Deutscher Wetterdienst
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  • CORDEX (108871)
  • output (108871)
  • AFR-22 (2618)
  • AFR-44 (7135)
  • AFR-44i (3352)
  • ANT-44 (70)
  • ANT-44i (1370)
  • ARC-22 (79)
  • ARC-44 (3263)
  • ARC-44i (1874)
  • AUS (199)
  • AUS-22 (2530)
  • AUS-44 (6141)
  • AUS-44i (10769)
  • CAM-22 (2560)
  • CAM-44 (4250)
  • CAM-44i (2436)
  • CAS-44 (56)
  • EAS-22 (2251)
  • EUR-11 (13504)
  • EUR-11i (1634)
  • EUR-22 (119)
  • EUR-44 (6077)
  • EUR-44i (3128)
  • MED-11 (6)
  • MNA-22 (755)
  • MNA-22i (420)
  • MNA-44 (1767)
  • MNA-44i (924)
  • NAM-22 (361)
  • NAM-44 (1547)
  • NAM-44i (688)
  • SAM-20 (38)
  • SAM-22 (2533)
  • SAM-44 (6266)
  • SAM-44i (2772)
  • SEA-22 (4751)
  • WAS-22 (2533)
  • WAS-44 (5071)
  • WAS-44i (3024)
  • BCCR (14)
  • BOM (199)
  • BOUN (112)
  • CCCMA (376)
  • CNRM (3107)
  • CSIRO (6235)
  • CYI (39)
  • ICTP (18434)
  • INPE (38)
  • IPSL (602)
  • IPSL-INERIS (315)
  • ISU (140)
  • KNU (22)
  • MGO (645)
  • NCAR (163)
  • NIMS-KMA (111)
  • ORNL (2280)
  • PNU (85)
  • POSTECH (57)
  • RU-CORE (1890)
  • SMHI (60516)
  • UA (78)
  • UCAN (929)
  • ULg (70)
  • UNIST (25)
  • UNSW (12045)
  • UQAM (344)
  • ACCESS1-0 (10)
  • ACCESS1-3 (9)
  • BNU-ESM (9)
  • CCCma-CanESM2 (9089)
  • CCSM4 (9)
  • CMCC-CMS (9)
  • CNRM-CM5 (9)
  • CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-0 (4859)
  • CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-3 (3646)
  • CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (9)
  • CSIRO-QCCCE-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (3291)
  • CanESM2 (9)
  • ECMWF-ERAINT (7829)
  • GFDL-ESM2G (9)
  • GFDL-ESM2M (9)
  • HadGEM2-CC (9)
  • ICHEC-EC-EARTH (12320)
  • IPSL-CM5A-LR (9)
  • IPSL-CM5A-MR (9)
  • IPSL-CM5B-LR (9)
  • IPSL-IPSL-CM5A-MR (4542)
  • MIROC-ESM (9)
  • MIROC-MIROC5 (6135)
  • MIROC5 (9)
  • MOHC-HadGEM2-CC (312)
  • MOHC-HadGEM2-ES (12703)
  • MPI-ESM-LR (9)
  • MPI-ESM-MR (9)
  • MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR (10706)
  • MPI-M-MPI-ESM-MR (5537)
  • MRI-CGCM3 (9)
  • NCAR-CCSM4 (291)
  • NCC-NorESM1-M (12886)
  • NOAA-GFDL-GFDL-CM3 (252)
  • NorESM1-M (9)
  • bcc-csm1-1-m (9)
  • evaluation (7795)
  • historical (33062)
  • rcp26 (13766)
  • rcp45 (21317)
  • rcp85 (32931)
  • All (108871)
  • Historical (33062)
  • RCP (68014)
  • r0i0p0 (1110)
  • r12i1p1 (9990)
  • r1i1p1 (95413)
  • r2i1p1 (819)
  • r3i1p1 (1500)
  • r6i1p1 (39)
  • ALADIN53 (422)
  • ALADIN63 (2679)
  • ALADIN64 (6)
  • BOM-SDM (199)
  • CCAM (1512)
  • CCAM-1704 (1976)
  • CCAM-2008 (2747)
  • CCLM-0-9 (6)
  • CCLM5-0-9 (51)
  • CRCM5 (344)
  • CanRCM4 (376)
  • DeepESD-EE (32)
  • Eta (38)
  • MAR311 (70)
  • RA (111)
  • RCA4 (59366)
  • RCA4-SN (1150)
  • RRCM (645)
  • RegCM4 (199)
  • RegCM4-0 (22)
  • RegCM4-3 (2381)
  • RegCM4-4 (1951)
  • RegCM4-6 (3541)
  • RegCM4-7 (14843)
  • SNURCM (25)
  • VRF370 (85)
  • WRF (182)
  • WRF331 (14)
  • WRF331F (315)
  • WRF331G (239)
  • WRF341I (658)
  • WRF351 (39)
  • WRF360J (5382)
  • WRF360K (5466)
  • WRF360L (1197)
  • WRF381P (602)
  • r2 (376)
  • v0 (16794)
  • v01 (120)
  • v02 (119)
  • v1 (65059)
  • v1a (1184)
  • v2 (12250)
  • v201312 (1711)
  • v3 (8474)
  • v3-5-1 (182)
  • v4 (2291)
  • v4-4-rc8 (199)
  • v5 (112)
  • 1hr (920)
  • 3hr (6326)
  • 6hr (9588)
  • day (32348)
  • fx (1616)
  • mon (35572)
  • sem (22501)
  • aclwdnt (6)
  • alb (268)
  • apet (120)
  • areacella (13)
  • cdnc200 (7)
  • cdnc500 (7)
  • cdnc700 (7)
  • cdnc850 (7)
  • cdnc925 (7)
  • cdnctop (9)
  • clfr (3)
  • clfr1000 (2)
  • clfr200 (5)
  • clfr300 (2)
  • clfr400 (2)
  • clfr500 (5)
  • clfr600 (2)
  • clfr700 (2)
  • clfr850 (5)
  • clfr875 (2)
  • clfr900 (2)
  • clfr925 (2)
  • clfr950 (2)
  • clfr975 (2)
  • clh (584)
  • clice (3)
  • clice1000 (2)
  • clice200 (5)
  • clice300 (2)
  • clice400 (2)
  • clice500 (5)
  • clice600 (2)
  • clice700 (2)
  • clice850 (5)
  • clice875 (2)
  • clice900 (2)
  • clice925 (2)
  • clice950 (2)
  • clice975 (2)
  • clivi (616)
  • cll (585)
  • clm (575)
  • clt (2026)
  • cltc100 (10)
  • clwmr (3)
  • clwmr1000 (2)
  • clwmr200 (5)
  • clwmr300 (2)
  • clwmr400 (2)
  • clwmr500 (5)
  • clwmr600 (2)
  • clwmr700 (2)
  • clwmr850 (5)
  • clwmr875 (2)
  • clwmr900 (2)
  • clwmr925 (2)
  • clwmr950 (2)
  • clwmr975 (2)
  • clwvi (602)
  • crs (18)
  • emiss (221)
  • evspsbl (2205)
  • evspsblpot (446)
  • hfls (2003)
  • hfss (2003)
  • hufs (6)
  • hur (3)
  • hur1000 (2)
  • hur200 (14)
  • hur300 (2)
  • hur400 (2)
  • hur500 (14)
  • hur600 (2)
  • hur700 (11)
  • hur850 (14)
  • hur875 (2)
  • hur900 (2)
  • hur925 (10)
  • hur950 (2)
  • hur975 (2)
  • hurs (2154)
  • hus (91)
  • hus1000 (2)
  • hus200 (366)
  • hus250 (29)
  • hus300 (296)
  • hus400 (296)
  • hus500 (330)
  • hus50m (7)
  • hus600 (296)
  • hus700 (330)
  • hus850 (2086)
  • hus875 (2)
  • hus900 (2)
  • hus925 (331)
  • hus950 (2)
  • hus975 (31)
  • huss (2149)
  • icod (10)
  • lcod (10)
  • lwp (20)
  • mrfso (1539)
  • mross (6)
  • mrro (1973)
  • mrros (784)
  • mrso (2011)
  • mrsofc (12)
  • orog (783)
  • pr (2513)
  • pr-bc (120)
  • pr-fl (120)
  • prc (997)
  • prhmax (328)
  • prls (6)
  • prsn (425)
  • prw (658)
  • ps (1213)
  • psl (2159)
  • reffclwtop (10)
  • rlds (2207)
  • rldscs (20)
  • rlus (2028)
  • rluscs (20)
  • rlut (1899)
  • rlutcs (20)
  • rootd (12)
  • rsds (2270)
  • rsdscs (20)
  • rsdt (1673)
  • rsus (2087)
  • rsuscs (20)
  • rsut (1484)
  • rsutcs (20)
  • sfcWind (2230)
  • sfcWindmax (1701)
  • sfcWindmaxmax (92)
  • sftgif (12)
  • sftlf (784)
  • sic (688)
  • snc (1537)
  • snd (1612)
  • snm (1832)
  • snownc (6)
  • snw (796)
  • soil bounds (9)
  • soil layer (9)
  • sst (225)
  • sund (1931)
  • ta (91)
  • ta1000 (2)
  • ta200 (1958)
  • ta250 (29)
  • ta300 (296)
  • ta400 (296)
  • ta500 (1955)
  • ta50m (7)
  • ta600 (296)
  • ta700 (331)
  • ta850 (1958)
  • ta875 (2)
  • ta900 (2)
  • ta925 (331)
  • ta950 (2)
  • ta975 (31)
  • tas (2374)
  • tasmax (2019)
  • tasmax-bc (120)
  • tasmaxts (4)
  • tasmin (2019)
  • tasmin-bc (120)
  • tasmints (4)
  • tauu (689)
  • tauv (689)
  • thetapw1000 (3)
  • thetapw700 (3)
  • thetapw850 (3)
  • thetapw925 (3)
  • ts (821)
  • tsmax (6)
  • tsmin (6)
  • u200 (36)
  • u500 (36)
  • u850 (36)
  • ua (91)
  • ua1000 (2)
  • ua100m (263)
  • ua150m (7)
  • ua200 (1922)
  • ua200m (7)
  • ua250 (29)
  • ua250m (7)
  • ua300 (296)
  • ua400 (296)
  • ua500 (1919)
  • ua50m (7)
  • ua600 (296)
  • ua700 (341)
  • ua850 (2051)
  • ua875 (2)
  • ua900 (2)
  • ua925 (331)
  • ua950 (2)
  • ua975 (31)
  • uas (2337)
  • ustar (6)
  • v200 (36)
  • v500 (36)
  • v850 (36)
  • va (91)
  • va1000 (2)
  • va100m (263)
  • va150m (7)
  • va200 (1922)
  • va200m (7)
  • va250 (29)
  • va250m (7)
  • va300 (296)
  • va400 (296)
  • va500 (1919)
  • va50m (7)
  • va600 (296)
  • va700 (341)
  • va850 (2050)
  • va875 (2)
  • va900 (2)
  • va925 (331)
  • va950 (2)
  • va975 (31)
  • vas (2337)
  • wap200 (7)
  • wap500 (7)
  • wap700 (7)
  • wap850 (7)
  • wap925 (7)
  • wsgsmax (262)
  • zg (91)
  • zg1000 (2)
  • zg100m (7)
  • zg150m (7)
  • zg200 (1965)
  • zg200m (7)
  • zg250 (29)
  • zg250m (7)
  • zg300 (303)
  • zg350 (7)
  • zg400 (303)
  • zg450 (7)
  • zg500 (1984)
  • zg50m (7)
  • zg550 (7)
  • zg600 (303)
  • zg650 (7)
  • zg700 (342)
  • zg750 (7)
  • zg800 (7)
  • zg850 (397)
  • zg875 (2)
  • zg900 (9)
  • zg925 (337)
  • zg950 (2)
  • zg975 (31)
  • zmla (958)
  • (28)
  • 2-m specific humidity (36)
  • Accumulated Morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
  • Accumulated downwelling LW flux at top (6)
  • Accumulated snow (9)
  • Accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
  • Air Temperature (7758)
  • Air temperature (108)
  • Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area (12)
  • Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thickness (4)
  • Avg evaporation (36)
  • Avg latent heat flux (36)
  • Avg sensible heat flux (36)
  • Avg soil moisture 1 (36)
  • Capacity of Soil to Store Water (12)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration (35)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration At Cloud Top (9)
  • Cloud fraction (38)
  • Cloud water content (38)
  • Cloud-top Effective Droplet Radius (10)
  • Column Ice Water Content (5)
  • Column Water Vapour (4)
  • Condensed Water Path (596)
  • Convective Cloud Fraction (10)
  • Convective Precipitation (731)
  • Convective precipitation (262)
  • Daily Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (299)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (2136)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature (4)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (1661)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (262)
  • Daily Maximum Surface Temperature (5)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (2100)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature (3)
  • Daily Minimum Surface Temperature (5)
  • Duration of Sunshine (1625)
  • Duration of sunshine (270)
  • Eastward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (16)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind (2009)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (6)
  • Eastward Wind (7411)
  • Eastward Wind at 100m (249)
  • Eastward near-surface wind (270)
  • Evaporation (2164)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell Covered with Glacier (12)
  • Frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
  • Geopotential Height (5791)
  • Geopotential Height at 200 hPa (6)
  • Geopotential Height at 500 hPa (6)
  • Geopotential height at 200hPa (36)
  • Geopotential height at 500hPa (36)
  • Grid Eastward Wind (80)
  • Grid Northward Wind (80)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Variables (1)
  • Height of Boundary Layer (918)
  • High Level Cloud Fraction (584)
  • Ice Cloud Optical Depth (10)
  • Ice Water Path (611)
  • Ice mixing ratio (38)
  • LW at TOA (36)
  • LW downwelling at ground (36)
  • Land Area Fraction (779)
  • Land area fraction (5)
  • Liquid Cloud Optical Depth (10)
  • Liquid Water Content (6)
  • Liquid Water Path (20)
  • Low Level Cloud Fraction (585)
  • Max. surface air temperature (2)
  • Maximum 10m wind speed (36)
  • Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (29)
  • Maximum Root Depth (12)
  • Maximum screen temperature (36)
  • Mean Sea Level Pressure (6)
  • Mean sea level pressure (36)
  • Meridional Wind at 200 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Wind at 500 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Wind at 850 hPa (6)
  • Meridional component of wind (southerly) (144)
  • Meridional wind at 200hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at 500hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at 850hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind stress (36)
  • Mid Level Cloud Fraction (575)
  • Min. surface air temperature (2)
  • Minimum screen temperature (36)
  • Monthly Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
  • Near-Surface Air Temperature (2305)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidity (2148)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidty (6)
  • Near-Surface Specific Humidity (2113)
  • Near-Surface Wind Speed (2232)
  • Northward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (16)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind (2009)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (6)
  • Northward Wind (7410)
  • Northward Wind at 100m (249)
  • Northward near-surface wind (270)
  • PBL depth (36)
  • Potential Evapotranspiration (446)
  • Precipitable water column (36)
  • Precipitation (2733)
  • Precipitation flux (1)
  • Precipitation large scale (6)
  • Relative Humidity (44)
  • Relative humidity (38)
  • Runoff (36)
  • Screen temperature (36)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (495)
  • Sea Ice Flag (6)
  • Sea Level Pressure (2111)
  • Sea ice area fraction (187)
  • Sea level pressure (6)
  • Seasonal Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
  • Snow Area Fraction (1314)
  • Snow Depth (1385)
  • Snow area fraction (223)
  • Snow depth (227)
  • Snow depth (liquid water) (36)
  • Snow melt (2)
  • Snowfall Flux (425)
  • Snowmelt (36)
  • Soil Frozen Water Content (1277)
  • Soil frozen water content (36)
  • Soil frozen water content Content (226)
  • Soil layer depth (9)
  • Solar downwelling at ground (36)
  • Solar in at TOA (36)
  • Solar out at TOA (36)
  • Specific Humidity (4275)
  • Specific Humidity at 850 hPa (6)
  • Specific humidity at 200hPa (36)
  • Specific humidity at 850hPa (36)
  • Specific humidity in air (144)
  • Subsurface runoff (6)
  • Sunshine hours (36)
  • Surface Air Pressure (1155)
  • Surface Air pressure (22)
  • Surface Altitude (778)
  • Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress (653)
  • Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress (653)
  • Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (2156)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Flux (9)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (2225)
  • Surface Evaporation (5)
  • Surface Latent Heat Flux (6)
  • Surface Runoff (495)
  • Surface Sensible Heat Flux (6)
  • Surface Snow Amount (523)
  • Surface Snow Melt (1598)
  • Surface Snow amount (2)
  • Surface Snow melt (9)
  • Surface Temperature (785)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (1961)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (1959)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat flux (2)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (1986)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (2045)
  • Surface albedo (268)
  • Surface altitude (5)
  • Surface emissivity (221)
  • Surface pressure (36)
  • Surface runoff (253)
  • Surface snow amount (226)
  • Surface snow melt (187)
  • Surface temperature (36)
  • Surface wind speed (2)
  • TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (1637)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (1863)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (1448)
  • Temperature at 200 hPa (6)
  • Temperature at 500 hPa (6)
  • Temperature at 850 hPa (5)
  • Total Cloud Fraction (1753)
  • Total Runoff (1725)
  • Total Soil Moisture Content (1939)
  • Total cloud Fraction (11)
  • Total cloud ave (36)
  • Total cloud fraction (226)
  • Total precipitation rate (1)
  • Total runoff (232)
  • Total soil moisture content (36)
  • Upward moisture flux at the surface (6)
  • Upwelling Longwave Radiation (6)
  • Upwelling Longwave radiation (36)
  • Upwelling Shortwave radiation (36)
  • Upwelling Surface Shortwave Radiation (6)
  • Vertical Velocity In Pressure Coordinates (35)
  • Water Vapor Path (612)
  • Water Vapour Path (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 200 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 500 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 850 hPa (6)
  • Zonal component of wind (westerly) (144)
  • Zonal wind at 200hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at 500hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at 850hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind stress (36)
  • long name (2)
  • precipitation (18)
  • sea surface temperature (225)
  • total runoff (16)
  • urface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (15)
  • wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
  • x-component 10m wind (36)
  • y-component 10m wind (36)
  • 2-m specific humidity (36)
  • accumulated downwelling lw flux at top (6)
  • accumulated morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
  • accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
  • air pressure at sea level (2123)
  • air temperature (14435)
  • atmosphere boundary layer thickness (922)
  • atmosphere cloud condensed water content (596)
  • atmosphere cloud ice content (616)
  • atmosphere cloud liquid water content (6)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud liquid water (20)
  • atmosphere water vapor content (658)
  • avg evaporation (36)
  • avg latent heat flux (36)
  • avg sensible heat flux (36)
  • avg soil moisture 1 (36)
  • cell area (13)
  • clear-sky surface downwelling longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface downwelling shortwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface upwelling longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface upwelling shortwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky toa outgoing longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky toa outgoing shortwave radiation (20)
  • cloud-top effective droplet radius (10)
  • cloud area fraction (1990)
  • cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (1744)
  • cloud droplet number concentration at cloud top (9)
  • cloud fraction (38)
  • cloud liquid water mixing ratio (38)
  • convective cloud area fraction (10)
  • convective precipitation flux (993)
  • crs (18)
  • depth (9)
  • duration of sunshine (1895)
  • eastward wind (9739)
  • frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
  • geopotential height (5875)
  • grid eastward wind (464)
  • grid northward wind (464)
  • ice cloud optical depth (10)
  • ice mixing ratio (38)
  • lagrangian tendency of air pressure (35)
  • land area fraction (784)
  • land ice area fraction (12)
  • large scale precipitation amount (6)
  • liquid cloud optical depth (10)
  • long name (2)
  • lw at toa (36)
  • lw downwelling at ground (36)
  • maximum screen temperature (36)
  • mean sea level pressure (36)
  • meridional wind at 200hpa (36)
  • meridional wind at 500hpa (36)
  • meridional wind at 850hpa (36)
  • meridional wind stress (36)
  • minimum screen temperature (36)
  • near-surface specific humidity (20)
  • northward wind (9738)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air (35)
  • pbl depth (36)
  • potential evapotranspiration (6)
  • prc (4)
  • precipitation (36)
  • precipitation flux (3045)
  • relative humidity (2236)
  • root depth (12)
  • runoff (36)
  • runoff flux (1973)
  • screen temperature (36)
  • sea ice area fraction (682)
  • sea ice flag (6)
  • sea surface temperature (225)
  • snow depth (liquid water) (36)
  • snowfall flux (425)
  • soil frozen water content (1539)
  • soil moisture content (1975)
  • soil moisture content at field capacity (12)
  • solar downwelling at ground (36)
  • solar in at toa (36)
  • solar out at toa (36)
  • specific humidity (6518)
  • specific humidity at 200hpa (36)
  • specific humidity at 850hpa (36)
  • subsurface runoff (6)
  • sunshine hours (36)
  • surface air pressure (1213)
  • surface albedo (268)
  • surface altitude (783)
  • surface downward eastward stress (653)
  • surface downward northward stress (653)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air (2171)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (2234)
  • surface emissivity (221)
  • surface runoff flux (748)
  • surface snow amount (760)
  • surface snow area fraction (1537)
  • surface snow melt flux (1832)
  • surface snow thickness (1612)
  • surface temperature (831)
  • surface upward latent heat flux (1967)
  • surface upward sensible heat flux (1967)
  • surface upward water vapor flux in air (6)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux in air (1992)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (2051)
  • surface wind speed (2)
  • toa incoming shortwave flux (1637)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux (1863)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux (1448)
  • total cloud ave (36)
  • upwelling longwave radiation (36)
  • upwelling shortwave radiation (36)
  • water evaporation flux (2169)
  • water potential evaporation flux (440)
  • wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
  • wind speed (4021)
  • wind speed of gust (262)
  • x-component 10m wind (36)
  • y-component 10m wind (36)
  • zg850 (6)
  • zonal wind at 200hpa (36)
  • zonal wind at 500hpa (36)
  • zonal wind at 850hpa (36)
  • zonal wind stress (36)
  • (2716)
  • (61470)
  • (1890)
  • (3107)
  • (20553)
  • (300)
  • (17918)
  • (917)

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