emissions of CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1] (105)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (522)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (2886)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Fire Excluding Land-Use Change (34)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Fire Excluding Land-Use Change [kgC m-2 s-1] (2852)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Natural Fire (12)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Natural Fire [kgC m-2 s-1] (1499)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Crop Harvesting (34)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Crop Harvesting [kgC m-2 s-1] (1477)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Fossil Fuel Emissions of CO2 (10)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Grazing on Land (34)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Grazing on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (106)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Growth Autotrophic Respiration on Land (19)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (531)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration on Land (19)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (2766)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (5668)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to CO2 Emission from Fire (349)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to CO2 Emission from natural Fire (143)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to CO2 emissions from Fire resulting from all sources including natural, anthropogenic and land use change. (143)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Crop Harvesting (3970)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Growth Autotrophic Respiration on Land (3678)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration from Litter on Land (3826)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration from Soil on Land (3826)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (5590)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration on Land (3678)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land (551)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (2885)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (528)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (2858)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Primary Production on Land (531)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Gross Primary Production on Land (5822)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (4154)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Primary Production on Land (5735)
  • Carbon Mass in Above-Ground Litter (7659)
  • Carbon Mass in Below-Ground Litter (8062)
  • Carbon Mass in Coarse Woody Debris (3364)
  • Carbon Mass in Fast Soil Pool (7381)
  • Carbon Mass in Leaves (7493)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter Pool (7637)
  • Carbon Mass in Medium Soil Pool (7381)
  • Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool (3392)
  • Carbon Mass in Other Living Compartments on Land (5066)
  • Carbon Mass in Products of Land Use Change (4213)
  • Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change (627)
  • Carbon Mass in Roots (7487)
  • Carbon Mass in Slow Soil Pool (7381)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil Pool (4251)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil Pool Above 1m Depth (1411)
  • Carbon Mass in Stem (5324)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation (7645)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation Components Other than Leaves, Stems and Roots (87)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation Components other than Leaves, Stems and Roots (3375)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Grass Tiles (3)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Shrub Tiles (3)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Tree Tiles (3)
  • Carbon Mass in Wood (7383)
  • Carbon Transferred Directly to Atmosphere Due to any Land-Use or Land-Cover Change Activities (12)
  • Carbon Transferred Directly to Atmosphere Due to any Land-Use or Land-Cover Change Activities [kgC m-2 s-1] (77)
  • Carbon Transferred to Soil or Litter Pools Due to Land-Use or Land-Cover Change Processes on Tile (87)
  • Carbon in Vegetation on Land-Use Tiles (3)
  • Carbon mass in each model soil pool (summed over vertical levels) (571)
  • Carbon mass in litter on grass tiles (3826)
  • Carbon mass in litter on tree tiles (3826)
  • Carbon mass in soil on grass tiles (3826)
  • Carbon mass in soil on tree tiles (3826)
  • Carbon mass in vegetation on grass tiles (3826)
  • Carbon mass in vegetation on tree tiles (3826)
  • Carbonate Ion Concentration (2378)
  • Carbonate ion Concentration (465)
  • Carbonate ion Concentration for sea water in equilibrium with pure Calcite (465)
  • Change in Groundwater (20)
  • Change in Interception Storage (20)
  • Change in River Storage (20)
  • Change in Surface Water Storage (20)
  • Change in snow water equivalent (20)
  • Change in snow/ice cold content (20)
  • Change in soil moisture (20)
  • Change in surface heat storage (20)
  • Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (204)
  • Clay Fraction (39)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Cloud Area Fraction (1204)
  • Cloud Area Fraction in Atmosphere Layer (2972)
  • Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentration at Liquid Cloud Top (1409)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration (210)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration At Cloud Top (9)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (417)
  • Cloud Fraction retrieved by MISR (1)
  • Cloud Ice Mixing Ratio (36)
  • Cloud Liquid Droplet Number Concentration (4325)
  • Cloud Optical Depth (1160)
  • Cloud Water Mixing Ratio (36)
  • Cloud fraction (38)
  • Cloud water content (38)
  • Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius (1458)
  • Cloud-top Effective Droplet Radius (10)
  • CloudSat 94GHz radar Total Cloud Fraction (1)
  • CloudSat Radar Reflectivity (32)
  • CloudSat Radar Reflectivity CFAD (69)
  • Column Ice Water Content (5)
  • Column Integrated Cloud Droplet Number (184)
  • Column Water Vapour (4)
  • Compressive Sea Ice Strength (1107)
  • Compressive sea ice strength (1305)
  • Concentration of Biomass Burning Aerosol (33)
  • Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (401)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (330)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (70)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (33)
  • Concentration of Dust (401)
  • Concentration of SO4 (401)
  • Concentration of Seasalt (260)
  • Condensed Water Path (13324)
  • Congelation Sea Ice Growth Rate (108)
  • Convective Cloud Area Fraction (626)
  • Convective Cloud Cover Percentage (52)
  • Convective Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (189)
  • Convective Cloud Fraction (14)
  • Convective Condensed Water Path (52)
  • Convective Ice Water Path (48)
  • Convective Mass Flux (4086)
  • Convective Precipitation (15087)
  • Convective Rainfall Flux (22)
  • Convective Rainfall rate (108)
  • Convective Snowfall Flux (93)
  • Convective Updraft Mass Flux (1)
  • Convective precipitation (262)
  • Coriolis Force Term in Force Balance (X-Component) (331)
  • Coriolis Force Term in Force Balance (Y-Component) (331)
  • Coriolis force term in force balance (x-component) (986)
  • Coriolis force term in force balance (y-component) (986)
  • Crop Fraction (1232)
  • DMS volume mixing ratio (14)
  • Daily Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (299)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (71589)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Relative Humidity (762)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature (4)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (12641)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed Of Gust (6)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (262)
  • Daily Maximum O3 Volume Mixing Ratio in Lowest Model Layer (12)
  • Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (480)
  • Daily Maximum Surface Temperature (5)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (71916)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Relative Humidity (1086)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature (3)
  • Daily Minimum Surface Temperature (5)
  • Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (10096)
  • Decomposition out of Product Pools to CO2 in Atmosphere (480)
  • Decomposition out of Product Pools to CO2 in Atmosphere as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (87)
  • Deep Convective Mass Flux (125)
  • Deforested Biomass That Goes into Atmosphere as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use Change [kgC m-2 s-1] (1)
  • Deforested Biomass That Goes into Product Pool as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use Change (1970)
  • Deforested biomass that goes into atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic land use change (3834)
  • Deforested biomass that goes into product pool as a result of anthropogenic land use change (3829)
  • Deforested or Harvested Biomass as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use or Change (1502)
  • Delta CO2 Partial Pressure (414)
  • Delta O2 Partial Pressure (81)
  • Delta PCO2 (1954)
  • Delta PO2 (1945)
  • Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 2000m (2344)
  • Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 300m (2344)
  • Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 700m (2342)
  • Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers (570)
  • Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer (327)
  • Depth Integral of Product of Sea Water Density and Conservative Temperature (13)
  • Depth Integral of Product of Sea Water Density and Prognostic Salinity (361)
  • Depth average potential temperature of upper 2000m (2389)
  • Depth average potential temperature of upper 300m (2386)
  • Depth average potential temperature of upper 700m (2386)
  • Depth of 20 degree Celsius Isotherm (5131)
  • Depth of Oxygen Minimum Concentration (2346)
  • Depth to Soil Thaw (27)
  • Depth to soil thaw (13)
  • Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration (4586)
  • Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (183)
  • Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (170)
  • Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (175)
  • Diatom Primary Carbon Production (164)
  • Dimethyl Sulphide (DMS) Mole Fraction (1464)
  • Dissolve Oxygen Concentration (170)
  • Dissolve Oxygen Concentration at Surface (175)
  • Dissolved Ammonium Concentration (2597)
  • Dissolved Ammonium Concentration at Surface (169)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (4611)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration at Surface (189)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Content (2355)
  • Dissolved Iron Concentration (3491)
  • Dissolved Iron Concentration at Surface (183)
  • Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (6765)
  • Dissolved Nitrate Concentration at Surface (189)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (3677)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (183)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Content (514)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (6595)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation (325)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Phosphate Concentration (183)
  • Dissolved Phosphate Concentration at Surface (189)
  • Dissolved Silicate Concentration (183)
  • Dissolved Silicate Concentration at Surface (189)
  • Divergence of the Sea-Ice Velocity Field (1026)
  • Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field (986)
  • Downdraft Convective Mass Flux (159)
  • Downward Flux of Aragonite (478)
  • Downward Flux of Calcite (3717)
  • Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon (653)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Iron (2278)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Nitrogen (333)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Organic Carbon (3627)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Phosphorus (333)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Silica (648)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Silicon (3060)
  • Downward Heat Flux at Land Surface (24)
  • Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface (7826)
  • Downward Heat Flux into Snow Where Land over Land (4407)
  • Downward Inorganic Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (2186)
  • Downward Organic Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (541)
  • Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux (2477)
  • Downward Shortwave over Sea Ice (1)
  • Downward heat flux at snow base (13)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (428)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (464)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Downwelling Long Wave over Sea Ice (46)
  • Downwelling Longwave Flux over Sea Ice (400)
  • Downwelling Longwave Radiation (416)
  • Downwelling Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2780)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Flux Under Sea Ice (330)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Flux over Sea Ice (579)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (446)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation in Sea Water (1695)
  • Downwelling Shortwave over Sea Ice (216)
  • Downwelling shortwave flux over sea ice (295)
  • Downwelling shortwave flux under sea ice (317)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (273)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (69)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter (179)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dust (374)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of NH3 (54)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of NH4 (54)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of NOy (54)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of O3 (54)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of SO2 (1676)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of SO4 (421)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Sea-Salt Aerosol (179)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Seasalt (36)
  • Dry and Wet Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen onto Land (1988)
  • Duration of Sunshine (1625)
  • Duration of sunshine (270)
  • Dust Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio (1476)
  • Dust Optical Thickness at 550nm (205)
  • Dust aerosol mass mixing ratio (119)
  • Eastward Acceleration Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (3)
  • Eastward Acceleration Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (2)
  • Eastward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (16)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind (40586)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind Speed (1479)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (6)
  • Eastward Wind (40022)
  • Eastward Wind at 10 hPa (95)
  • Eastward Wind at 100m (259)
  • Eastward Wind at 10hPa (1339)
  • Eastward near-surface wind (270)
  • Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Temperature (2)
  • Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Temperature Variable (45)
  • Eddy Diffusivity Coefficients for Temperature (160)
  • Eddy Viscosity Coefficient for Momentum (2)
  • Eddy Viscosity Coefficient for Momentum Variables (49)
  • Eddy Viscosity Coefficients for Momentum (160)
  • Elemental Carbon Mass Mixing Ratio (1476)
  • Elemental carbon mass mixing ratio (84)
  • Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (217)
  • Emission Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (33)
  • Energy of Fusion (4)
  • Energy of Sublimation (4)
  • Energy of fusion (13)
  • Energy of sublimation (13)
  • Evaporation (4409)
  • Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration (7255)
  • Evaporation from Canopy (5710)
  • Evaporation including Sublimation and Transpiration (6414)
  • Field Capacity (39)
  • Flux from Wood and Agricultural Product Pools on Land Use Tile into Atmosphere (12)
  • Flux of Inorganic Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff (107)
  • Flux of Organic Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff (106)
  • Formaldehyde Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • Formaldehyde volume mixing ratio (46)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell Covered with Glacier (3104)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil (1238)
  • Fraction of Time Convection Occurs (1569)
  • Fraction of Time Convection Occurs in Cell (84)
  • Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs (992)
  • Fraction of Time Steps with Sea Ice (738)
  • Fraction of rainfall on snow. (13)
  • Fraction of snowfall on snow. (13)
  • Fraction of time steps with sea ice (2123)
  • Frazil Sea Ice Growth (Leads) Rate (136)
  • Freshwater Flux from Sea Ice (871)
  • Freshwater Flux from Sea-Ice Surface (331)
  • Freshwater flux from sea ice (1301)
  • Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface (1029)
  • Frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
  • Frozen Soil Depth (25)
  • Frozen Water Content of Soil Layer (2515)
  • Frozen water content of soil layer (7069)
  • Gas-Phase Production Rate of SO4 (54)
  • Gas-phase production rate of SO4 (4)
  • Geopotential Height (34303)
  • Geopotential Height at 10 hPa (95)
  • Geopotential Height at 100 hPa (95)
  • Geopotential Height at 1000 hPa (4279)
  • Geopotential Height at 1000hPa (1376)
  • Geopotential Height at 100hPa (100)
  • Geopotential Height at 10hPa (1365)
  • Geopotential Height at 200 hPa (6)
  • Geopotential Height at 500 hPa (5731)
  • Geopotential Height at 500hPa (3306)
  • Geopotential height at 200hPa (36)
  • Geopotential height at 500hPa (36)
  • Global Average Sea Level Change (287)
  • Global Average Sea Surface Salinity (2975)
  • Global Average Sea Surface Temperature (1009)
  • Global Average Sea Water Conservative Temperature (2583)
  • Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature (3993)
  • Global Average Steric Sea Level Change (288)
  • Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change (7338)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC11 (1661)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC12 (1661)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH4 (3294)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of N2O (3241)
  • Global Mean Sea Water Salinity (5344)
  • Grid Averaged Methane Emissions from Wetlands (1410)
  • Grid Eastward Wind (80)
  • Grid Northward Wind (80)
  • Grid-Cell Area (3233)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Grid Variables (3857)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Variables (5209)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables (3219)
  • Grid-Cell Area for River Model Variables (1489)
  • Gross Primary Production on Grass Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Gross Primary Production on Land-Use Tile as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (78)
  • Gross Primary Production on Shrub Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Gross Primary Production on Tree Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Gross Primary Productivity on Land-Use Tile (12)
  • Grounded Ice Sheet Area Fraction (9506)
  • Groundwater Recharge from Soil Layer (27)
  • Groundwater recharge from soil layer (20)
  • HCl Volume Mixing Ratio (2)
  • HCl volume mixing ratio (189)
  • HNO3 Volume Mixing Ratio (108)
  • HNO3 volume mixing ratio (207)
  • HO2 Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • HO2 volume mixing ratio (144)
  • Harvested Biomass That Goes Straight into Atmosphere as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (1)
  • Harvested Biomass That Goes into Product Pool (1411)
  • Harvested biomass that goes into product pool (3378)
  • Harvested biomass that goes straight into atmosphere (3383)
  • Heat Flux Correction (1082)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water Due to Frazil Ice Formation (1842)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water Due to Iceberg Thermodynamics (5)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics (250)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (171)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Snow Thermodynamics (250)
  • Heat content of upper 300 meters (579)
  • Height of Boundary Layer (994)
  • Height of the Vegetation Canopy (1966)
  • Heterotrophic Respiration on Land-Use Tile as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (79)
  • High Level Cloud Fraction (584)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Cloud Ice (83)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water (137)
  • ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (3067)
  • ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (Joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (7066)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (7066)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Unweighted, daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Percentage Cloud Area (352)
  • ISCCP Total Cloud Cover Percentage (1103)
  • ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (512)
  • ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Total Total Cloud Fraction (2989)
  • Ice Cloud Optical Depth (10)
  • Ice Sheet Rainfall rate (38)
  • Ice Sheet Snowfall Flux (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Altitude (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Temperature (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (41)
  • Ice Sheet Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (41)
  • Ice Water Path (13626)
  • Ice mixing ratio (38)
  • Integral with Respect to Depth of Product of Sea Water Density and Potential Temperature (343)
  • Interception Evaporation (27)
  • Interception evaporation (20)
  • Internal Stress Term in Force Balance (X-Component) (331)
  • Internal Stress Term in Force Balance (Y-Component) (331)
  • Internal stress term in force balance (x-component) (986)
  • Internal stress term in force balance (y-component) (986)
  • Iron Limitation of Diatoms (1384)
  • Iron Limitation of Other Phytoplankton (1849)
  • Iron Loss to Sediments (330)
  • Iron Production (2019)
  • Iron limitation of Diatoms (464)
  • Irradiance Limitation of Diatoms (1383)
  • Irradiance Limitation of Other Phytoplankton (1849)
  • Irradiance limitation of Diatoms (464)
  • Irrigation Flux Including any Irrigation for Crops, Trees, Pasture, or Urban Lawns (91)
  • Isoprene Volume Mixing Ratio (1462)
  • Isoprene volume mixing ratio (4)
  • LW at TOA (36)
  • LW downwelling at ground (36)
  • Land Area Fraction (6160)
  • Land Ice Area Percentage (3241)
  • Land Surface Temperature (4)
  • Land area fraction (5)
  • Latent Heat Flux on Land-Use Tile (3)
  • Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate (228)
  • Lateral Sea Ice Melt Rate (400)
  • Lateral Transfer of Carbon out of Grid Cell That Eventually Goes into Ocean (102)
  • Lateral Transfer of Nitrogen out of Grid Cell That Eventually Goes into Ocean (102)
  • Lateral sea ice melt rate (318)
  • Latitude (8794)
  • Layer-Integrated Lightning Production of NOx (51)
  • Leaf Area Index (11932)
  • Leaf Area Index on Land Use Tile (175)
  • Leaf Area Index on Land-Use Tile (91)
  • Lidar and Radar Total Cloud Fraction (72)
  • Liquid Cloud Optical Depth (10)
  • Liquid Water Content (6)
  • Liquid Water Content of Snow Layer (7072)
  • Liquid Water Content of Soil Layer (2713)
  • Liquid Water Path (1509)
  • Liquid water content of soil layer (7069)
  • Load of Black Carbon Aerosol (3123)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (3054)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (2774)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (33)
  • Load of Dust (4630)
  • Load of NO3 (2705)
  • Load of SO4 (3252)
  • Load of Sea-Salt Aerosol (1409)
  • Load of Seasalt (3252)
  • Longitude (8794)
  • Longwave Flux Due to Volcanic Aerosols at the Surface (1)
  • Longwave flux due to volcanic aerosols at the surface (3296)
  • Longwave flux due to volcanic aerosols at TOA under clear sky (2572)
  • Longwave heating rate (127)
  • Low Level Cloud Fraction (585)
  • MODIS Ice Cloud Area Percentage (1101)
  • MODIS Liquid Cloud Fraction (14)
  • MODIS Liquid Cloud Percentage (1087)
  • MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, ice (44)
  • MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, liquid (44)
  • MODIS Total Cloud Cover Percentage (1101)
  • Mass Concentration of Diatom expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (567)
  • Mass Concentration of Diatoms Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (2)
  • Mass Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (1389)
  • Mass Concentration of Other Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (2)
  • Mass Concentration of Other Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (1958)
  • Mass Concentration of Total Chlorophyll in sea water (563)
  • Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (1334)
  • Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (1391)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice (6354)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water (6365)
  • Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Ice (181)
  • Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Liquid Water (358)
  • Mass Fraction of Snow in Air (61)
  • Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice (181)
  • Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water (358)
  • Mass Fraction of Water (210)
  • Mass of salt in sea ice per area (2015)
  • Max. surface air temperature (2)
  • Maximum 10m wind speed (36)
  • Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (10050)
  • Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (782)
  • Maximum PBL Height (38)
  • Maximum Root Depth (5182)
  • Maximum Wind Speed of Gust at 10m (20)
  • Maximum screen temperature (36)
  • Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (986)
  • Maximum shear stress in sea ice (986)
  • Mean Age of Stratospheric Air (135)
  • Mean Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (6813)
  • Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (584)
  • Mean Sea Level Pressure (6)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Near-Surface Relative Humidity (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Precipitation (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Sea Level Pressure (26)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (26)
  • Mean sea level pressure (36)
  • Meridional Mass Streamfunction (288)
  • Meridional Mass Streamfunction Due to Bolus Advection (288)
  • Meridional Mass Streamfunction in the Atlantic (288)
  • Meridional Wind at 200 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Wind at 500 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Wind at 850 hPa (6)
  • Meridional component of wind (southerly) (144)
  • Meridional wind at 200hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at 500hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at 850hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind stress (36)
  • Mid Level Cloud Fraction (575)
  • Min. surface air temperature (2)
  • Mineral Ammonium in the Soil (1411)
  • Mineral Nitrate in the Soil (1411)
  • Mineral Nitrogen in the Soil (1990)
  • Minimum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (1196)
  • Minimum PBL Height (38)
  • Minimum screen temperature (36)
  • Missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
  • Moisture in Upper 0.1 m of Soil Column (1)
  • Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column (14164)
  • Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column of Land-Use Tile (91)
  • Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column of land use tile (76)
  • Mole Concentration of CFC11 in Sea Water (527)
  • Mole Concentration of CFC12 in Sea Water (496)
  • Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation (164)
  • Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface (160)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Aragonite in Sea Water (654)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Calcite in Sea Water (659)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Calcite in sea water (1391)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (177)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (174)
  • Mole Concentration of Diatoms Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (82)
  • Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (164)
  • Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (169)
  • Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in sea water (2428)
  • Mole Concentration of Dimethyl Sulphide in sea water (107)
  • Mole Concentration of Dissolved Iron in sea water (571)
  • Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (82)
  • Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (164)
  • Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (169)
  • Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (2429)
  • Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (82)
  • Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (164)
  • Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (169)
  • Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (2428)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (82)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (164)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (169)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (2429)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (657)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (326)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (326)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (985)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter expressed as Iron in sea water (1893)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter expressed as Silicon in sea water (1390)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter expressed as silicon in sea water (503)
  • Mole Concentration of SF6 in Sea Water (497)
  • Mole Concentration of SF6 in sea water (576)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (407)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (325)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (82)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton expressed as Iron in sea water (1954)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton expressed as Silicon in sea water (1954)
  • Mole Fraction of CH4 (304)
  • Mole Fraction of CO2 (691)
  • Mole Fraction of DMS (212)
  • Mole Fraction of N2O (144)
  • Mole Fraction of O3 (4470)
  • Mole Fraction of SO2 (212)
  • Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water (1)
  • Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in sea water (2)
  • Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-12 in sea water (3)
  • Moles Per Unit Mass of SF6 in sea water (3)
  • Momentum Flux (4)
  • Momentum flux (4)
  • Monthly Loss of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide (54)
  • Monthly Loss of Atmospheric Methane (54)
  • Monthly Loss of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide (1)
  • Monthly Loss of atmospheric Carbon Monoxide (4)
  • Monthly Loss of atmospheric Methane (4)
  • Monthly Loss of atmospheric Nitrous Oxide (4)
  • Monthly Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
  • Monthly Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (311)
  • N2O volume mixing ratio (190)
  • NH4 Mass Mixing Ratio (54)
  • NH4 mass mixing ratio (14)
  • NO Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • NO volume mixing ratio (53)
  • NO2 Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • NO2 Volume Mixing Ratio in Lowest Model Layer (19)
  • NO2 volume mixing ratio (53)
  • NO3 Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio (54)
  • NO3 aerosol mass mixing ratio (23)
  • NOAA CDR of GPCP Satellite-Gauge Combined Precipitation Error (486)
  • NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Daily GPCP Satellite-Gauge Combined Precipitation (8308)
  • NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of GPCP Monthly Satellite-Gauge Combined Precipitation (486)
  • Natural Carbonate Ion Concentration (478)
  • Natural Delta CO2 Partial Pressure (240)
  • Natural Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (1200)
  • Natural Grass Area Percentage (6904)
  • Natural Grass Fraction (1018)
  • Natural Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 (338)
  • Natural Total Alkalinity (719)
  • Natural pH (479)
  • Near-Surface Air Temperature (84206)
  • Near-Surface Air Temperature on Land Use Tile (3)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidity (67255)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidty (6)
  • Near-Surface Specific Humidity (21150)
  • Near-Surface Specific Humidity on Land-Use Tile (3)
  • Near-Surface Wind Speed (61839)
  • Needleleaf Deciduous Tree Area Percentage (725)
  • Needleleaf Evergreen Tree Area Percentage (726)
  • Needleleaf deciduous tree area percentage (3349)
  • Needleleaf deciduous tree fraction (350)
  • Needleleaf evergreen tree area percentage (3349)
  • Needleleaf evergreen tree fraction (350)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux from Wood and Agricultural Product Pools on Land Use Tile into Atmosphere [kgC m-2 s-1] (75)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change (34)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change [kgC m-2 s-1] (1483)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Land Use Change (4126)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Land-Use Tile [kgC m-2 s-1] (76)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land. (4173)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land (493)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (309)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] (2550)
  • Net Conductive Heat Flux in Ice at the Surface (399)
  • Net Conductive Heat Fluxes in Ice at the Bottom (399)
  • Net Downward Flux at Top of Model (4278)
  • Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model (3650)
  • Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Sea Water Surface (7182)
  • Net Flux of CO2 Between Atmosphere and Land (Positive into Land) as a Result of All Processes (12)
  • Net Flux of CO2 Between Atmosphere and Land (Positive into Land) as a Result of All Processes [kgC m-2 s-1] (103)
  • Net Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (2184)
  • Net Longwave Surface Radiation (10624)
  • Net Nitrogen Release from Soil and Litter as the Outcome of Nitrogen Immobilisation and Gross Mineralisation (2002)
  • Net Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms (4320)
  • Net Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton (4319)
  • Net Primary Production Allocated to Leaves as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (2747)
  • Net Primary Production Allocated to Roots as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (2747)
  • Net Primary Production Allocated to Wood as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (2747)
  • Net Primary Production on Grass Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Net Primary Production on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (2860)
  • Net Primary Production on Land-Use Tile as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (79)
  • Net Primary Production on Shrub Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Net Primary Production on Tree Tiles as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (3)
  • Net Primary Productivity on Land-Use Tile (12)
  • Net Rate of Absorption of Shortwave Energy in Ocean Layer (22)
  • Net Rate of Carbon Accumulation (or Loss) on Land-Use Tile (12)
  • Net Shortwave Surface Radiation (10980)
  • Net Upward Sensible Heat Flux Under Sea Ice (870)
  • Net Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (1710)
  • Net conductive heat flux in ice at the surface (1303)
  • Net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (1303)
  • Net flux of CO2 between atmosphere and land (positive into land) as a result of all processes. (105)
  • Net latent heat flux over sea ice (323)
  • Net longwave surface radiation (644)
  • Net upward sensible heat flux under sea ice (964)
  • Nitrate Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (54)
  • Nitrogen Fixation Rate in Ocean (2347)
  • Nitrogen Limitation of Diatoms (1384)
  • Nitrogen Limitation of Other Phytoplankton (1848)
  • Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and Through Denitrification (330)
  • Nitrogen Mass Flux out of Land Due to any Human Activity (102)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Above-Ground Litter (non CWD) (87)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Below-Ground Litter (non CWD) (87)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Coarse Woody Debris (87)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Leaves (1497)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Litter Pool (2005)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Products of Land-Use Change (581)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Roots (1497)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Soil Pool (2006)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Stem (1498)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation (2006)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation Components Other than Leaves, Stem and Root (87)
  • Nitrogen limitation of Diatoms (465)
  • Non-Woody Vegetation Percentage Cover (570)
  • Non-woody Vegetation Percentage Cover (4699)
  • Northward Acceleration Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (2)
  • Northward Acceleration Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (1)
  • Northward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux (1314)
  • Northward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (16)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind (40584)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind Speed (1479)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (6)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport (5258)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Gyre (724)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Overturning (724)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (334)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection (544)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (331)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection (136)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffusion (134)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffussion (2)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Gyre (735)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Overturning (737)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport (403)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport Due to Gyre (724)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport Due to Overturning (724)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Gyre (228)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Overturning (229)
  • Northward Wind (38977)
  • Northward Wind at 100m (259)
  • Northward heat flux due to eddies (41)
  • Northward near-surface wind (270)
  • Nudging Increment of Water in Soil Mositure (9)
  • Number all observations (18639)
  • Number all observations ascending passes (18639)
  • Number all observations descending passes (18639)
  • Number of CloudSat Profiles Contributing to the Calculation (1)
  • Number of Daily Averages used to derive the Monthly Average (408)
  • Number of MISR Samples (1)
  • Number of Observations of the surface downwelling longwave flux (408)
  • Number of Observations of the surface downwelling shortwave flux (12826)
  • Number of valid UTH retrievals ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • Number of valid UTH retrievals ascending passes (18639)
  • Number of valid UTH retrievals descending passes (18639)
  • O3 Destruction Rate (54)
  • O3 Production Rate (54)
  • O3 Volume Mixing Ratio in Lowest Model Layer (23)
  • O3 destruction rate (46)
  • O3 production rate (46)
  • OH Volume Mixing Ratio (1516)
  • OH volume mixing ratio (198)
  • Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC1 class turbine (1)
  • Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC2 class turbine (1)
  • Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC3 class turbine (1)
  • Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction (4881)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Area (157)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per Area (3027)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per area (510)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Volume (2865)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport (2824)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport due to Bolus Advection (243)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport due to Diffusion (240)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport (2823)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Bolus Advection (247)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Diffussion (242)
  • Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to Vertical Friction (114)
  • Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction (114)
  • Ocean Mass X Transport (6828)
  • Ocean Mass Y Transport (6827)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction (4630)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection (662)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (142)
  • Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (10469)
  • Ocean Model Cell Thickness (4854)
  • Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity (122)
  • Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity (122)
  • Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity (122)
  • Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity (814)
  • Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity (755)
  • Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Tides (120)
  • Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity (134)
  • Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Tides (689)
  • Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction (7162)
  • Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (19)
  • Ocean drag coefficient (43)
  • Ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma T (644)
  • Offset Time (68)
  • Offshore Wind Capacity factor (46)
  • Omega (=dp/dt) (6540)
  • Onshore Wind Capacity factor (46)
  • Open Water Evaporation (20)
  • Optical thickness at 443 nm Dust (13)
  • Optical thickness at 865 nm Dust (13)
  • Other Phytoplankton Carbon Production (164)
  • Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (170)
  • Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (175)
  • Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (1)
  • Oxygen Minimum Concentration (1287)
  • Ozone volume mixing ratio (2050)
  • PAN Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • PAN volume mixing ratio (4)
  • PARASOL Reflectance (494)
  • PBL depth (36)
  • PM1.0 Mass Mixing Ratio (172)
  • PM1.0 mass mixing ratio (52)
  • PM10 Mass Mixing Ratio (21)
  • PM10 mass mixing ratio (11)
  • PM2.5 Mass Mixing Ratio (172)
  • PM2.5 Mass Mixing Ratio in Lowest Model Layer (2)
  • PM2.5 mass mixing ratio (11)
  • Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration (164)
  • Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration at Surface (160)
  • Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration (177)
  • Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration at Surface (174)
  • Particulate Organic Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (54)
  • Particulate Organic Carbon Content (512)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Near-Surface Air Temperature (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Near-Surface Relative Humidity (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Precipitation (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Sea Level Pressure (26)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (26)
  • Percentage Cloud Cover (2204)
  • Percentage Cloud Cover as Calculated by the MISR Simulator (30)
  • Percentage Cover by C3 Crops (5986)
  • Percentage Cover by C3 Plant Functional Type (5332)
  • Percentage Cover by C4 Crops (5407)
  • Percentage Cover by C4 Plant Functional Type (5333)
  • Percentage Cover by Primary Deciduous Tree (3358)
  • Percentage Cover by Primary Evergreen Trees (3358)
  • Percentage Cover by Shrub (1352)
  • Percentage Cover of Sea Ice by Meltpond (399)
  • Percentage Cover of Sea Ice by Ridging (330)
  • Percentage Crop Cover (6964)
  • Percentage of Area by Vegetation or Land-Cover Category (576)
  • Percentage of Area by Vegetation/Land Cover Category (3347)
  • Percentage of Entire Grid Cell That Is Covered by Burnt Vegetation (All Classes) (127)
  • Percentage of Entire Grid cell that is Covered by Burnt Vegetation (All Classes) (228)
  • Percentage of Grid Cell That Is Land but neither Vegetation Covered nor Bare Soil (681)
  • Percentage of Grid Cell for Each Land-Use Tile (1253)
  • Percentage of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil (3982)
  • Percentage of Land Which Is Anthropogenic Pasture (147)
  • Percentage of grid cell for each land use tile (3992)
  • Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (Including Lakes) (448)
  • Percentage of the grid cell occupied by land (including lakes) (2760)
  • Permafrost Layer Thickness (123)
  • Photolysis Rate of NO2 (54)
  • Photolysis Rate of Ozone (O3) to Excited Atomic Oxygen (the Singlet D State, O1D) (1)
  • Photovoltaic capacity factor averaged by country (1)
  • Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (5748)
  • Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (174)
  • Phytoplankton Iron Concentration (164)
  • Phytoplankton Iron Concentration at Surface (160)
  • Phytoplankton Silica Concentration (164)
  • Phytoplankton Silica Concentration at Surface (160)
  • Plant Functional Type Grid Fraction (465)
  • Plant Respiration on Land-Use Tile (12)
  • Potential Evapotranspiration (5919)
  • Precipitable water column (36)
  • Precipitation (90551)
  • Precipitation Flux (2)
  • Precipitation flux (1)
  • Precipitation large scale (6)
  • Precipitation onto Canopy (7397)
  • Pressure Tendency (1506)
  • Pressure at Model Full-Levels (2225)
  • Pressure on Model Half-Levels (5709)
  • Pressure on Model Levels (3340)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton (2815)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Due to Nitrate Uptake Alone (1)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton due to Nitrate Uptake Alone (1377)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Total Phytoplankton (3231)
  • Primary Emission and Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (1459)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton (2860)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms (160)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton (160)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone (2017)
  • Rainfall Flux (64)
  • Rainfall Flux over Land (16)
  • Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (2604)
  • Rainfall Rate over Sea Ice (2183)
  • Rainfall rate over sea ice (47)
  • Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity Due to Biological Activity (80)
  • Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity due to Biological Activity (1378)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Due to Biological Activity (80)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity (1378)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron Due to Biological Activity (81)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron due to Biological Activity (1378)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Due to Biological Activity (81)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity (1378)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Due to Biological Activity (81)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus due to Biological Activity (1378)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Due to Biological Activity (81)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicon due to Biological Activity (1378)
  • Rate of Emission and Production of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter (184)
  • Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (272)
  • Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice (272)
  • Re-freezing of water in the snow (13)
  • Region Selection Index (5608)
  • Relative Humidity (15663)
  • Relative Vorticity at 850 hPa (42)
  • Relative Vorticity at 850hPa (84)
  • Relative humidity (38)
  • Remineralization of Organic Carbon (200)
  • Ridged Ice Thickness (331)
  • River Discharge (1539)
  • River Inflow (13)
  • Root zone soil moisture (20)
  • Runoff (36)
  • SO2 Volume Mixing Ratio (1462)
  • SO2 volume mixing ratio (110)
  • Salt Flux into Sea Water from Rivers (607)
  • Salt flux from sea ice (992)
  • Sand Fraction (37)
  • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (52)
  • Screen temperature (36)
  • Sea Area Fraction (828)
  • Sea Area Percentage (3535)
  • Sea Floor Depth (157)
  • Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid (3226)
  • Sea Ice Albedo (246)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (2144)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (Atmospheric Grid) (2968)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (Ocean Grid) (5436)
  • Sea Ice Flag (6)
  • Sea Ice Heat Content (103)
  • Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait (111)
  • Sea Ice Plus Surface Snow Amount (127)
  • Sea Ice Ridging Rate (29)
  • Sea Ice Salinity (242)
  • Sea Ice Thickness (11343)
  • Sea Level Pressure (85087)
  • Sea Mass Area Flux Through Straits (543)
  • Sea Salt mass mixing ratio (119)
  • Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (9433)
  • Sea Surface Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (491)
  • Sea Surface Salinity (10442)
  • Sea Surface Temperature (15664)
  • Sea Surface Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (81)
  • Sea Water Added Conservative Temperature (7)
  • Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact (1603)
  • Sea Water Conservative Temperature (2198)
  • Sea Water Convervative Temperature (2961)
  • Sea Water Mass (3137)
  • Sea Water Mass Per Unit Area (397)
  • Sea Water Potential Density (419)
  • Sea Water Potential Temperature (11034)
  • Sea Water Potential Temperature at Sea Floor (1307)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea Floor (2425)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea Water Surface (1132)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor (653)
  • Sea Water Redistributed Conservative Temperature (7)
  • Sea Water Salinity (11144)
  • Sea Water Salinity at Sea Floor (544)
  • Sea Water Surface Downward X Stress (4396)
  • Sea Water Surface Downward Y Stress (4394)
  • Sea Water Transport (4632)
  • Sea Water Vertical Velocity (1029)
  • Sea Water Volume (3084)
  • Sea Water X Velocity (9797)
  • Sea Water Y Velocity (9438)
  • Sea Water Z Velocity (2413)
  • Sea ice area North (1909)
  • Sea ice area South (1909)
  • Sea ice area flux through straits (1305)
  • Sea ice area fraction (187)
  • Sea ice extent North (2021)
  • Sea ice extent South (2022)
  • Sea ice salinity (1022)
  • Sea ice volume North (2021)
  • Sea ice volume South (2021)
  • Sea level pressure (6)
  • Sea mass area flux through straits (1310)
  • Sea surface height above geoid (356)
  • Sea water Y velocity (356)
  • Sea water potential temperature (356)
  • Sea-Ice Area Flux Through Straits (542)
  • Sea-Ice Area North (877)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (1255)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) (6951)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage Tendency Due to Dynamics (400)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage Tendency Due to Thermodynamics (400)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentages in Thickness Categories (330)
  • Sea-Ice Area South (631)
  • Sea-Ice Extent North (877)
  • Sea-Ice Extent South (877)
  • Sea-Ice Freeboard (400)
  • Sea-Ice Heat Content per Unit Area (571)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Basal Growth (1872)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Bottom Melting (1879)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Evaporation and Sublimation (1051)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Growth in Supercooled Open Water (Frazil) (1872)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Snow-to-Ice Conversion (1871)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Surface Melting (1878)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change from Dynamics (403)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change from Thermodynamics (400)
  • Sea-Ice Mass per Area (2467)
  • Sea-Ice Speed (2914)
  • Sea-Ice Thickness in Thickness Categories (330)
  • Sea-Ice Volume North (877)
  • Sea-Ice Volume South (877)
  • Sea-Ice Volume per Area (4173)
  • Sea-Salt Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio (1476)
  • Sea-Salt Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (205)
  • Sea-Surface Tilt Term in Force Balance (X-Component) (331)
  • Sea-Surface Tilt Term in Force Balance (Y-Component) (331)
  • Sea-ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (4)
  • Sea-ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) (4)
  • Sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories (986)
  • Sea-ice freeboard (1305)
  • Sea-ice heat content per unit area (2016)
  • Sea-ice mass per area (1991)
  • Sea-ice speed (3360)
  • Sea-ice thickness in thickness categories (986)
  • Sea-ice volume per area (2784)
  • Sea-surface tilt term in force balance (x-component) (986)
  • Sea-surface tilt term in force balance (y-component) (986)
  • Seasonal Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
  • Secondary Organic Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio (1462)
  • Secondary organic aerosol mass mixing ratio (16)
  • Sedimentation Flux of dust mode coarse insoluble (14)
  • Sensible Heat Flux on Land-Use Tile (3)
  • Shallow Convective Mass Flux (125)
  • Shortwave flux due to volcanic aerosols at TOA under clear sky (2572)
  • Shortwave heating rate (120)
  • Shortwave heating rate due to volcanic aerosols (2572)
  • Shrub Fraction (42)
  • Silica Production (626)
  • Silicon Production (1393)
  • Silt Fraction (24)
  • Sinking Calcite Flux (376)
  • Sinking Particulate Iron Flux (2129)
  • Sinking Particulate Organic Carbon Flux (1972)
  • Sinking Particulate Silica Flux (291)
  • Sinking Particulate Silicon Flux (162)
  • Snow Age (3698)
  • Snow Albedo (24)
  • Snow Area Fraction (12227)
  • Snow Area Percentage (5496)
  • Snow Area Percentages in Ice Thickness Categories (329)
  • Snow Depth (17634)
  • Snow Evaporation (38)
  • Snow Heat Content per Unit Area (400)
  • Snow Internal Temperature (533)
  • Snow Mass Change Through Snow Fall (2323)
  • Snow Mass Flux Through Straits (541)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Advection by Sea-Ice Dynamics (72)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Evaporation or Sublimation (3)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Melt (1888)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Snow-to-Ice Conversion (403)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Wind Drift of Snow (331)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Avection by Sea-ice Dynamics (1303)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Evaporation or Sublimation (1303)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Melt (1311)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Snow-to-Ice Conversion (1304)
  • Snow Mass per Area (1122)
  • Snow Melt Rate (280)
  • Snow Soot Content (1462)
  • Snow Surface Temperature (17)
  • Snow Thickness (2851)
  • Snow Thickness in Ice Thickness Categories (330)
  • Snow area fraction (556)
  • Snow depth (227)
  • Snow depth (liquid water) (36)
  • Snow mass flux through straits (1303)
  • Snow mass per area (1708)
  • Snow melt (2)
  • Snow thickness (3432)
  • Snow thickness in thickness categories (986)
  • Snow-Ice Formation Rate (272)
  • Snow-heat content per unit area (1740)
  • Snowfall Flux (18438)
  • Snowfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (2803)
  • Snowmelt (36)
  • Soil Frozen Water Content (12604)
  • Soil Heterotrophic Respiration on Land-Use Tile (12)
  • Soil Liquid Water Content (5436)
  • Soil frozen water content (36)
  • Soil frozen water content Content (226)
  • Soil layer depth (9)
  • Solar Zenith Angle (34)
  • Solar downwelling at ground (36)
  • Solar in at TOA (36)
  • Solar out at TOA (36)
  • Solid Precipitation (235)
  • Specific Humidity (26545)
  • Specific Humidity at 850 hPa (6)
  • Specific humidity at 200hPa (36)
  • Specific humidity at 850hPa (36)
  • Specific humidity in air (144)
  • Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water (1098)
  • Square of Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (1157)
  • Square of Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (2600)
  • Square of Sea Surface Salinity (841)
  • Square of Sea Surface Temperature (2396)
  • Square of Upward Ocean Mass Transport (288)
  • Standard Deviation of the surface downwelling longwave flux (408)
  • Standard Deviation of the surface downwelling shortwave flux (12826)
  • Standard deviation of 1D-Var Total Column Water Vapor (238)
  • Strain Rate Divergence of Sea Ice (65)
  • Stratiform Cloud Area Fraction (91)
  • Stratiform Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (227)
  • Stratiform Cloud Liquid Droplet Effective Radius (18)
  • Stratiform Rainfall Flux (22)
  • Stratiform Snowfall Flux (23)
  • Stratospheric Optical depth at 550 nm (all aerosols) 2D-field (here we limit the computation of OD to the stratosphere only) (97)
  • Stratospheric Ozone Tracer Volume Mixing Ratio (59)
  • Sublimation of the snow free area (13)
  • Sublimation over Sea Ice (165)
  • Subsurface Runoff (31)
  • Subsurface runoff (26)
  • Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (205)
  • Sunshine hours (36)
  • Surface Air Pressure (22294)
  • Surface Air Temperature (1356)
  • Surface Air pressure (25)
  • Surface Albedo as simulated by ISBA (11)
  • Surface Altitude (11873)
  • Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 (4025)
  • Surface Calcite Concentration (385)
  • Surface Carbon Mass Flux into the Atmosphere Due to Natural Sources (46)
  • Surface Carbon Mass Flux into the Atmosphere Due to Natural Sources [kgC m-2 s-1] (181)
  • Surface Carbonate Ion Concentration (387)
  • Surface Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (413)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (339)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (71)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (32)
  • Surface Concentration of Dust (4197)
  • Surface Concentration of SO4 (4219)
  • Surface Concentration of Seasalt (4071)
  • Surface Daily Maximum Relative Humidity (1305)
  • Surface Daily Minimum Relative Humidity (6095)
  • Surface Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration (426)
  • Surface Diffuse Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (3334)
  • Surface Dissolved Ammonium Concentration (60)
  • Surface Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (567)
  • Surface Dissolved Iron Concentration (1641)
  • Surface Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (1674)
  • Surface Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (387)
  • Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (1674)
  • Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation (325)
  • Surface Downward CFC11 Flux (263)
  • Surface Downward CFC11 flux (3)
  • Surface Downward CFC12 Flux (282)
  • Surface Downward CFC12 flux (575)
  • Surface Downward CO2 Flux (194)
  • Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress (15974)
  • Surface Downward Flux of Natural CO2 (543)
  • Surface Downward Flux of O2 (4009)
  • Surface Downward Flux of Total CO2 (2452)
  • Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux (549)
  • Surface Downward Mass Flux of Carbon as CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1] (2157)
  • Surface Downward Mass Flux of Carbon as Natural CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1] (478)
  • Surface Downward Net Flux of Iron (1937)
  • Surface Downward Net Flux of Nitrogen (1768)
  • Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress (15973)
  • Surface Downward O2 Flux (183)
  • Surface Downward SF6 Flux (283)
  • Surface Downward SF6 flux (576)
  • Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux (555)
  • Surface Downward X Stress (3746)
  • Surface Downward X Stress Correction (94)
  • Surface Downward Y Stress (3748)
  • Surface Downward Y Stress Correction (94)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (13040)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (14425)
  • Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (26329)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Flux (9)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (94948)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation assuming clear-sky conditions (12826)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation, not compliant with CM SAF target accuracy (12826)
  • Surface Evaporation (5)
  • Surface Latent Heat Flux (6)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Diatoms Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (80)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (1768)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Other Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (79)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Other Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (1768)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (870)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in sea water (1783)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Aragonite in Sea Water (327)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Calcite in Sea Water (327)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Calcite in sea water (60)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Diatoms Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (81)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in sea water (60)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Dimethyl Sulphide in Sea Water (333)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Dimethyl Sulphide in sea water (107)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (80)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (60)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (80)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (60)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (81)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (60)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (325)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (325)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (325)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (325)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter expressed as Iron in sea water (1768)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter expressed as Silicon in sea water (1768)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Phytoplankton Nitrogen in Sea Water (371)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (325)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton expressed as Iron in Sea Water (1768)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton expressed as Silicon in sea water (1768)
  • Surface Natural Carbonate Ion Concentration (240)
  • Surface Natural Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (336)
  • Surface Natural Total Alkalinity (242)
  • Surface Natural pH (240)
  • Surface Net Aerosol-Free Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (4)
  • Surface Net Aerosol-Free Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (4)
  • Surface Net Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (4)
  • Surface Net Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (4)
  • Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation (555)
  • Surface Net Longwave Radiation (408)
  • Surface Net Shortwave Radiation (408)
  • Surface Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (1831)
  • Surface Pressure (348)
  • Surface Radiation Budget (408)
  • Surface Radiative Temperature (24)
  • Surface Rainfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (140)
  • Surface Reflected Shortwave Radiation (408)
  • Surface Runoff (9400)
  • Surface Sensible Heat Flux (6)
  • Surface Snow Amount (10751)
  • Surface Snow Area Fraction (262)
  • Surface Snow Melt (6248)
  • Surface Snow amount (2)
  • Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux (4282)
  • Surface Snow melt (9)
  • Surface Snowfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (311)
  • Surface Temperature (16843)
  • Surface Temperature Where Land or Sea Ice (1108)
  • Surface Temperature of Sea Ice (3196)
  • Surface Temperature on Landuse Tile (79)
  • Surface Total Alkalinity (569)
  • Surface Total Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Concentration (508)
  • Surface Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration (1203)
  • Surface Upward Flux of DMS (440)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (29308)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (47)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (29299)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (47)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat flux (2)
  • Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (14419)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (19463)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave on Land Use Tile (76)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave on Land-Use Tile (3)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave on Land Use Tile (76)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave on Land-use Tile (3)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (19751)
  • Surface Water Storage (20)
  • Surface Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (425)
  • Surface albedo (268)
  • Surface altitude (5)
  • Surface emissivity (221)
  • Surface pH (437)
  • Surface pressure (122)
  • Surface runoff (253)
  • Surface snow amount (226)
  • Surface snow melt (187)
  • Surface temperature (36)
  • Surface temperature of sea ice (4013)
  • Surface wind speed (2)
  • TAI70 time (day) (4719)
  • TAI70 time (night) (4719)
  • TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (19989)
  • TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (1919)
  • TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (1644)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (13792)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2784)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (14000)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2784)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (1930)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (1655)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-sky Longwave Radiation (11)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (26056)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2784)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (20340)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation in 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2784)
  • Temperature Flux Due to Evaporation Expressed as Heat Flux out of Sea Water (2258)
  • Temperature Flux Due to Rainfall Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (694)
  • Temperature Flux due to Evaporation Expressed as Heat Flux Out of Sea Water (1052)
  • Temperature Flux due to Rainfall Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (349)
  • Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (344)
  • Temperature Tendency Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Dissipation (1)
  • Temperature Tendency Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Dissipation (1)
  • Temperature at 200 hPa (6)
  • Temperature at 500 hPa (6)
  • Temperature at 850 hPa (5)
  • Temperature at Ice-Ocean Interface (400)
  • Temperature at Interface Between Sea Ice and Snow (71)
  • Temperature at Snow-Ice Interface (1807)
  • Temperature at ice-ocean interface (1302)
  • Temperature at snow-ice interface (2023)
  • Temperature of Bare Soil (27)
  • Temperature of Soil (11977)
  • Temperature of bare soil (13)
  • Temperature profile in the snow (13)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature (614)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Advection (2)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Boundary Layer Mixing (88)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Clear Sky Longwave Radiative Heating (1)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Clear Sky Shortwave Radiative Heating (1)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Convection (3)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Longwave Radiative Heating (1)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Model Physics (3)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Radiative Heating (2)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Shortwave Radiative Heating (1)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (481)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation (231)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Advection (554)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Clear Sky Longwave Radiative Heating (235)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Clear Sky Shortwave Radiative Heating (233)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Convection (531)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Diabatic Processes (173)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Model Physics (595)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Moist Convection (171)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Numerical Diffusion (63)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Radiative Heating (552)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation (75)
  • Tendency of Eastward Wind Due to Eliassen-Palm Flux Divergence (1311)
  • Tendency of Eastward Wind Due to TEM Northward Advection and Coriolis Term (1)
  • Tendency of Eastward Wind Due to TEM Upward Advection (1)
  • Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport (114)
  • Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content (747)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content (25)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Dianeutral Mixing (25)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (23)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (23)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Submesoscale Advection (25)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (53)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content (25)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Dianeutral Mixing (25)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (23)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (23)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Submesoscale Advection (25)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (53)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity (564)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Advection (2)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Boundary Layer Mixing (88)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Convection (2)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Model Physics (2)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Numerical Diffusion (2)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (383)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation (88)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Advection (554)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Convection (548)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Diffusion (102)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Model Physics (554)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Numerical Diffusion (211)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation (171)
  • Tendency of eastward wind due to Eliassen-Palm Flux divergence (40)
  • Tendency of eastward wind due to TEM northward advection and Coriolis term (40)
  • Tendency of eastward wind due to TEM upward advection (40)
  • Terrestrial Water Storage (1432)
  • Thickness of Soil Layers (65)
  • Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (21)
  • Top-of-Atmosphere Solar Insolation for each band (34)
  • Total Alkalinity (7241)
  • Total Alkalinity at Surface (189)
  • Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2 (3219)
  • Total Autotrophic Respiration on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (2766)
  • Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction (764)
  • Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction (764)
  • Total Canopy Water Storage (24)
  • Total Carbon Loss from Natural and Managed Fire on Land-Use Tile, Including Deforestation Fires (12)
  • Total Carbon Loss from Natural and Managed Fire on Land-Use Tile, Including Deforestation Fires [kgC m-2 s-1] (78)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Litter to Soil (5726)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter (7020)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter as a Result of Leaf, Branch, and Root Senescence (1411)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter as a Result of Mortality (177)
  • Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools (5876)
  • Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (170)
  • Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (175)
  • Total Cloud Cover Percentage (10001)
  • Total Cloud Fraction (47453)
  • Total Column Ozone (155)
  • Total Direct Emission Rate of SO4 (1643)
  • Total Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Concentration (7054)
  • Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration (5658)
  • Total Emission Rate of Biogenic NMVOC (1459)
  • Total Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1458)
  • Total Emission Rate of CO (54)
  • Total Emission Rate of DMS (1676)
  • Total Emission Rate of Dust (1653)
  • Total Emission Rate of Isoprene (1459)
  • Total Emission Rate of NH3 (54)
  • Total Emission Rate of NMVOC (1458)
  • Total Emission Rate of NOx (54)
  • Total Emission Rate of SO2 (1676)
  • Total Emission Rate of Sea-Salt Aerosol (1459)
  • Total Emission Rate of Seasalt (36)
  • Total Emission of Primary Aerosol from Biomass Burning (181)
  • Total Evapotranspiration (13)
  • Total Grazing of Phytoplankton by Zooplankton (2775)
  • Total Heterotrophic Respiration on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] (2886)
  • Total Inorganic Bromine Volume Mixing Ratio (1)
  • Total Inorganic Chlorine Volume Mixing Ratio (1)
  • Total Land N2O Flux (1411)
  • Total Land NOx Flux (1411)
  • Total Net Production of Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol (1)
  • Total Nitrogen Added for Cropland Fertilisation (Artificial and Manure) (279)
  • Total Nitrogen Loss to Leaching or Runoff (Sum of Ammonium, Nitrite and Nitrate) (1987)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2 and Leaching) (1988)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) from All Processes Except Fire (1411)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) from Fire (1411)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Sum of NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) (1987)
  • Total Nitrogen Mass Flux from Litter to Soil (102)
  • Total Nitrogen Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter (102)
  • Total Nitrogen in All Terrestrial Nitrogen Pools (2005)
  • Total Organic Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio (1476)
  • Total Organic Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (205)
  • Total Ozone Column (1751)
  • Total Plant Nitrogen Uptake (Sum of Ammonium and Nitrate) Irrespective of the Source of Nitrogen (725)
  • Total Primary Deciduous Tree Fraction (331)
  • Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (329)
  • Total Reactive Nitrogen Volume Mixing Ratio (54)
  • Total Runoff (16261)
  • Total Runoff from Land-Use Tile (91)
  • Total Secondary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction (3)
  • Total Secondary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (3)
  • Total Soil Moisture (91)
  • Total Soil Moisture Content (19739)
  • Total Soil Wetness (17)
  • Total Soil Wetness Index (7)
  • Total Vegetated Percentage Cover (1380)
  • Total Water Content of Soil Layer (3005)
  • Total carbon loss from natural and managed fire on land use tile, including deforestation fires (76)
  • Total cloud Fraction (11)
  • Total cloud ave (36)
  • Total cloud fraction (226)
  • Total inorganic bromine volume mixing ratio (145)
  • Total inorganic chlorine volume mixing ratio (145)
  • Total organic aerosol mass mixing ratio (79)
  • Total precipitation rate (1)
  • Total reactive nitrogen volume mixing ratio (144)
  • Total runoff (232)
  • Total runoff from land use tile (175)
  • Total soil moisture (175)
  • Total soil moisture content (36)
  • Total vegetated fraction (594)
  • Total vegetated percentage cover (4748)
  • Total water content of soil layer (7342)
  • Total water storage in a grid cell (5390)
  • Transformed Eulerian Mean Mass Streamfunction (1)
  • Transformed Eulerian Mean Northward Wind (1014)
  • Transformed Eulerian Mean Upward Wind (1014)
  • Transformed Eulerian Mean mass stramfunction (40)
  • Transpiration (5723)
  • Tree Cover Fraction (6761)
  • Tree Cover Percentage (1406)
  • Tropopause Air Pressure (5496)
  • Tropopause Air Temperature (268)
  • Tropopause Altitude Above Geoid (235)
  • Tropopause Altitude above Geoid (5440)
  • Tropospheric Ozone Column (66)
  • UTH mean ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • UTH mean ascending passes (18639)
  • UTH mean descending passes (18639)
  • UTH median ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • UTH median ascending passes (18639)
  • UTH median descending passes (18639)
  • UTH standard deviation ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • UTH standard deviation ascending passes (18639)
  • UTH standard deviation descending passes (18639)
  • Updraft Convective Mass Flux (455)
  • Upward Air Velocity (141)
  • Upward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux (1314)
  • Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor (2301)
  • Upward Long Wave over Sea Ice (47)
  • Upward Ocean Mass Transport (4226)
  • Upward Shortwave over Sea Ice (46)
  • Upward moisture flux at the surface (6)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (429)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (464)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Upwelling Longwave Flux over Sea Ice (723)
  • Upwelling Longwave Radiation (441)
  • Upwelling Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Upwelling Longwave radiation (36)
  • Upwelling Shortwave Flux over Sea Ice (722)
  • Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (446)
  • Upwelling Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (2781)
  • Upwelling Shortwave radiation (36)
  • Upwelling Surface Shortwave Radiation (6)
  • Vegetation Canopy Temperature (27)
  • Vertical Integral Of Mass Content Of Hail (1)
  • Vertical Velocity In Pressure Coordinates (35)
  • Vertically Averaged Sea Water Potential Temperature (4793)
  • Vertically Integrated Eastward Dry Statice Energy Transport (1)
  • Vertically Integrated Eastward Moisture Transport (513)
  • Vertically Integrated Mass Content of Air in Layer (204)
  • Vertically Integrated Northward Dry Static Energy Transport (1)
  • Vertically Integrated Northward Moisture Transport (513)
  • Vertically integrated Eastward dry transport (cp.T +zg).u (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (5372)
  • Vertically integrated Eastward moisture transport (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of eastward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (5363)
  • Vertically integrated Northward dry transport (cp.T +zg).v (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (5372)
  • Vertically integrated Northward moisture transport (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (5365)
  • Vertically integrated mass content of air in layer (154)
  • Virtual Salt Flux Correction (104)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water (1785)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (66)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Evaporation (66)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Rainfall (66)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (161)
  • W (356)
  • Water Content of Soil Layer (160)
  • Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (5032)
  • Water Evaporation Flux from Sea Ice (284)
  • Water Evaporation from Soil (6273)
  • Water Flux Correction (735)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water (3906)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water Due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (2429)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs (2482)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (3379)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water Without Flux Correction (3021)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (403)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water from Icebergs (1689)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water from Rivers (3925)
  • Water Table Depth (27)
  • Water Vapor Path (13900)
  • Water Vapour Path (6)
  • Water flux into Sea Water from Land Ice (1316)
  • Water table depth (12)
  • Water table depth from surface. (1694)
  • Weather regime distance (22)
  • Weather regime frequency for a season (2)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (270)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (69)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter (196)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dust (373)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of NH3 (65)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of NH4 (68)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of NOy Including Aerosol Nitrate (54)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of NOy including Aerosol Nitrate (11)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of SO2 (1689)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of SO4 (436)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Sea-Salt Aerosol (201)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Seasalt (54)
  • Wetland Percentage Cover (1989)
  • Wilting Point (39)
  • Wind capacity factor for a iec1 turbine (44)
  • Wind capacity factor for a iec2 turbine (44)
  • Wind capacity factor for a iec3 turbine (44)
  • Wind power capacity factor for a IEC1 class turbine (1)
  • Wind power capacity factor for a IEC2 class turbine (1)
  • Wind power capacity factor for a IEC3 class turbine (1)
  • Winter BioEnergy Production conditions Index (1)
  • X-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (297)
  • X-Component of Atmospheric Stress on Sea Ice (1036)
  • X-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (133)
  • X-Component of Ocean Stress on Sea Ice (870)
  • X-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (442)
  • X-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (544)
  • X-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport (1043)
  • X-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity (3811)
  • X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice (1035)
  • X-component of ocean stress on sea ice (1029)
  • X-component of sea ice velocity (4176)
  • X-component of sea-ice mass transport (1304)
  • Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (297)
  • Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress on Sea Ice (1036)
  • Y-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (133)
  • Y-Component of Ocean Stress on Sea Ice (870)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (445)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (544)
  • Y-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport (1043)
  • Y-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity (3808)
  • Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice (1035)
  • Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice (1029)
  • Y-component of sea ice velocity (4177)
  • Y-component of sea-ice mass transport (1305)
  • Zonal Mean Diabatic Heating Rates (136)
  • Zonal Wind at 200 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 500 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 850 hPa (6)
  • Zonal component of wind (westerly) (144)
  • Zonal wind at 200hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at 500hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at 850hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind stress (36)
  • Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (4306)
  • Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (160)
  • unset (341)
  • aerosol water aod@550nm (2785)
  • air temperature at cloud top (125)
  • air temperature times eastward wind (31)
  • air temperature times northward wind (30)
  • air temperature times omega (30)
  • all sky cloud ice water path (12779)
  • all sky cloud liquid water path (12779)
  • ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm (4013)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 440 nm (2831)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (4158)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm (166)
  • ambient fine mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (320)
  • autotrophic respiration on grass tiles (3826)
  • autotrophic respiration on tree tiles (3826)
  • black carbon aod@550nm (3983)
  • carbon in above and belowground litter pools on land use tiles (98)
  • carbon in soil pool on Land-use tiles (3)
  • carbon in soil pool on land use tiles (98)
  • carbon harvested due to land-use or land-cover change process that enters anthropogenic product pools on tile (175)
  • carbon in vegetation on land use tiles (98)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to any human activity (139)
  • carbon transferred directly to atmosphere due to any land-use or land-cover change activities including deforestation or agricultural fire (175)
  • carbon transferred to soil or litter pools due to land-use or land-cover change processes on tile (175)
  • chemical production of dry aerosol secondary organic matter (4)
  • clear sky lw-rf aerosols at toa (69)
  • cloud cover area fraction (248)
  • cloud cover area fraction (day) (8074)
  • cloud cover area fraction (night) (8074)
  • cloud effective radius (248)
  • cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • cloud fraction (12779)
  • cloud fraction day (12779)
  • cloud fraction high-level clouds (12779)
  • cloud fraction low-level clouds (12779)
  • cloud fraction mid-level clouds (12779)
  • cloud fraction night (12779)
  • cloud fraction std (12779)
  • cloud ice water path (13027)
  • cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • cloud ice water path error (12779)
  • cloud ice water path error std (12779)
  • cloud ice water path std (12779)
  • cloud liquid water path (13027)
  • cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • cloud liquid water path error (12779)
  • cloud liquid water path error std (12779)
  • cloud liquid water path std (12779)
  • cloud optical depth (191)
  • cloud optical depth at 550nm (248)
  • cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • cloud top height (13027)
  • cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • cloud top height std (12779)
  • cloud top pressure (13027)
  • cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • cloud top pressure std (12779)
  • cloud top temperature (13027)
  • cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • cloud top temperature std (12779)
  • cloud-top effective droplet radius (134)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (248)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainy in cloud top temperature (200)
  • decomposition out of product pools to CO2 in atmos (3829)
  • dry deposition rate of black carbon aerosol mass (152)
  • dry deposition rate of dry aerosol total organic matter (152)
  • dry deposition rate of dust (152)
  • dry deposition rate of nh3 (14)
  • dry deposition rate of nh4 (14)
  • dry deposition rate of noy (11)
  • dry deposition rate of o3 (4)
  • dry deposition rate of seasalt (152)
  • dry deposition rate of so2 (152)
  • dry deposition rate of so4 (152)
  • dust aod@550nm (3946)
  • eastward wind times northward wind (30)
  • eastward wind times omega (30)
  • effective radius error of ice particles (12779)
  • effective radius error std of ice particles (12779)
  • effective radius of ice particles (12779)
  • effective radius of liquid droplets (12779)
  • effective radius of liquid droplets error (12779)
  • effective radius of liquid droplets error std (12779)
  • effective radius of liquid droplets std (12779)
  • effective radius std of ice particles (12779)
  • electricity consumption (1)
  • electricity consumption anomaly (22)
  • emission rate of black carbon aerosol mass (152)
  • first spatial index for variables stored on an unstructured grid (2)
  • flags for surface and retrieval (only for valid retrievals) (238)
  • flux from wood and agricultural product pools on land use tile into atmosphere (175)
  • fraction of cloud pixels per gridpoint, only for MERIS swaths (238)
  • fraction of grid cell for each land use tile (146)
  • fraction of land use tile tile that is non-woody vegetation ( e.g. herbaceous crops) (171)
  • fraction of valid pixesl per gridpoint, only for MERIS swaths (238)
  • gross primary production on grass tiles (3830)
  • gross primary production on tree tiles (3830)
  • gross primary productivity on land use tile (175)
  • heterotrophic respiration on grass tiles (3826)
  • heterotrophic respiration on tree tiles (3826)
  • ice cloud optical thickness (12779)
  • ice cloud optical thickness error (12779)
  • ice cloud optical thickness error std (12779)
  • ice cloud optical thickness logarithmically averaged (12779)
  • ice cloud optical thickness std (12779)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature (37)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and salinity (176)
  • integrated eastward wind times humidity (79)
  • integrated northward wind times humidity (80)
  • land area fraction (2)
  • latent heat flux on land use tile (76)
  • layer-integrated lightning production of NOx (4)
  • liquid water path (2897)
  • logarithmically averaged cloud top pressure (12779)
  • long name (2)
  • mean cloud cover area fraction (200)
  • mean cloud cover area fraction (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud cover area fraction (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud effective radius (200)
  • mean cloud effective radius (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud ice water path (200)
  • mean cloud ice water path (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud ice water path (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud liquid water path (200)
  • mean cloud liquid water path (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud liquid water path (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud optical depth at 550nm (200)
  • mean cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top height (200)
  • mean cloud top height (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top height (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud top pressure (200)
  • mean cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud top temperature (200)
  • mean cloud top temperature (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top temperature (night) (5090)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (5056)
  • mean number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (5090)
  • mean number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (5090)
  • mean number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (5090)
  • mean number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (5090)
  • mean number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (day) (5090)
  • mean number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (night) (5090)
  • mean outgoing longwave radiation (270)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (5090)
  • mean reflected solar flux (270)
  • mean significant wave height (1)
  • mean solar zenith angle (814)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud effective radius (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud ice water path (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud ice water path (night) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (night) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top height (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top height (night) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top temperature (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top temperature (night) (5056)
  • mole fraction of o and o3 and o1d (67)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorous in sea water (60)
  • near-surface air temperature (2m above displacement height, i.e. t ref) on land use tile (76)
  • near-surface specific humidity on land use tile (76)
  • net primary production allcoated to other pools (not leaves stem or roots) (3375)
  • net primary production allcoated to stem (3375)
  • net primary production on grass tiles (3826)
  • net primary production on tree tiles (3826)
  • net primary productivity on land use tile (175)
  • net rate of C accumulation (or loss) on land use tile (175)
  • nitrate aod@550nm (2789)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale advection (338)
  • northward wind times omega (30)
  • number of cloud free classified observations night (407)
  • number of cloud pixels in grid cell (743)
  • number of cloudy classified observations (12372)
  • number of cloudy classified observations day (12372)
  • number of cloudy classified observations night (12372)
  • number of daily mean daytime (407)
  • number of daily means available for CPP ice (407)
  • number of daily means available for CPP liq (407)
  • number of daily means available for CTO (407)
  • number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (448)
  • number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (8522)
  • number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (8074)
  • number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (448)
  • number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (8522)
  • number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (8074)
  • number of observations (12779)
  • number of observations available for CPP (24744)
  • number of observations available for CTO (12372)
  • number of observations classified as ice cloud (12372)
  • number of observations classified as liquid clouds (12372)
  • number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (1397)
  • number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (day) (8522)
  • number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (night) (8074)
  • number of valid observations per gridpoint, only for MERIS tcwv res (238)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 10mm/24h (19)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 25mm/24h (19)
  • ocean vertical heat diffusivity (117)
  • ocean vertical salt diffusivity (117)
  • omega (=dp/dt) (17539)
  • outgoing longwave radiation (206)
  • pH (3673)
  • pH at Surface (174)
  • photolysis rate of NO2 (5)
  • photolysis rate of O3 to O1d (5)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 1 (48)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 2 (47)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 3 (47)
  • plant respiration on land use tile (175)
  • precipitation (18)
  • primary emission and chemical production of dry aerosol organic matter (152)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (93)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (day) (3383)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (night) (3383)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • reflected solar flux (206)
  • sea salt aod@550nm (3941)
  • sea surface temperature (225)
  • sea water salinity at sea floor (350)
  • sea-ice area fraction change from dynamics (1303)
  • sea-ice area fraction change from thermodynamics (1302)
  • sea-ice mass change from dynamics (2016)
  • sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (2016)
  • sea-ice mass change through basal growth (1304)
  • sea-ice mass change through bottom melting (1310)
  • sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation (1313)
  • sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (aka frazil) (1301)
  • sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion (1303)
  • sea-ice mass change through surface melting (1309)
  • sea surface height above geoid (6)
  • second spatial index for variables stored on an unstructured grid (2)
  • sensible heat flux on land use tile (76)
  • snow depth (356)
  • snow mass change through snow fall (1315)
  • snow water equivalent on land use tile (76)
  • soa aod@550nm (14)
  • soil heterotrophic respiration on land use tile (175)
  • solar capacity factor (46)
  • solar zenith angle (24746)
  • square of air temperature (30)
  • square of eastward wind (31)
  • square of northwardwind (29)
  • square of omega (30)
  • standard deviation of cloud cover area fraction (155)
  • standard deviation of cloud cover area fraction (day) (4691)
  • standard deviation of cloud cover area fraction (night) (4691)
  • standard deviation of cloud effective radius (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud ice water path (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • standard deviation of cloud optical depth at 550nm (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top height (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top pressure (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top temperature (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • standard deviation of solar zenith angle (814)
  • standard deviation of surface downwelling longwave radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface incomming solar radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface net longwave radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface net solar radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface outgoing longwave radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface radiation budget (267)
  • standard deviation of surface reflected solar radiation (267)
  • sulfate aod@550nm (3947)
  • surface downwelling longwave radiation (473)
  • surface incomming solar radiation (473)
  • surface net longwave radiation (473)
  • surface net solar radiation (473)
  • surface outgoing longwave radiation (473)
  • surface radiation budget (473)
  • surface reflected solar radiation (473)
  • temperature tendency orographic gravity wave dissipation (141)
  • tendency of ocean potential energy content (110)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content (129)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (129)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection (129)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (129)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean (sum of Eulerian + parameterized) advection (129)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content (129)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (129)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized eddy advection (129)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (129)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to residual mean advection (129)
  • toa outgoing clear-sky shortwave radiation (233)
  • toa outgoing shortwave radiation (275)
  • total Ox loss rate (67)
  • total Ox production rate (67)
  • total direct emission rate of so4 (152)
  • total emission rate of biogenic nmvoc (4)
  • total emission rate of co (4)
  • total emission rate of dms (11)
  • total emission rate of dust (152)
  • total emission rate of isoprene (4)
  • total emission rate of nh3 (11)
  • total emission rate of nox (4)
  • total emission rate of seasalt (152)
  • total emission rate of so2 (152)
  • total net production of anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol (4)
  • total organic aerosol aod@550nm (3941)
  • total precipitation amount (2880)
  • total runoff (16)
  • turnover rate of each model soil carbon pool (571)
  • u-tendency nonorographic gravity wave drag (370)
  • u-tendency orographic gravity wave drag (362)
  • uncertainty in mean cloud cover area fraction (200)
  • urface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (15)
  • v-tendency nonorographic gravity wave drag (155)
  • v-tendency orographic gravity wave drag (142)
  • water cloud optical thickness (12779)
  • water cloud optical thickness error (12779)
  • water cloud optical thickness error std (12779)
  • water cloud optical thickness logarithmic (12779)
  • water cloud optical thickness std (12779)
  • weighted heating degree day (24)
  • wet deposition rate of black carbon aerosol mass (152)
  • wet deposition rate of dry aerosol total organic matter (134)
  • wet deposition rate of dust (152)
  • wet deposition rate of seasalt (134)
  • wet deposition rate of so4 (134)
  • wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
  • wet bulb potential temperature (6)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 1 (2)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 2 (3)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 3 (2)
  • wood and agricultural product pool carbon associated with land use tiles; examples of products include paper, cardboard, timber for construction, and crop harvest for food or fuel. (98)
  • x-component 10m wind (36)
  • x gravity wave drag param (25)
  • y-component 10m wind (36)
  • y gravity wave drag param (25)
  • 2-d maximum convective available potential energy (3)
  • 2-m specific humidity (36)
  • 3d-field of transported co2 (34)
  • 3d field of transported co2 (17)
  • accumulated downwelling lw flux at top (6)
  • accumulated morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
  • accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
  • aerodynamic resistance (47)
  • aerosol extinction coefficient (60)
  • aerosol sulfate mass mixing ratio (1558)
  • aerosol water mass mixing ratio (233)
  • aerosol water optical thickness at 550nm (202)
  • age of sea ice (3283)
  • age of stratospheric air (135)
  • age of surface snow (3698)
  • air pressure (11153)
  • air pressure at cloud top (19843)
  • air pressure at convective cloud base (4064)
  • air pressure at convective cloud top (4069)
  • air pressure at mean sea level (12670)
  • air pressure at sea level (51984)
  • air temperature (279845)
  • air temperature anomaly (26)
  • air temperature at cloud top (12905)
  • ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm (224)
  • ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550nm (238)
  • ambient aerosol optical depth at 870nm (202)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 440 nm (56)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 440nm (668)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (402)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm (869)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm (51)
  • ambient fine aerosol optical depth at 550nm (216)
  • ambient fine mode aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (92)
  • anomaly of daily-mean near-surface wind speed (26)
  • anomaly of daily maximum near-surface air temperature (26)
  • anomaly of daily minimum near-surface air temperature (26)
  • anomaly of near-surface relative humidity (26)
  • anomaly of precipitation (26)
  • anomaly of sea level pressure (26)
  • anomaly of surface downwelling shortwave radiation (26)
  • anthropogenic heat flux generated from non-renewable human primary energy consumption (3)
  • aqueous-phase production rate of so4 (56)
  • area fraction (124044)
  • atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (816)
  • atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol particles (3348)
  • atmosphere boundary layer thickness (2576)
  • atmosphere cloud condensed water content (2748)
  • atmosphere cloud ice content (2302)
  • atmosphere cloud liquid water content (6)
  • atmosphere convective cloud condensed water content (8)
  • atmosphere convective mass flux (64)
  • atmosphere downdraft convective mass flux (159)
  • atmosphere eastward stress due to gravity wave drag (25)
  • atmosphere heat diffusivity (207)
  • atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol (444)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud condensed water (10576)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud ice (37720)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud liquid water (30797)
  • atmosphere mass content of convective cloud condensed water (44)
  • atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol (459)
  • atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol particles (2742)
  • atmosphere mass content of elemental carbon dry aerosol particles (2670)
  • atmosphere mass content of nitrate dry aerosol (35)
  • atmosphere mass content of nitrate dry aerosol particles (2670)
  • atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol (375)
  • atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles (2670)
  • atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol (104)
  • atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles (2670)
  • atmosphere mass content of sea salt dry aerosol particles (2720)
  • atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol (469)
  • atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol (33)
  • atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol (469)
  • atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol particles (2720)
  • atmosphere mass content of water vapor (11560)
  • atmosphere mass of air per unit area (358)
  • atmosphere mass of carbon dioxide (3219)
  • atmosphere momentum diffusivity (211)
  • atmosphere net upward convective mass flux (4022)
  • atmosphere net upward deep convective mass flux (125)
  • atmosphere net upward shallow convective mass flux (125)
  • atmosphere northward stress due to gravity wave drag (25)
  • atmosphere number content of cloud droplets (184)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (407)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol particles (6654)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to black carbon ambient aerosol (4188)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to cloud (40521)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol (425)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol particles (3349)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to nitrate ambient aerosol (78)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to nitrate ambient aerosol particles (2704)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol (422)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol particles (3366)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol (460)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol particles (108)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to sea salt ambient aerosol particles (3349)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to seasalt ambient aerosol (422)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to sulfate ambient aerosol (372)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to sulfate ambient aerosol particles (3349)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to water in ambient aerosol (88)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to water in ambient aerosol particles (2699)
  • atmosphere relative vorticity (126)
  • atmosphere updraft convective mass flux (456)
  • atmosphere water vapor content (2624)
  • autotrophic respiration on grass tiles (133)
  • autotrophic respiration on grass tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • autotrophic respiration on land-use tile as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (10)
  • autotrophic respiration on shrub tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • autotrophic respiration on tree tiles (133)
  • autotrophic respiration on tree tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • average normal stress (258)
  • average normal stress in sea ice (38)
  • avg evaporation (36)
  • avg latent heat flux (36)
  • avg sensible heat flux (36)
  • avg soil moisture 1 (36)
  • basal downward heat flux in sea ice (690)
  • biological nitrogen fixation (684)
  • brightness temperature mean ascending passes (18639)
  • brightness temperature mean descending passes (18639)
  • brightness temperature standard deviation ascending passes (18639)
  • brightness temperature standard deviation descending passes (18639)
  • calipso 3d clear fraction (3)
  • calipso 3d undefined fraction (3)
  • calipso cloud fraction (3)
  • calipso high level cloud fraction (3)
  • calipso ice cloud fraction (2)
  • calipso liquid cloud fraction (12)
  • calipso low level cloud fraction (3)
  • calipso mid level cloud fraction (3)
  • calipso scattering ratio (6)
  • calipso total cloud fraction (3)
  • canopy albedo (15)
  • canopy height (1966)
  • canopy temperature (27)
  • canopy water amount (24)
  • carbon content in wood and agricultural products (2)
  • carbon content of products of anthropogenic land use change (669)
  • carbon flux out of storage product pools into atmos (321)
  • carbon harvested due to land-use or land-cover change process that enters anthropogenic product pools on tile (115)
  • carbon in above and below-ground litter pools on land-use tiles (3)
  • carbon in soil pool on land-use tiles (3)
  • carbon mass content of forestry and agricultural products (3543)
  • carbon mass flux from litter, cwd or any non-living pool into atmosphere due to co2 emission from all fire [kgc m-2 s-1] (177)
  • carbon mass flux from vegetation into atmosphere due to co2 emission from all fire (135)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to any human activity (39)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to autotrophic (plant) respiration on land (2166)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to autotrophic (plant) respiration on land [kgc m-2 s-1] (2818)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to co2 emission from natural fire (155)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to co2 emission from natural fire [kgc m-2 s-1] (1429)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to co2 emissions from fire resulting from all sources including natural, anthropogenic and land use change. (143)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to growth autotrophic respiration on land (19)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration from litter on land (182)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration from soil on land (182)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration on land (2080)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to maintenance autotrophic respiration on land (19)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to maintenance autotrophic respiration on land [kgc m-2 s-1] (2766)
  • carbon mass flux into forestry and agricultural products due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change (3532)
  • carbon mass flux into soil and litter due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change (138)
  • carbon mass flux into soil from litter (5726)
  • carbon mass flux into wood and agricultural product pools due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change (2)
  • carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land (2389)
  • carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land [kgc m-2 s-1] (2818)
  • carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net primary production on land (2297)
  • carbon mass in above-ground litter (239)
  • carbon mass in below-ground litter (323)
  • carbon mass in coarse woody debris (3254)
  • carbon mass in each model soil pool (summed over vertical levels) (182)
  • carbon mass in fast soil pool (3375)
  • carbon mass in leaves (3417)
  • carbon mass in litter on grass tiles (133)
  • carbon mass in litter on tree tiles (133)
  • carbon mass in litter pool (3456)
  • carbon mass in medium soil pool (3375)
  • carbon mass in model soil pool (3321)
  • carbon mass in other living compartments on land (1411)
  • carbon mass in products of land-use change (559)
  • carbon mass in products of land use change (134)
  • carbon mass in roots (3417)
  • carbon mass in slow soil pool (3375)
  • carbon mass in soil on grass tiles (133)
  • carbon mass in soil on tree tiles (133)
  • carbon mass in soil pool (133)
  • carbon mass in soil pool above 1m depth (1411)
  • carbon mass in stem (1610)
  • carbon mass in vegetation components other than leaves, stems and roots (49)
  • carbon mass in wood (3374)
  • carbon transferred directly to atmosphere due to any land-use or land-cover change activities (12)
  • carbon transferred directly to atmosphere due to any land-use or land-cover change activities [kgc m-2 s-1] (7)
  • carbon transferred directly to atmosphere due to any land-use or land-cover change activities including deforestation or agricultural fire (107)
  • carbon transferred to soil or litter pools due to land-use or land-cover change processes on tile (124)
  • carbonate ion concentration for sea water in equilibrium with pure calcite (140)
  • cell area (17350)
  • cell thickness (4908)
  • ch3coch3 volume mixing ratio (56)
  • change in groundwater (20)
  • change in interception storage (20)
  • change in river storage (20)
  • change in snow/ice cold content (20)
  • change in snow water equivalent (20)
  • change in soil moisture (20)
  • change in surface heat storage (20)
  • change in surface water storage (20)
  • chemical production of dry aerosol secondary organic matter (206)
  • clear-sky surface downwelling longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface downwelling shortwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface upwelling longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface upwelling shortwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky toa outgoing longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky toa outgoing shortwave radiation (20)
  • cloud-top effective droplet radius (229)
  • cloud albedo (7064)
  • cloud area fraction (93794)
  • cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (47861)
  • cloud condensation nuclei concentration at liquid cloud top (1409)
  • cloud droplet number concentration at cloud top (9)
  • cloud effective radius (248)
  • cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • cloud fraction (38)
  • cloud fraction retrieved by misr (1)
  • cloud ice mixing ratio (36)
  • cloud ice water path error (12779)
  • cloud ice water path error std (12779)
  • cloud liquid water mixing ratio (74)
  • cloud liquid water path error (12779)
  • cloud liquid water path error std (12779)
  • cloud top altitude (12779)
  • cloud top height (248)
  • cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • cloud top pressure (248)
  • cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • cloud top temperature (248)
  • cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • compressive strength of sea ice (2412)
  • concentration of dust (11)
  • conductive heat flux at sea ice bottom (258)
  • conductive heat flux at sea ice surface (258)
  • convection time fraction (1589)
  • convective cloud area fraction (199)
  • convective cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (493)
  • convective ice water path (48)
  • convective precipitation flux (15349)
  • convective rainfall flux (130)
  • convective snowfall flux (93)
  • coriolis force on sea ice x (258)
  • coriolis force on sea ice y (258)
  • coriolis force term in force balance (x-component) (369)
  • coriolis force term in force balance (y-component) (369)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (448)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (248)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • correlated uncertainy in cloud top temperature (200)
  • crs (18)
  • decomposition out of product pools to co2 in atmos (182)
  • decomposition out of product pools to co2 in atmosphere (480)
  • decomposition out of product pools to co2 in atmosphere as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (18)
  • deforested biomass into product pool due to anthorpogenic land use change (321)
  • deforested biomass that goes into product pool as a result of anthropogenic land-use change (1900)
  • deforested biomass that goes into product pool as a result of anthropogenic land use change (182)
  • deforested or harvested biomass as a result of anthropogenic land-use or change (1432)
  • depth (9)
  • depth at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile of mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water (2346)
  • depth below geoid (897)
  • depth integral of product of sea water density and conservative temperature (13)
  • depth integral of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (361)
  • depth of isosurface of sea water potential temperature (9441)
  • depth to soil thaw (40)
  • dew point temperature (10888)
  • dissolve oxygen concentration (170)
  • dissolve oxygen concentration at surface (175)
  • dissolved organic carbon content (445)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration (13)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration at saturation (325)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration at surface (14)
  • divergence of sea ice velocity (2018)
  • downward heat flux at ground level in snow (13)
  • downward inorganic carbon flux at ocean bottom (483)
  • downward organic carbon flux at ocean bottom (375)
  • downward sea ice basal salt flux (3469)
  • downward x stress at sea water surface (2624)
  • downward y stress at sea water surface (2622)
  • downwelling longwave flux in air (3192)
  • downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (3420)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in air (3220)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (3238)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in sea water (1695)
  • downwelling shortwave flux under sea ice (647)
  • dry and wet deposition of reactive nitrogen onto land (1918)
  • dry deposition rate of black carbon aerosol mass (354)
  • dry deposition rate of dry aerosol total organic matter (329)
  • dry deposition rate of dust (329)
  • dry deposition rate of nh3 (66)
  • dry deposition rate of nh4 (66)
  • dry deposition rate of noy (63)
  • dry deposition rate of o3 (56)
  • dry deposition rate of sea-salt aerosol (177)
  • dry deposition rate of seasalt (152)
  • dry deposition rate of so2 (1599)
  • dry deposition rate of so4 (354)
  • duration of sunshine (1895)
  • dust aerosol mass mixing ratio (1593)
  • dust aod@550nm (175)
  • dust optical thickness at 550nm (202)
  • eastward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance (4991)
  • eastward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (5494)
  • eastward wind (82179)
  • effective radius error of ice particles (12779)
  • effective radius error std of ice particles (12779)
  • effective radius of cloud liquid water particle at liquid water cloud top (14152)
  • effective radius of convective cloud liquid water particle (189)
  • effective radius of ice particles (12779)
  • effective radius of liquid droplets error (12779)
  • effective radius of liquid droplets error std (12779)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud ice particle (76)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud ice particles (1)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud liquid water particle (369)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud liquid water particles (1)
  • effective radius std of ice particles (12779)
  • electricity consumption (1)
  • electricity consumption anomaly (22)
  • elemental carbon mass mixing ratio (1558)
  • emission rate of black carbon aerosol mass (152)
  • energy of sublimation (17)
  • equivalent thickness at stp of atmosphere ozone content (1972)
  • evaporation (301)
  • evaporation including sublimation and transpiration (7599)
  • fast soil pool carbon content (664)
  • fast soil pool mass content of carbon (3342)
  • field capacity (1)
  • first spatial index for variables stored on an unstructured grid (2)
  • flags for surface and retrieval (only for valid retrievals) (238)
  • flux from wood and agricultural product pools on land use tile into atmosphere (119)
  • flux of inorganic carbon into ocean surface by runoff (107)
  • flux of organic carbon into ocean surface by runoff (106)
  • fraction of cloud pixels per gridpoint, only for meris swaths (238)
  • fraction of land use tile tile that is non-woody vegetation ( e.g. herbaceous crops) (35)
  • fraction of rainfall on snow. (13)
  • fraction of snowfall on snow. (13)
  • fraction of time convection occurs (64)
  • fraction of time steps with sea ice (910)
  • fraction of time with sea ice area fraction above threshold (1405)
  • fraction of valid pixesl per gridpoint, only for meris swaths (238)
  • freshwater flux from ice (258)
  • freshwater flux from ice surface (258)
  • freshwater flux from sea-ice surface (412)
  • freshwater flux from sea ice (50)
  • frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
  • frozen moisture content of soil layer (35)
  • frozen soil depth (25)
  • frozen water content of soil layer (9549)
  • gas-phase production rate of so4 (56)
  • geopotential height (50728)
  • global average sea level change (287)
  • global average sea water conservative temperature (889)
  • global average steric sea level change (288)
  • global average thermosteric sea level change (7338)
  • grid averaged methane emissions from wetlands (1410)
  • grid eastward wind (464)
  • grid northward wind (464)
  • gross primary production on grass tiles (182)
  • gross primary production on grass tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • gross primary production on land-use tile as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (10)
  • gross primary production on shrub tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • gross primary production on tree tiles (182)
  • gross primary production on tree tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • gross primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (11241)
  • gross primary productivity of carbon (242)
  • gross primary productivity on land-use tile (12)
  • gross primary productivity on land use tile (107)
  • grounded ice sheet area fraction (9506)
  • groundwater recharge from soil layer (47)
  • growth limitation of diatoms due to solar irradiance (1694)
  • growth limitation of miscellaneous phytoplankton due to solar irradiance (1695)
  • harvested biomass into product pool (20)
  • harvested biomass that goes into product pool (1443)
  • heat content of ocean layer (318)
  • heat content of upper 300 meters (261)
  • heat flux correction (1082)
  • heat flux into sea water due to freezing of frazil ice (1842)
  • heat flux into sea water due to iceberg thermodynamics (255)
  • heat flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (171)
  • heat flux into sea water due to snow thermodynamics (250)
  • height above reference ellipsoid (5386)
  • heterotrophic respiration carbon flux (1474)
  • heterotrophic respiration carbon flux from litter (318)
  • heterotrophic respiration carbon flux from soil (318)
  • heterotrophic respiration on grass tiles (133)
  • heterotrophic respiration on land-use tile as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (10)
  • heterotrophic respiration on tree tiles (133)
  • histogram of backscattering ratio over height above reference ellipsoid (102)
  • histogram of equivalent reflectivity factor over height above reference ellipsoid (101)
  • hydrometeor effective radius of stratiform cloud ice (6)
  • ice cloud area fraction (13)
  • ice cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (13)
  • ice cloud optical depth (10)
  • ice cloud optical thickness error (407)
  • ice cloud optical thickness error std (12779)
  • ice cloud optical thickness logarithmically averaged (12372)
  • ice mixing ratio (38)
  • integral of product of eastward wind and specific humidity wrt height (8)
  • integral of product of northward wind and specific humidity wrt height (8)
  • integral of sea ice temperature wrt depth expressed as heat content (475)
  • integral with respect to depth of product of sea water density and potential temperature (343)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature (37)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and salinity (176)
  • integral wrt depth of tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent due to biological processes (1458)
  • integral wrt height of product of eastward wind and specific humidity (24)
  • integral wrt height of product of northward wind and specific humidity (24)
  • integrated eastward wind times humidity (47)
  • integrated northward wind times humidity (48)
  • internal stress in sea ice x (258)
  • internal stress in sea ice y (258)
  • internal stress term in force balance (x-component) (369)
  • internal stress term in force balance (y-component) (369)
  • iron growth limitation of diatoms (1695)
  • iron growth limitation of miscellaneous phytoplankton (1695)
  • iron limitation of diatoms (153)
  • iron limitation of other phytoplankton (154)
  • iron loss to sediments (330)
  • irradiance limitation of diatoms (153)
  • irradiance limitation of other phytoplankton (154)
  • irrigation flux including any irrigation for crops, trees, pasture, or urban lawns (22)
  • isccp cloud area fraction (174)
  • isccp cloud area fraction (joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud albedo (3)
  • isccp mean cloud albedo (unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud top pressure (3)
  • isccp mean cloud top pressure (unweighted, daytime only) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud top temperature (unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • isccp total total cloud fraction (3)
  • lagrangian tendency of air pressure (25620)
  • land area fraction (9375)
  • land ice area fraction (6345)
  • land water amount (3342)
  • large scale precipitation amount (6)
  • large scale rainfall flux (5)
  • large scale snowfall flux (6)
  • lat bounds (8794)
  • lateral sea ice melt rate (718)
  • lateral transfer of carbon out of grid cell that eventually goes into ocean (32)
  • lateral transfer of nitrogen out of grid cell that eventually goes into ocean (32)
  • latitude (8794)
  • leaf area index (12162)
  • leaf area index on land use tile (34)
  • leaf carbon content (667)
  • leaf mass content of carbon (3409)
  • leaf mass content of nitrogen (69)
  • liquid cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (3)
  • liquid cloud optical depth (10)
  • liquid moisture content of soil layer (35)
  • liquid water cloud area fraction (13)
  • liquid water content of snow layer (450)
  • liquid water content of soil layer (15116)
  • liquid water content of surface snow (9452)
  • litter carbon content (1470)
  • litter carbon flux (652)
  • litter mass content of carbon (10195)
  • litter mass content of nitrogen (69)
  • load of black carbon aerosol (9)
  • load of dry aerosol organic matter (9)
  • load of dust (1429)
  • load of sea-salt aerosol (1409)
  • load of seasalt (63)
  • load of so4 (63)
  • lon bounds (8794)
  • long name (2)
  • longitude (8794)
  • lw at toa (36)
  • lw downwelling at ground (36)
  • lwe precipitation rate (8308)
  • lwe thickness of surface snow amount (429)
  • magnitude of surface downward stress (8)
  • mass concentration of biomass burning dry aerosol in air (33)
  • mass concentration of black carbon dry aerosol in air (417)
  • mass concentration of diatoms expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (4151)
  • mass concentration of dust dry aerosol in air (763)
  • mass concentration of dust dry aerosol particles in air (3324)
  • mass concentration of miscellaneous phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (4152)
  • mass concentration of particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (341)
  • mass concentration of phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (6367)
  • mass concentration of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (76)
  • mass concentration of sea salt dry aerosol particles in air (3316)
  • mass concentration of seasalt dry aerosol in air (634)
  • mass concentration of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (33)
  • mass concentration of sulfate dry aerosol in air (782)
  • mass concentration of sulfate dry aerosol particles in air (3316)
  • mass content of carbon in vegetation and litter and soil and forestry and agricultural products (3406)
  • mass content of nitrogen in vegetation and litter and soil and forestry and agricultural products (69)
  • mass content of water in soil (8363)
  • mass content of water in soil layer (14288)
  • mass flux of carbon into forestry and agricultural products due to crop harvesting (3326)
  • mass flux of carbon into litter from vegetation (3409)
  • mass flux of carbon into sea water from rivers (70)
  • mass flux of carbon out of soil due to leaching and runoff (70)
  • mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen into sea from rivers (70)
  • mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen out of litter and soil due to immobilisation and remineralization (70)
  • mass fraction of ammonium dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice in air (6354)
  • mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air (6365)
  • mass fraction of convective cloud ice in air (181)
  • mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water in air (358)
  • mass fraction of dust dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of elemental carbon dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of frozen water in soil moisture (20)
  • mass fraction of nitrate dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of pm10 ambient aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of pm1 dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of pm2p5 ambient aerosol particles in air (1)
  • mass fraction of pm2p5 dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of sea salt dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of snow in air (61)
  • mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air (181)
  • mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air (358)
  • mass fraction of sulfate dry aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass fraction of unfrozen water in soil moisture (20)
  • mass fraction of water in air (210)
  • mass fraction of water in ambient aerosol particles in air (2)
  • mass of salt in sea ice per area (394)
  • maximum over coordinate rotation of sea ice horizontal shear strain rate (690)
  • maximum over coordinate rotation of sea ice horizontal shear stress (690)
  • maximum screen temperature (36)
  • maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (38)
  • maximum shear of sea ice velocity (258)
  • maximum shear stress (258)
  • maximum shear stress in sea ice (38)
  • mean cloud effective radius (200)
  • mean cloud effective radius (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top height (200)
  • mean cloud top height (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top height (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud top pressure (200)
  • mean cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean cloud top temperature (200)
  • mean cloud top temperature (day) (5090)
  • mean cloud top temperature (night) (5090)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (5056)
  • mean correlated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (5056)
  • mean number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (5090)
  • mean number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (5090)
  • mean number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (5090)
  • mean number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (5090)
  • mean number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (day) (5090)
  • mean number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (5090)
  • mean propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (5090)
  • mean sea level pressure (36)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of daily-mean near-surface wind speed (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of daily maximum near-surface air temperature (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of daily minimum near-surface air temperature (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of near-surface air temperature (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of near-surface relative humidity (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of precipitation (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of sea level pressure (26)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of surface downwelling shortwave radiation (26)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud effective radius (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud ice water path (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud ice water path (night) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (night) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top height (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top height (night) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top pressure (day) (5090)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top pressure (night) (5090)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top temperature (day) (5056)
  • mean standard deviation of cloud top temperature (night) (5056)
  • medium soil pool carbon content (664)
  • medium soil pool mass content of carbon (3342)
  • meridional wind at 200hpa (36)
  • meridional wind at 500hpa (36)
  • meridional wind at 850hpa (36)
  • meridional wind stress (36)
  • mineral ammonium in the soil (1411)
  • mineral nitrate in the soil (1411)
  • mineral nitrogen in the soil (1920)
  • minimum depth of aragonite undersaturation in sea water (326)
  • minimum depth of calcite undersaturation in sea water (432)
  • minimum screen temperature (36)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol particles due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol particles due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol particles due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol particles due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of elemental carbon dry aerosol particles due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of elemental carbon dry aerosol particles due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to deposition (70)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of noy expressed as nitrogen due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of noy expressed as nitrogen due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of ozone due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of sea salt dry aerosol particles due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of sea salt dry aerosol particles due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol particles due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol particles due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to dry deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to wet deposition (2)
  • minus tendency of ocean mole content of inorganic carbon due to sedimentation (1380)
  • minus tendency of ocean mole content of organic carbon due to sedimentation (146)
  • miscellaneous living matter carbon content (313)
  • miscellaneous living matter mass content of carbon (6738)
  • miscellaneous living matter mass content of nitrogen (70)
  • missing (4)
  • missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
  • modis ice cloud area percentage (1088)
  • modis liquid cloud fraction (1)
  • modis liquid cloud percentage (1087)
  • moisture content of soil layer (1785)
  • moisture in upper portion of soil column (5256)
  • moisture in upper portion of soil column of land-use tile (22)
  • moisture in upper portion of soil column of land use tile (73)
  • mole concentration of ammonium in sea water (2826)
  • mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water (913)
  • mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water (3591)
  • mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water at saturation (324)
  • mole concentration of carbonate expressed as carbon at equilibrium with pure calcite in sea water (1778)
  • mole concentration of carbonate expressed as carbon in sea water (3581)
  • mole concentration of carbonate ion in equilibrium with pure aragonite in sea water (654)
  • mole concentration of carbonate ion in equilibrium with pure calcite in sea water (657)
  • mole concentration of cfc11 in sea water (529)
  • mole concentration of cfc12 in sea water (498)
  • mole concentration of diatoms expressed as carbon in sea water (2984)
  • mole concentration of dimethyl sulfide in sea water (547)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water (5367)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in sea water (2491)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic silicon in sea water (2637)
  • mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water (5886)
  • mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water (8256)
  • mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile (1287)
  • mole concentration of dissolved organic carbon in sea water (4247)
  • mole concentration of mesozooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (2984)
  • mole concentration of microzooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (2983)
  • mole concentration of miscellaneous phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (2985)
  • mole concentration of miscellaneous zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (1)
  • mole concentration of nitrate in sea water (8628)
  • mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as carbon in sea water (5195)
  • mole concentration of particulate matter expressed as silicon in sea water (3229)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as iron in sea water (4967)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as nitrogen in sea water (651)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as phosphorus in sea water (651)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as silicon in sea water (1626)
  • mole concentration of phosphate in sea water (372)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (8244)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as iron in sea water (4778)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as nitrogen in sea water (696)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as silicon in sea water (4128)
  • mole concentration of sf6 in sea water (487)
  • mole concentration of silicate in sea water (372)
  • mole concentration of sulfur hexafluoride in sea water (588)
  • mole concentration of zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (4891)
  • mole fraction of acetone in air (2)
  • mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air (750)
  • mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air (100)
  • mole fraction of cfc11 in air (1661)
  • mole fraction of cfc12 in air (1661)
  • mole fraction of dimethyl sulfide in air (1690)
  • mole fraction of ethane in air (58)
  • mole fraction of ethyne in air (5)
  • mole fraction of formaldehyde in air (100)
  • mole fraction of hydrogen chloride in air (191)
  • mole fraction of hydroperoxyl radical in air (198)
  • mole fraction of hydroxyl radical in air (1714)
  • mole fraction of inorganic bromine in air (146)
  • mole fraction of inorganic chlorine in air (146)
  • mole fraction of isoprene in air (1466)
  • mole fraction of methane in air (3787)
  • mole fraction of nitric acid in air (315)
  • mole fraction of nitrogen dioxide in air (126)
  • mole fraction of nitrogen monoxide in air (107)
  • mole fraction of nitrous oxide in air (3575)
  • mole fraction of noy expressed as nitrogen in air (198)
  • mole fraction of o and o3 and o1d (67)
  • mole fraction of ozone in air (6614)
  • mole fraction of peroxyacetyl nitrate in air (58)
  • mole fraction of propane in air (58)
  • mole fraction of propene in air (58)
  • mole fraction of sulfur dioxide in air (1784)
  • moles of cfc11 per unit mass in sea water (1)
  • moles per unit mass of cfc-12 in sea water (1)
  • moles per unit mass of sf6 in sea water (1)
  • monthly loss of atmospheric carbon monoxide (56)
  • monthly loss of atmospheric methane (56)
  • monthly loss of atmospheric nitrous oxide (5)
  • natural carbonate ion concentration (478)
  • natural delta co2 partial pressure (240)
  • natural dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (1200)
  • natural ph (479)
  • natural surface aqueous partial pressure of co2 (338)
  • natural total alkalinity (719)
  • near-surface specific humidity (20)
  • net carbon mass flux from wood and agricultural product pools on land use tile into atmosphere [kgc m-2 s-1] (6)
  • net conductive heat flux in ice at the surface (50)
  • net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (754)
  • net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (7928)
  • net downward shortwave flux at sea water surface (7182)
  • net nitrogen release from soil and litter as the outcome of nitrogen immobilisation and gross mineralisation (1932)
  • net primary mole productivity of biomass expressed as carbon by diatoms (1704)
  • net primary mole productivity of biomass expressed as carbon by miscellaneous phytoplankton (1703)
  • net primary mole productivity of biomass expressed as carbon by phytoplankton (1705)
  • net primary mole productivity of biomass expressed as carbon due to nitrate utilization (1704)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by diatoms (160)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by miscellaneous phytoplankton (160)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by phytoplankton (186)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon due to nitrate utilization (160)
  • net primary organic carbon production by diatoms (154)
  • net primary organic carbon production by other phytoplankton (154)
  • net primary production allcoated to other pools (not leaves stem or roots) (32)
  • net primary production allcoated to stem (32)
  • net primary production allocated to leaves as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (2746)
  • net primary production allocated to other (17)
  • net primary production allocated to roots as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (2746)
  • net primary production allocated to stem (17)
  • net primary production allocated to wood as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (2746)
  • net primary production on grass tiles (182)
  • net primary production on grass tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • net primary production on land-use tile as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (10)
  • net primary production on land as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (2791)
  • net primary production on shrub tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • net primary production on tree tiles (182)
  • net primary production on tree tiles as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (3)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (11222)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon accumulated in leaves (3342)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon accumulated in miscellaneous living matter (3326)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon accumulated in roots (3342)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon accumulated in stems (3326)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon accumulated in wood (3342)
  • net primary productivity of carbon (241)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in leaves (347)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in roots (347)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in wood (345)
  • net primary productivity on land-use tile (12)
  • net primary productivity on land use tile (107)
  • net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in ocean layer (22)
  • nh4 mass mixing ratio (66)
  • nitrate aerosol optical depth at 550nm (51)
  • nitrate aod@550nm (10)
  • nitrogen growth limitation of diatoms (1695)
  • nitrogen growth limitation of miscellaneous phytoplankton (1695)
  • nitrogen limitation of diatoms (154)
  • nitrogen limitation of other phytoplankton (153)
  • nitrogen loss to sediments and through denitrification (330)
  • nitrogen mass content of forestry and agricultural products (69)
  • nitrogen mass flux into forestry and agricultural products due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change (70)
  • nitrogen mass flux into litter from vegetation (70)
  • nitrogen mass flux into soil from litter (70)
  • nitrogen mass flux out of land due to any human activity (32)
  • nitrogen mass in above-ground litter (non cwd) (17)
  • nitrogen mass in below-ground litter (non cwd) (17)
  • nitrogen mass in coarse woody debris (16)
  • nitrogen mass in leaves (1428)
  • nitrogen mass in litter pool (1936)
  • nitrogen mass in products of land-use change (512)
  • nitrogen mass in roots (1428)
  • nitrogen mass in soil pool (1936)
  • nitrogen mass in stem (1428)
  • nitrogen mass in vegetation (1936)
  • nitrogen mass in vegetation components other than leaves, stem and root (17)
  • no3 aerosol mass mixing ratio (75)
  • noaa cdr of gpcp satellite-gauge combined precipitation error (486)
  • noaa climate data record (cdr) of gpcp monthly satellite-gauge combined precipitation (486)
  • northward acceleration due to non-orographic gravity wave drag (2)
  • northward acceleration due to orographic gravity wave drag (1)
  • northward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance (4991)
  • northward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (5496)
  • northward component of the eliassen-palm flux (300)
  • northward eliassen palm flux in air (1014)
  • northward heat flux in air due to eddy advection (41)
  • northward ocean heat transport (5546)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to bolus advection (136)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to diffusion (136)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to gyre (1459)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to overturning (1461)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized eddy advection (334)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale advection (764)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (331)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale eddy advection (118)
  • northward ocean salt transport (766)
  • northward ocean salt transport due to gyre (952)
  • northward ocean salt transport due to overturning (953)
  • northward transformed eulerian mean air velocity (1014)
  • northward wind (79699)
  • npvcf1 (1)
  • nudging increment of water in soil mositure (9)
  • number all observations (18639)
  • number all observations ascending passes (18639)
  • number all observations descending passes (18639)
  • number concentration of ambient aerosol in air (38)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air (4535)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air at liquid water cloud top (417)
  • number of cloud free classified observations night (407)
  • number of cloud pixels in grid cell (743)
  • number of cloudsat profiles contributing to the calculation (1)
  • number of cloudy classified observations (12372)
  • number of cloudy classified observations day (12372)
  • number of cloudy classified observations night (12372)
  • number of daily averages used to derive the monthly average (408)
  • number of daily mean daytime (407)
  • number of daily means available for cpp ice (407)
  • number of daily means available for cpp liq (407)
  • number of daily means available for cto (407)
  • number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (448)
  • number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (8522)
  • number of ice cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (8074)
  • number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (448)
  • number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (day) (8522)
  • number of liquid water cloud pixels in grid cell (night) (8074)
  • number of misr samples (1)
  • number of observations (12779)
  • number of observations available for cpp (24744)
  • number of observations available for cto (12372)
  • number of observations classified as ice cloud (12372)
  • number of observations classified as liquid clouds (12372)
  • number of observations of the surface downwelling longwave flux (408)
  • number of observations of the surface downwelling shortwave flux (12826)
  • number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (1397)
  • number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (day) (8522)
  • number of retrieval pixels in grid cell (night) (8074)
  • number of valid observations per gridpoint, only for meris tcwv res (238)
  • number of valid uth retrievals ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • number of valid uth retrievals ascending passes (18639)
  • number of valid uth retrievals descending passes (18639)
  • o3 destruction rate (98)
  • o3 production rate (98)
  • observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a iec1 class turbine (1)
  • observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a iec2 class turbine (1)
  • observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a iec3 class turbine (1)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 10mm/24h (19)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 25mm/24h (19)
  • ocean barotropic mass streamfunction (4881)
  • ocean drag coefficient (43)
  • ocean heat x transport (2824)
  • ocean heat x transport due to bolus advection (243)
  • ocean heat x transport due to diffusion (240)
  • ocean heat y transport (2823)
  • ocean heat y transport due to bolus advection (247)
  • ocean heat y transport due to diffusion (242)
  • ocean kinetic energy dissipation per unit area due to vertical friction (114)
  • ocean kinetic energy dissipation per unit area due to xy friction (114)
  • ocean mass content of dissolved inorganic carbon (2355)
  • ocean mass content of dissolved organic carbon (69)
  • ocean mass content of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon (69)
  • ocean mass x transport (6828)
  • ocean mass y transport (6827)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction (5206)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection (430)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to parameterized mesoscale advection (662)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness defined by mixing scheme (1261)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (13091)
  • ocean tracer bolus laplacian diffusivity (47)
  • ocean tracer epineutral laplacian diffusivity (122)
  • ocean tracer laplacian diffusivity due to parameterized mesoscale eddy advection (75)
  • ocean tracer xy laplacian diffusivity (122)
  • ocean vertical heat diffusivity (931)
  • ocean vertical momentum diffusivity (755)
  • ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to tides (120)
  • ocean vertical salt diffusivity (251)
  • ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to tides (689)
  • ocean volume (2865)
  • ocean y overturning mass streamfunction (7162)
  • ocean y overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection (19)
  • offshore wind capacity factor (46)
  • onshore wind capacity factor (46)
  • open water evaporation (20)
  • optical thickness at 443 nm dust (13)
  • optical thickness at 865 nm dust (13)
  • orog (1)
  • other vegegtation components carbon content (17)
  • parasol reflectance (6)
  • particulate organic aerosol optical depth at 550nm (51)
  • particulate organic carbon content (443)
  • pbl depth (36)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of daily-mean near-surface wind speed (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of daily maximum near-surface air temperature (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of daily minimum near-surface air temperature (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of near-surface air temperature (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of near-surface relative humidity (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of precipitation (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of sea level pressure (26)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of surface downwelling shortwave radiation (26)
  • permafrost layer thickness (123)
  • photolysis rate of nitrogen dioxide (2)
  • photolysis rate of no2 (57)
  • photolysis rate of o3 to o1d (5)
  • photolysis rate of ozone (o3) to excited atomic oxygen (the singlet d state, o1d) (1)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 1 (48)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 2 (47)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 3 (47)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor averaged by country (1)
  • plant respiration carbon flux (1453)
  • plant respiration on land-use tile (12)
  • plant respiration on land use tile (73)
  • pm1.0 mass mixing ratio (222)
  • pm10 mass mixing ratio (30)
  • pm2.5 mass mixing ratio (181)
  • pm2.5 mass mixing ratio in lowest model layer (1)
  • potential evapotranspiration (6)
  • prc (4)
  • precipitation (36)
  • precipitation amount (2880)
  • precipitation flux (101296)
  • precipitation flux onto canopy (7397)
  • primary emission and chemical production of dry aerosol organic matter (1609)
  • primary organic carbon production by all types of phytoplankton (969)
  • primary organic carbon production by phytoplankton based on nitrate uptake alone (153)
  • product of eastward wind and air temperature (31)
  • product of eastward wind and northward wind (30)
  • product of eastward wind and omega (30)
  • product of northward wind and air temperature (30)
  • product of northward wind and omega (30)
  • product of omega and air temperature (30)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (93)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (day) (3383)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud cover area fraction (night) (3383)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (448)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • propagated uncertainty in cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • rainfall flux (5092)
  • region (5608)
  • relative humidity (90875)
  • remineralization of organic carbon (39)
  • rinfw (1)
  • river discharge (1539)
  • river inflow (13)
  • root carbon content (661)
  • root depth (5182)
  • root mass content of carbon (3409)
  • root mass content of nitrogen (69)
  • root zone soil moisture (20)
  • runoff (36)
  • runoff flux (16775)
  • salt flux into sea water from rivers (607)
  • sand fraction (11)
  • saturated hydraulic conductivity (11)
  • screen temperature (36)
  • sea-ice area flux through straits (542)
  • sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories (38)
  • sea-ice heat content per unit area (911)
  • sea-ice mass change from dynamics (798)
  • sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (795)
  • sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation (1357)
  • sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (aka frazil) (50)
  • sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion (2175)
  • sea-ice thickness in thickness categories (38)
  • sea-salt aerosol mass mixing ratio (1474)
  • sea-salt aerosol optical depth at 550nm (202)
  • sea-surface tilt term in force balance (x-component) (369)
  • sea-surface tilt term in force balance (y-component) (369)
  • sea area fraction (4363)
  • sea floor depth below geoid (3383)
  • sea ice albedo (246)
  • sea ice amount (4458)
  • sea ice and surface snow amount (127)
  • sea ice area (5326)
  • sea ice area flux through straits (357)
  • sea ice area fraction (19969)
  • sea ice area fraction over categories (258)
  • sea ice area transport across line (948)
  • sea ice average normal horizontal stress (690)
  • sea ice basal temperature (690)
  • sea ice bottom temperature (258)
  • sea ice extent (5797)
  • sea ice flag (6)
  • sea ice freeboard (1705)
  • sea ice mass content of salt (1303)
  • sea ice salinity (1264)
  • sea ice salt mass (318)
  • sea ice speed (6274)
  • sea ice surface temperature (10474)
  • sea ice temperature expressed as heat content (1304)
  • sea ice thickness (19651)
  • sea ice thickness over categories (258)
  • sea ice time fraction (546)
  • sea ice transport across line (1964)
  • sea ice volume (5796)
  • sea ice x force per unit area due to coriolis effect (690)
  • sea ice x force per unit area due to sea surface tilt (690)
  • sea ice x internal stress (690)
  • sea ice x transport (2789)
  • sea ice x velocity (8531)
  • sea ice y force per unit area due to coriolis effect (690)
  • sea ice y force per unit area due to sea surface tilt (690)
  • sea ice y internal stress (690)
  • sea ice y transport (2793)
  • sea ice y velocity (8529)
  • sea level pressure (20445)
  • sea salt aod@550nm (173)
  • sea salt mass mixing ratio (119)
  • sea surface height above geoid (9795)
  • sea surface salinity (13417)
  • sea surface temperature (16484)
  • sea surface tilt force on sea ice x (258)
  • sea surface tilt force on sea ice y (258)
  • sea water added conservative temperature (7)
  • sea water age since surface contact (1603)
  • sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent (7999)
  • sea water conservative temperature (5556)
  • sea water convervative temperature (1297)
  • sea water mass (3137)
  • sea water mass per unit area (3934)
  • sea water ph reported on total scale (4284)
  • sea water potential density (419)
  • sea water potential temperature (33901)
  • sea water potential temperature at sea floor (1307)
  • sea water pressure at sea floor (3078)
  • sea water pressure at sea water surface (1132)
  • sea water redistributed conservative temperature (7)
  • sea water salinity (16022)
  • sea water salinity at sea floor (894)
  • sea water surface downward x stress (1772)
  • sea water surface downward y stress (1772)
  • sea water transport across line (4632)
  • sea water volume (3084)
  • sea water x velocity (9797)
  • sea water y velocity (9794)
  • second spatial index for variables stored on an unstructured grid (2)
  • secondary organic aerosol mass mixing ratio (1476)
  • sedimentation flux of dust mode coarse insoluble (14)
  • shallow convection time fraction (992)
  • significant height of wind and swell waves (1)
  • silt fraction (1)
  • sinking mole flux of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water (478)
  • sinking mole flux of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water (4093)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate iron in sea water (4407)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water (6252)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic nitrogen in sea water (333)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic phosphorus in sea water (333)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate silicon in sea water (4161)
  • slow soil pool carbon content (664)
  • slow soil pool mass content of carbon (3342)
  • snow depth (liquid water) (36)
  • snow evaporation (31)
  • snow mass flux through straits (896)
  • snow mass rate of change through advection by sea-ice dynamics (72)
  • snow mass rate of change through avection by sea-ice dynamics (355)
  • snow mass rate of change through evaporation or sublimation (358)
  • snow mass rate of change through snow-to-ice conversion (759)
  • snow mass rate of change through wind drift of snow (331)
  • snow mass transport across line (258)
  • snow thickness in thickness categories (38)
  • snow thickness over categories (258)
  • snow transport across line due to sea ice dynamics (690)
  • snow water equivalent on land use tile (3)
  • snowfall flux (25466)
  • soil carbon content (1475)
  • soil carbon content by pool (318)
  • soil carbon turnover rate by pool (318)
  • soil frozen water content (12866)
  • soil heterotrophic respiration on land-use tile (12)
  • soil heterotrophic respiration on land use tile (73)
  • soil hydraulic conductivity at saturation (41)
  • soil liquid water content (67)
  • soil mass content of carbon (10269)
  • soil mass content of inorganic nitrogen expressed as nitrogen (70)
  • soil mass content of nitrogen (70)
  • soil moisture content (3385)
  • soil moisture content at field capacity (5195)
  • soil pool carbon decay rate (71)
  • soil temperature (11977)
  • solar capacity factor (46)
  • solar downwelling at ground (36)
  • solar in at toa (36)
  • solar out at toa (36)
  • solar zenith angle (25594)
  • soot content of surface snow (1462)
  • specific humidity (46231)
  • specific humidity at 200hpa (36)
  • specific humidity at 850hpa (36)
  • square of air temperature (30)
  • square of brunt vaisala frequency in sea water (1098)
  • square of eastward wind (31)
  • square of lagrangian tendency of air pressure (30)
  • square of northward wind (29)
  • square of ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (1157)
  • square of sea surface height above geoid (2600)
  • square of sea surface salinity (841)
  • square of sea surface temperature (2396)
  • square of upward ocean mass transport (288)
  • standard deviation of cloud cover area fraction (155)
  • standard deviation of cloud cover area fraction (day) (4691)
  • standard deviation of cloud cover area fraction (night) (4691)
  • standard deviation of cloud effective radius (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud effective radius (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud ice water path (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud ice water path (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud ice water path (night) (3355)
  • standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud liquid water path (night) (3355)
  • standard deviation of cloud optical depth at 550nm (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud optical depth at 550nm (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top height (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud top height (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top height (night) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top pressure (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud top pressure (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top pressure (night) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top temperature (448)
  • standard deviation of cloud top temperature (day) (8074)
  • standard deviation of cloud top temperature (night) (8074)
  • standard deviation of surface downwelling longwave radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface incomming solar radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface net longwave radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface net solar radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface outgoing longwave radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of surface radiation budget (267)
  • standard deviation of surface reflected solar radiation (267)
  • standard deviation of the surface downwelling longwave flux (408)
  • standard deviation of the surface downwelling shortwave flux (12826)
  • stem carbon content (318)
  • stem mass content of carbon (6738)
  • stem mass content of nitrogen (70)
  • strain rate divergence of sea ice (59)
  • strat aerosol optical depth (17)
  • stratiform cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (91)
  • stratiform cloud liquid droplet effective radius (12)
  • stratiform rainfall flux (17)
  • stratiform snowfall flux (17)
  • stratosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol particles (63)
  • stratosphere optical thickness due to volcanic ambient aerosol particles (2572)
  • stratospheric optical depth at 550 nm (all aerosols) 2d-field (here we limit the computation of od to the stratosphere only) (17)
  • sublimation of the snow free area (13)
  • subsurface litter carbon content (992)
  • subsurface litter mass content of carbon (6747)
  • subsurface litter mass content of nitrogen (70)
  • subsurface runoff (6)
  • subsurface runoff flux (51)
  • sulfate aerosol optical depth at 550nm (202)
  • sulfate aod@550nm (229)
  • sunshine hours (36)
  • surface air pressure (22789)
  • surface albedo (659)
  • surface altitude (11919)
  • surface carbon dioxide partial pressure difference between sea water and air (2368)
  • surface concentration of dust (125)
  • surface concentration of seasalt (125)
  • surface concentration of so4 (125)
  • surface diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air (3334)
  • surface dissolved oxygen concentration at saturation (325)
  • surface downward cfc11 flux (247)
  • surface downward cfc12 flux (838)
  • surface downward eastward stress (15974)
  • surface downward flux of natural co2 (543)
  • surface downward heat flux in air (24)
  • surface downward heat flux in sea water (7826)
  • surface downward heat flux in snow (4407)
  • surface downward latent heat flux (549)
  • surface downward mass flux of carbon as natural co2 [kgc m-2 s-1] (478)
  • surface downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon (4803)
  • surface downward mass flux of water due to irrigation (69)
  • surface downward mole flux of cfc11 (19)
  • surface downward mole flux of cfc12 (19)
  • surface downward mole flux of molecular oxygen (4192)
  • surface downward mole flux of sulfur hexafluoride (19)
  • surface downward northward stress (15973)
  • surface downward sensible heat flux (1949)
  • surface downward sf6 flux (840)
  • surface downward x stress (6114)
  • surface downward x stress correction (94)
  • surface downward y stress (6116)
  • surface downward y stress correction (94)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux (408)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air (26896)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (12822)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air due to volcanic ambient aerosol particles (3297)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux (12826)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux assuming clear sky (12826)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (83903)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (14425)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air due to volcanic ambient aerosol particles (2572)
  • surface emissivity (221)
  • surface litter carbon content (673)
  • surface litter mass content of carbon (6747)
  • surface litter mass content of nitrogen (70)
  • surface mole concentration of carbonate ion in equilibrium with pure aragonite in sea water (327)
  • surface mole concentration of carbonate ion in equilibrium with pure calcite in sea water (327)
  • surface mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as silicon in sea water (467)
  • surface molecular oxygen partial pressure difference between sea water and air (2026)
  • surface natural carbonate ion concentration (240)
  • surface natural dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (336)
  • surface natural ph (240)
  • surface natural total alkalinity (242)
  • surface net aerosol-free clear-sky longwave radiation (4)
  • surface net aerosol-free clear-sky shortwave radiation (4)
  • surface net aerosol-free longwave radiation (4)
  • surface net aerosol-free shortwave radiation (4)
  • surface net downward longwave flux (12704)
  • surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes (8023)
  • surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes excluding anthropogenic land use change (7525)
  • surface net downward radiative flux (881)
  • surface net downward shortwave flux (11861)
  • surface net upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from anthropogenic land use change (9478)
  • surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide in sea water (4025)
  • surface reflected shortwave radiation (408)
  • surface runoff flux (9653)
  • surface snow amount (10988)
  • surface snow and ice melt heat flux (17)
  • surface snow and ice refreezing flux (13)
  • surface snow and ice sublimation flux (4340)
  • surface snow area fraction (18870)
  • surface snow melt flux (9961)
  • surface snow sublimation flux (258)
  • surface snow thickness (25164)
  • surface temperature (19193)
  • surface total dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration (439)
  • surface total dissolved inorganic silicon concentration (427)
  • surface upward carbon mass flux due to plant respiration for biomass growth (345)
  • surface upward carbon mass flux due to plant respiration for biomass maintenance (345)
  • surface upward latent heat flux (31988)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon direct to atmosphere due to anthropogenic land use land cover change (2)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to anthrogpogenic emission (20)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change excluding forestry and agricultural products (136)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from crop harvesting (8865)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from fires (70)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from fires excluding anthropogenic land use change (3235)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from grazing (140)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from natural fires (70)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from natural sources (227)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to heterotrophic respiration (10192)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to plant respiration (10195)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to plant respiration for biomass growth (3333)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to plant respiration for biomass maintenance (3333)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon due to heterotrophic respiration in litter (3326)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon due to heterotrophic respiration in soil (3326)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen (71)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen out of vegetation and litter and soil (70)
  • surface upward mole flux of dimethyl sulfide (440)
  • surface upward sensible heat flux (31184)
  • surface upward water vapor flux in air (6)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux (408)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux in air (20388)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (21118)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (14419)
  • surface water storage (20)
  • surface wind speed (2)
  • temperature at ice-ocean interface (754)
  • temperature flux due to evaporation expressed as heat flux out of sea water (3310)
  • temperature flux due to rainfall expressed as heat flux into sea water (1043)
  • temperature flux due to runoff expressed as heat flux into sea water (344)
  • temperature in surface snow (546)
  • temperature tendency due to dissipation orographic gravity wave drag (34)
  • temperature tendency due to non-orographic gravity wave dissipation (1)
  • temperature tendency due to orographic gravity wave dissipation (1)
  • temperature tendency orographic gravity wave dissipation (33)
  • tendency of air temperature (614)
  • tendency of air temperature due to advection (556)
  • tendency of air temperature due to boundary layer mixing (88)
  • tendency of air temperature due to convection (705)
  • tendency of air temperature due to diabatic processes (136)
  • tendency of air temperature due to diffusion (24)
  • tendency of air temperature due to dissipation of orographic gravity waves (74)
  • tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating (128)
  • tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating assuming clear sky (236)
  • tendency of air temperature due to model physics (771)
  • tendency of air temperature due to numerical diffusion (39)
  • tendency of air temperature due to radiative heating (554)
  • tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating (121)
  • tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating assuming clear sky (234)
  • tendency of air temperature due to stratiform cloud and precipitation (98)
  • tendency of air temperature due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing (556)
  • tendency of air temperature due to stratiform clouds and precipitation (133)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to emission (65)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon due to emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to dry deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to emission (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to wet deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to anthropogenic emission (3657)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from forestry and agricultural products (3530)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from fossil fuel combustion (10)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide due to emission (58)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to emission (1687)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to dry deposition (195)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to emission (195)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to wet deposition (195)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol particles due to emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of elemental carbon dry aerosol particles due to emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of isoprene due to emission (1463)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to anthropogenic emission (70)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of nmvoc due to emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of nox expressed as nitrogen due to emission (58)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to net chemical production and emission (184)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles due to net chemical production and emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to emission (181)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sea salt dry aerosol particles due to emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to dry deposition (36)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to emission (36)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to wet deposition (36)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol particles due to net chemical production (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to dry deposition (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to emission (184)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol particles due to aqueous phase net chemical production (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol particles due to emission (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol particles due to gaseous phase net chemical production (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to wet deposition (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to dry deposition (227)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to emission (1828)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to wet deposition (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of water vapor due to sublimation of surface snow and ice (732)
  • tendency of atmosphere mole concentration of carbon monoxide due to chemical destruction (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mole concentration of methane due to chemical destruction (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mole concentration of ozone due to chemical destruction (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere mole concentration of ozone due to chemical production (2)
  • tendency of atmosphere moles of nox expressed as nitrogen (55)
  • tendency of atmospheric mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from wood and agricultural product pool (2)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to eliassen-palm flux divergence (297)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to eliassen palm flux divergence (1054)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to nonorographic gravity wave drag (373)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to orographic gravity wave drag (364)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to tem northward advection and coriolis term (41)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to tem upward advection (41)
  • tendency of mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water due to biological production (286)
  • tendency of mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water due to dissolution (286)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to grazing of phytoplankton (164)
  • tendency of mole concentration of iron in sea water due to biological production (278)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to grazing of phytoplankton (2430)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production (6046)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by diatoms (2626)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by miscellaneous phytoplankton (2626)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to nitrate utilization (1378)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to remineralization (161)
  • tendency of mole concentration of silicon in sea water due to biological production (747)
  • tendency of northward wind due to nonorographic gravity wave drag (114)
  • tendency of northward wind due to orographic gravity wave drag (109)
  • tendency of ocean eddy kinetic energy content due to bolus transport (32)
  • tendency of ocean eddy kinetic energy content due to parameterized eddy advection (82)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of calcite expressed as carbon due to biological production (241)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic carbon due to biological processes (1458)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic iron due to biological processes (1459)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen due to biological processes (1459)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic phosphorus due to biological processes (1459)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic silicon due to biological processes (1459)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to deposition and fixation and runoff (1768)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to fixation (2347)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of inorganic carbon due to sedimentation (323)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to biological production (2019)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to deposition and runoff and sediment dissolution (1937)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of organic carbon due to sedimentation (20)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of silicon due to biological production (2019)
  • tendency of ocean potential energy content (857)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to basal melting (3461)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to congelation ice accumulation (3284)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to conversion of snow to sea ice (691)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to dynamics (318)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to frazil ice accumulation in leads (3001)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to freezing in open water (258)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to lateral growth of ice floes (228)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to sea ice dynamics (1303)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to sea ice thermodynamics (1303)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to snow conversion (580)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to surface melting (3459)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to thermodynamics (318)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to dynamics (1703)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to ridging (29)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to thermodynamics (1702)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content (154)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (57)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection (152)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy dianeutral mixing (97)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (55)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion (97)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized submesoscale advection (25)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean (sum of eulerian + parameterized) advection (32)
  • tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean advection (150)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content (154)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (57)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized eddy advection (152)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized eddy dianeutral mixing (97)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (55)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion (97)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized submesoscale advection (25)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to residual mean advection (182)
  • tendency of snow mass due to sea ice dynamics (258)
  • tendency of soil and vegetation mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to fixation (70)
  • tendency of soil mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to fertilization (70)
  • tendency of specific humidity (564)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to advection (556)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to boundary layer mixing (88)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to convection (550)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to diffusion (315)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to model physics (556)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform cloud and precipitation (24)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing (554)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform clouds and precipitation (64)
  • tendency of surface snow amount due to conversion of snow to sea ice (948)
  • tendency of surface snow amount due to sea ice dynamics (690)
  • tendency of vegetation mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to fixation (70)
  • terrestrial water storage (1424)
  • thermal energy content of surface snow (2140)
  • thickness of soil layers (11)
  • time (4787)
  • time bounds (8794)
  • toa bidirectional reflectance (488)
  • toa incoming shortwave flux (19992)
  • toa instantaneous longwave forcing (69)
  • toa outgoing clear-sky, aerosol-free shortwave radiation (1654)
  • toa outgoing clear-sky shortwave radiation (212)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux (31235)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (18517)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux due to volcanic ambient aerosol particles assuming clear sky (2572)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux (25540)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (16805)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol (1)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux due to volcanic ambient aerosol particles assuming clear sky (2572)
  • top-of-atmosphere solar insolation for each band (31)
  • total autotrophic respiration on land as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (2766)
  • total carbon in all terrestrial carbon pools (2127)
  • total carbon loss from natural and managed fire on land-use tile, including deforestation fires (12)
  • total carbon loss from natural and managed fire on land-use tile, including deforestation fires [kgc m-2 s-1] (8)
  • total carbon loss from natural and managed fire on land use tile, including deforestation fires (76)
  • total carbon mass flux from vegetation to litter (2959)
  • total carbon mass flux from vegetation to litter as a result of leaf, branch, and root senescence (1411)
  • total carbon mass flux from vegetation to litter as a result of mortality (177)
  • total cloud ave (36)
  • total direct emission rate of so4 (1609)
  • total dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration (4692)
  • total dissolved inorganic silicon concentration (3797)
  • total emission rate of biogenic nmvoc (1461)
  • total emission rate of black carbon aerosol mass (1456)
  • total emission rate of dust (1608)
  • total emission rate of nmvoc (1456)
  • total emission rate of sea-salt aerosol (1457)
  • total emission rate of seasalt (152)
  • total evapotranspiration (13)
  • total grazing of phytoplankton by zooplankton (181)
  • total heterotrophic respiration on land as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (2818)
  • total land carbon (343)
  • total land n2o flux (1411)
  • total land nox flux (1411)
  • total net production of anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol (5)
  • total nitrogen added for cropland fertilisation (artificial and manure) (209)
  • total nitrogen in all terrestrial nitrogen pools (1936)
  • total nitrogen loss to leaching or runoff (sum of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate) (1917)
  • total nitrogen lost (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2 and leaching) (1918)
  • total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2) from all processes except fire (1411)
  • total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2) from fire (1411)
  • total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (sum of nhx, nox, n2o, n2) (1916)
  • total nitrogen mass flux from litter to soil (32)
  • total nitrogen mass flux from vegetation to litter (32)
  • total organic aerosol aod@550nm (173)
  • total organic aerosol mass mixing ratio (1553)
  • total organic aerosol optical depth at 550nm (202)
  • total ox loss rate (67)
  • total ox production rate (67)
  • total plant nitrogen uptake (sum of ammonium and nitrate) irrespective of the source of nitrogen (655)
  • total soil moisture (95)
  • total soil moisture content (8198)
  • total soil wetness index (7)
  • total water content of soil layer (3258)
  • total water storage (321)
  • total water storage in a grid cell (1735)
  • transformed eulerian mean mass stramfunction (40)
  • transformed eulerian mean mass streamfunction (1)
  • transformed eulerian mean upward wind (1014)
  • transpiration flux (5723)
  • tropopause air pressure (5496)
  • tropopause air temperature (268)
  • tropopause altitude (5675)
  • turnover rate of each model soil carbon pool (182)
  • uncertainty in mean cloud cover area fraction (200)
  • upward air velocity (141)
  • upward component of the eliassen-palm flux (300)
  • upward eliassen palm flux in air (1014)
  • upward geothermal heat flux at sea floor (2301)
  • upward ocean mass transport (4226)
  • upward sea ice basal heat flux (2175)
  • upward sea water velocity (3798)
  • upward x stress at sea ice base (2032)
  • upward y stress at sea ice base (2032)
  • upwelling longwave flux in air (3212)
  • upwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (3203)
  • upwelling longwave radiation (36)
  • upwelling shortwave flux in air (3220)
  • upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (3238)
  • upwelling shortwave radiation (36)
  • uth mean ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • uth mean ascending passes (18639)
  • uth mean descending passes (18639)
  • uth median ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • uth median ascending passes (18639)
  • uth median descending passes (18639)
  • uth standard deviation ascending and descending passes (18639)
  • uth standard deviation ascending passes (18639)
  • uth standard deviation descending passes (18639)
  • v-tendency nonorographic gravity wave drag (41)
  • v-tendency orographic gravity wave drag (33)
  • vegetation area fraction (20)
  • vegetation carbon content (15407)
  • vegetation mass content of nitrogen (70)
  • vertical integral eastward wind by dry static energy (321)
  • vertical integral eastward wind by total water (321)
  • vertical integral northward wind by dry static energy (321)
  • vertical integral northward wind by total water (321)
  • vertical integral of mass content of hail (1)
  • vertically integrated eastward dry transport (cp.t +zg).u (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (61)
  • vertically integrated eastward moisture transport (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of eastward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (61)
  • vertically integrated northward dry transport (cp.t +zg).v (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (61)
  • vertically integrated northward moisture transport (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (61)
  • vertices latitude (2)
  • vertices longitude (2)
  • virtual salt flux correction (104)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water (1785)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water due to evaporation (66)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water due to rainfall (66)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (161)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water from rivers (66)
  • volume extinction coefficient in air due to ambient aerosol (229)
  • volume fraction of clay in soil (39)
  • volume fraction of condensed water in soil at field capacity (55)
  • volume fraction of condensed water in soil at wilting point (38)
  • volume fraction of sand in soil (26)
  • volume fraction of silt in soil (23)
  • water cloud optical thickness error (12779)
  • water cloud optical thickness error std (12779)
  • water evaporation flux (5044)
  • water evaporation flux from canopy (5757)
  • water evaporation flux from soil (6320)
  • water evaporation flux where ice free ocean over sea (3113)
  • water evapotranspiration flux (8356)
  • water flux correction (735)
  • water flux into sea water (3906)
  • water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (4696)
  • water flux into sea water due to surface drainage (690)
  • water flux into sea water from icebergs (4171)
  • water flux into sea water from land ice (1316)
  • water flux into sea water from rivers (7304)
  • water flux into sea water without flux correction (3021)
  • water potential evaporation flux (5913)
  • water sublimation flux (65)
  • water table depth (39)
  • water table depth from surface. (1694)
  • weather regime distance (22)
  • weather regime frequency for a season (2)
  • weighted heating degree day (24)
  • wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
  • wet bulb potential temperature (6)
  • wet deposition rate of black carbon aerosol mass (351)
  • wet deposition rate of dry aerosol total organic matter (328)
  • wet deposition rate of dust (328)
  • wet deposition rate of nh3 (63)
  • wet deposition rate of nh4 (66)
  • wet deposition rate of noy including aerosol nitrate (63)
  • wet deposition rate of sea-salt aerosol (199)
  • wet deposition rate of seasalt (152)
  • wet deposition rate of so2 (1470)
  • wet deposition rate of so4 (351)
  • wilting point (1)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 1 (2)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 2 (3)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 3 (2)
  • wind capacity factor for a iec1 turbine (44)
  • wind capacity factor for a iec2 turbine (44)
  • wind capacity factor for a iec3 turbine (44)
  • wind power capacity factor for a iec1 class turbine (1)
  • wind power capacity factor for a iec2 class turbine (1)
  • wind power capacity factor for a iec3 class turbine (1)
  • wind speed (91502)
  • wind speed of gust (288)
  • winter bioenergy production conditions index (1)
  • wood and agricultural product pool carbon associated with land use tiles; examples of products include paper, cardboard, timber for construction, and crop harvest for food or fuel. (31)
  • wood carbon content (667)
  • wood debris carbon content (39)
  • wood debris mass content of carbon (71)
  • wood debris mass content of nitrogen (71)
  • x-component 10m wind (36)
  • y-component 10m wind (36)
  • zg850 (6)
  • zonal wind at 200hpa (36)
  • zonal wind at 500hpa (36)
  • zonal wind at 850hpa (36)
  • zonal wind stress (36)
  • ACCESS1-0 (10)
  • ACCESS1-3 (9)
  • BNU-ESM (9)
  • CCCma-CanESM2 (9113)
  • CCSM4 (9)
  • CMCC-CMS (9)
  • CNRM-CM5 (9)
  • CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-0 (4859)
  • CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-3 (3646)
  • CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (9)
  • CSIRO-QCCCE-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (3315)
  • CanESM2 (9)
  • ECMWF-ERAINT (7956)
  • GCFS2 (61120)
  • GCFS21 (101406)
  • GFDL-ESM2G (9)
  • GFDL-ESM2M (9)
  • HadGEM2-CC (9)
  • ICHEC-EC-EARTH (12711)
  • IFS22 (41463)
  • IFS23 (138528)
  • IFS24 (79074)
  • IPSL-CM5A-LR (9)
  • IPSL-CM5A-MR (9)
  • IPSL-CM5B-LR (9)
  • IPSL-IPSL-CM5A-MR (4706)
  • MIROC-ESM (9)
  • MIROC-MIROC5 (6167)
  • MIROC5 (9)
  • MOHC-HadGEM2-CC (312)
  • MOHC-HadGEM2-ES (12954)
  • MPI-ESM-LR (8233)
  • MPI-ESM-MR (9)
  • MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR (10982)
  • MPI-M-MPI-ESM-MR (5537)
  • MRI-CGCM3 (9)
  • NCAR-CCSM4 (291)
  • NCC-NorESM1-M (12942)
  • NOAA-GFDL-GFDL-CM3 (252)
  • NorESM1-M (9)
  • bcc-csm1-1-m (9)
  • 4AOP-v1-5 (6)
  • ACCESS-CM2 (19209)
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (142980)
  • ACCESS-OM2 (280)
  • ACCESS-OM2-025 (95)
  • CALIPSO (30)
  • CNRM-CM6-1 (276066)
  • CNRM-CM6-1-HR (6332)
  • CNRM-ESM2-1 (67037)
  • CloudSat (4)
  • EC-Earth3 (271866)
  • EC-Earth3-AerChem (11539)
  • EC-Earth3-CC (26042)
  • EC-Earth3-HR (42549)
  • EC-Earth3-LR (712)
  • EC-Earth3-Veg (10175)
  • EC-Earth3-Veg-LR (5347)
  • GFDL-ESM4 (18)
  • IPSL-CM5A2-INCA (4202)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-HR (249)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-HR (594)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-LR (614)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-MR (594)
  • IPSL-CM6A-LR (1339012)
  • IPSL-CM6A-LR-INCA (4034)
  • IPSL-CM6A-MR1 (8956)
  • ISCCP (5)
  • MISR (2)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-HR (18)
  • MRI-ESM2-0 (18)
  • NorCPM1 (228478)
  • NorESM1-F (538)
  • NorESM2-LM (396415)
  • NorESM2-MM (7610)
  • PARASOL (4)
  • UKESM1-0-LL (18)
  • CMIP6 (2872308)
  • CMIP6-Adjust (90)
  • (2729)
  • (1714)
  • (161026)
  • (1890)
  • (8553)
  • (284)
  • (353747)
  • (5153)
  • (3631)
  • (20578)
  • (300)
  • (270618)
  • (541354)
  • (182659)
  • (633649)
  • (1365917)

  • CMIP6 (2872308)
  • CMIP6-Adjust (90)
  • fpsconv-x1n2-v1 (13)
  • fpsconv-x2yn2-v1 (155)
  • r2 (376)
  • v0 (16794)
  • v01 (120)
  • v02 (119)
  • v1 (129366)
  • v1-r1 (365545)
  • v1a (1184)
  • v2 (12250)
  • v201312 (1711)
  • v3 (8474)
  • v3-5-1 (182)
  • v4 (2291)
  • v4-4-rc8 (199)
  • v5 (112)
  • 4AOP-v1-5 (6)
  • ACCESS-CM2 (19209)
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (142980)
  • ACCESS-OM2 (280)
  • ACCESS-OM2-025 (95)
  • CALIPSO (30)
  • CNRM-CM6-1 (276066)
  • CNRM-CM6-1-HR (6332)
  • CNRM-ESM2-1 (67037)
  • CloudSat (4)
  • EC-Earth3 (271866)
  • EC-Earth3-AerChem (11539)
  • EC-Earth3-CC (26042)
  • EC-Earth3-HR (42549)
  • EC-Earth3-LR (712)
  • EC-Earth3-Veg (10175)
  • EC-Earth3-Veg-LR (5347)
  • GFDL-ESM4 (18)
  • IPSL-CM5A2-INCA (4202)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-HR (249)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-HR (594)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-LR (614)
  • IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-MR (594)
  • IPSL-CM6A-LR (1339012)
  • IPSL-CM6A-LR-INCA (4034)
  • IPSL-CM6A-MR1 (8956)
  • ISCCP (5)
  • MISR (2)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-HR (18)
  • MRI-ESM2-0 (18)
  • NorCPM1 (228478)
  • NorESM1-F (538)
  • NorESM2-LM (396415)
  • NorESM2-MM (7610)
  • PARASOL (4)
  • UKESM1-0-LL (18)
  • 1hr (339)
  • 1hrCM (10)
  • 1hrPt (16)
  • 3hr (9090)
  • 3hrPt (6692)
  • 6hr (37539)
  • 6hrPt (18307)
  • day (452600)
  • dec (2125)
  • fx (77717)
  • mon (2193217)
  • monC (5806)
  • monPt (4970)
  • subhrPt (4972)
  • yr (56923)
  • yrPt (2075)
  • EUR-010 (196)
  • gm (18574)
  • gn (1242484)
  • gnz (174)
  • gr (1595822)
  • gr010 (90)
  • gr025 (427)
  • gr1 (182)
  • gra (15)
  • grg (15)
  • grz (15042)
  • Published (4002)
  • Registered (2868396)
  • AFR-22 (2618)
  • AFR-44 (7135)
  • AFR-44i (3352)
  • ALP-3 (168)
  • ANT-44 (70)
  • ANT-44i (1370)
  • ARC-22 (79)
  • ARC-44 (3263)
  • ARC-44i (1874)
  • AUS (199)
  • AUS-22 (2530)
  • AUS-44 (6141)
  • AUS-44i (10769)
  • CAM-22 (2560)
  • CAM-44 (4250)
  • CAM-44i (2436)
  • CAS-44 (56)
  • DE-0075x005 (106272)
  • DE-015x01 (208)
  • EAS-22 (2251)
  • EUR-05 (10)
  • EUR-06 (27550)
  • EUR-11 (14210)
  • EUR-11i (1634)
  • EUR-22 (156)
  • EUR-25 (280)
  • EUR-44 (6497)
  • EUR-44i (3128)
  • GER-AUT-06 (19260)
  • HYR-5 (259065)
  • MED-11 (6)
  • MNA-22 (755)
  • MNA-22i (420)
  • MNA-44 (1767)
  • MNA-44i (924)
  • NAM-22 (361)
  • NAM-44 (1547)
  • NAM-44i (688)
  • PRT-06 (17460)
  • SAM-20 (38)
  • SAM-22 (2533)
  • SAM-44 (6266)
  • SAM-44i (2772)
  • SEA-22 (4751)
  • WAS-22 (2533)
  • WAS-44 (5071)
  • WAS-44i (3024)
  • ALADIN53 (422)
  • ALADIN63 (2704)
  • ALADIN64 (6)
  • AROME41t1 (131)
  • ARPEGE51 (24)
  • BOM-SDM (199)
  • CCAM (1512)
  • CCAM-1704 (1976)
  • CCAM-2008 (2747)
  • CCLM-0-9 (6)
  • CCLM4-8-17 (174)
  • CCLM5-0-9 (88)
  • CRCM5 (344)
  • CanRCM4 (376)
  • DWD-EPISODES2018-COSMOREA6 (36720)
  • DWD-EPISODES2022 (365545)
  • DWD-GCFS2-remapped (24400)
  • DWD-GCFS21-remapped (3150)
  • DeepESD-EE (32)
  • Eta (38)
  • HIRHAM5 (130)
  • MAR311 (70)
  • RA (111)
  • RACMO22E (173)
  • RCA4 (60056)
  • RCA4-SN (1150)
  • REMO2009 (89)
  • RRCM (645)
  • RegCM4 (199)
  • RegCM4-0 (22)
  • RegCM4-3 (2381)
  • RegCM4-4 (1951)
  • RegCM4-6 (3565)
  • RegCM4-7 (14867)
  • SNURCM (25)
  • VRF370 (85)
  • WRF (182)
  • WRF331 (14)
  • WRF331F (368)
  • WRF331G (239)
  • WRF341I (658)
  • WRF351 (39)
  • WRF360J (5382)
  • WRF360K (5466)
  • WRF360L (1197)
  • WRF381BI (13)
  • WRF381P (626)
  • fpsconv-x1n2-v1 (13)
  • fpsconv-x2yn2-v1 (155)
  • r2 (376)
  • v0 (16794)
  • v01 (120)
  • v02 (119)
  • v1 (129366)
  • v1-r1 (365545)
  • v1a (1184)
  • v2 (12250)
  • v201312 (1711)
  • v3 (8474)
  • v3-5-1 (182)
  • v4 (2291)
  • v4-4-rc8 (199)
  • v5 (112)
  • TCDF-CDFT23-ERA5-1981-2010 (427)
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