Deutscher Wetterdienst
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  • CMIP5 (4418)
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  • CSIRO-QCCCE (1495)
  • NCC (608)
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  • UNSW (327)
  • ACCESS1.0 (133)
  • ACCESS1.3 (222)
  • CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 (1495)
  • CSIRO-Mk3L-1-2 (327)
  • EC-EARTH (1840)
  • NorESM1-M (416)
  • NorESM1-ME (192)
  • 1pctCO2 (112)
  • G1 (30)
  • G1oceanAlbedo (6)
  • G2 (30)
  • G3S (30)
  • G4 (30)
  • G4cdnc (21)
  • abrupt4xCO2 (101)
  • amip (158)
  • amip4xCO2 (14)
  • decadal1960 (40)
  • decadal1961 (40)
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  • decadal1963 (40)
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  • decadal2003 (40)
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  • decadal2005 (40)
  • esmControl (12)
  • esmFdbk1 (14)
  • esmFixClim1 (14)
  • esmHistorical (14)
  • esmrcp85 (14)
  • historical (325)
  • historicalExt (82)
  • historicalGHG (142)
  • historicalMisc (624)
  • historicalNat (166)
  • midHolocene (24)
  • past1000 (12)
  • piControl (100)
  • rcp26 (121)
  • rcp45 (195)
  • rcp60 (121)
  • rcp85 (164)
  • sst2030 (7)
  • sstClim (29)
  • sstClim4xCO2 (29)
  • sstClimAerosol (29)
  • sstClimSulfate (15)
  • All (4625)
  • Atmos-only (281)
  • Control (141)
  • Decadal (1840)
  • ESM (68)
  • Historical (1353)
  • Idealized (213)
  • Paleo (36)
  • RCP (615)
  • 3hr (86)
  • 6hr (195)
  • day (1678)
  • fx (230)
  • mon (2411)
  • yr (25)
  • aerosol (224)
  • atmos (1733)
  • land (934)
  • landIce (349)
  • ocean (524)
  • ocnBgchem (39)
  • seaIce (822)
  • 3hr (86)
  • 6hrLev (41)
  • 6hrPlev (154)
  • Amon (717)
  • LImon (248)
  • Lmon (708)
  • OImon (247)
  • Omon (267)
  • Oyr (25)
  • aero (224)
  • day (1678)
  • fx (230)
  • r0i0p0 (212)
  • r0i0p1 (3)
  • r0i0p2 (3)
  • r0i0p3 (3)
  • r0i0p4 (3)
  • r0i0p5 (3)
  • r0i0p6 (3)
  • r10i1p1 (84)
  • r10i1p2 (9)
  • r10i1p3 (9)
  • r10i1p4 (9)
  • r10i1p5 (12)
  • r10i1p6 (9)
  • r10i3p1 (184)
  • r1i1p1 (874)
  • r1i1p2 (33)
  • r1i1p3 (13)
  • r1i1p4 (13)
  • r1i1p5 (13)
  • r1i1p6 (13)
  • r1i2p1 (43)
  • r1i3p1 (184)
  • r2i1p1 (225)
  • r2i1p2 (9)
  • r2i1p3 (9)
  • r2i1p4 (9)
  • r2i1p5 (12)
  • r2i1p6 (9)
  • r2i2p1 (43)
  • r2i3p1 (184)
  • r3i1p1 (222)
  • r3i1p2 (9)
  • r3i1p3 (9)
  • r3i1p4 (9)
  • r3i1p5 (12)
  • r3i1p6 (9)
  • r3i2p1 (43)
  • r3i3p1 (184)
  • r4i1p1 (84)
  • r4i1p2 (9)
  • r4i1p3 (9)
  • r4i1p4 (9)
  • r4i1p5 (12)
  • r4i1p6 (9)
  • r4i3p1 (184)
  • r5i1p1 (84)
  • r5i1p2 (9)
  • r5i1p3 (9)
  • r5i1p4 (9)
  • r5i1p5 (12)
  • r5i1p6 (9)
  • r5i3p1 (184)
  • r6i1p1 (84)
  • r6i1p2 (9)
  • r6i1p3 (9)
  • r6i1p4 (9)
  • r6i1p5 (12)
  • r6i1p6 (9)
  • r6i3p1 (184)
  • r7i1p1 (84)
  • r7i1p2 (9)
  • r7i1p3 (9)
  • r7i1p4 (9)
  • r7i1p5 (12)
  • r7i1p6 (9)
  • r7i3p1 (184)
  • r8i1p1 (84)
  • r8i1p2 (9)
  • r8i1p3 (9)
  • r8i1p4 (9)
  • r8i1p5 (12)
  • r8i1p6 (9)
  • r8i3p1 (184)
  • r9i1p1 (84)
  • r9i1p2 (9)
  • r9i1p3 (9)
  • r9i1p4 (9)
  • r9i1p5 (12)
  • r9i1p6 (9)
  • r9i3p1 (184)
  • abs550aer (184)
  • ageice (30)
  • agessc (47)
  • areacella (81)
  • areacello (68)
  • baresoilFrac (33)
  • basin (55)
  • bmelt (30)
  • bsi (27)
  • burntArea (33)
  • c3PftFrac (32)
  • c4PftFrac (33)
  • cCwd (33)
  • cLeaf (33)
  • cLitter (33)
  • cRoot (33)
  • cSoil (33)
  • cSoilFast (33)
  • cSoilMedium (33)
  • cSoilSlow (33)
  • cVeg (33)
  • cWood (33)
  • calc (27)
  • ccb (36)
  • cct (36)
  • cdnc (38)
  • cfc11 (1)
  • ch4global (36)
  • ci (36)
  • cl (223)
  • cldncl (148)
  • cldnvi (184)
  • cli (185)
  • clivi (245)
  • clt (1316)
  • clw (185)
  • clwvi (708)
  • co2 (3)
  • co2mass (36)
  • co3 (27)
  • concbb (33)
  • concbc (212)
  • conccn (38)
  • concdms (212)
  • concdust (190)
  • concoa (141)
  • concpoa (70)
  • concso2 (212)
  • concso4 (212)
  • concsoa (33)
  • concss (71)
  • cropFrac (22)
  • deptho (68)
  • detoc (27)
  • dfe (27)
  • dissic (27)
  • dissoc (27)
  • divice (56)
  • drybc (69)
  • drydust (195)
  • drypoa (69)
  • dryso2 (217)
  • dryso4 (217)
  • dryss (36)
  • ec550aer (38)
  • emibb (181)
  • emibc (217)
  • emidms (217)
  • emidust (195)
  • emioa (184)
  • emipoa (33)
  • emiso2 (217)
  • emiso4 (184)
  • emiss (36)
  • epc100 (14)
  • epcalc100 (14)
  • epsi100 (14)
  • evap (38)
  • evs (47)
  • evspsbl (710)
  • evspsblsoi (71)
  • evspsblveg (71)
  • fFire (33)
  • fHarvest (25)
  • fLitterSoil (33)
  • fLuc (25)
  • fVegLitter (33)
  • fgco2 (14)
  • fgo2 (14)
  • ficeberg (28)
  • friver (185)
  • fsitherm (49)
  • gpp (34)
  • grCongel (30)
  • grFrazil (56)
  • grassFrac (33)
  • hcice (37)
  • hfbasin (181)
  • hfbasinba (134)
  • hfbasindiff (134)
  • hfcorr (29)
  • hfds (209)
  • hfgeou (13)
  • hfls (881)
  • hflssi (38)
  • hfrunoffds (26)
  • hfsithermds (28)
  • hfss (882)
  • hfssi (38)
  • hfx (47)
  • hfxba (19)
  • hfxdiff (19)
  • hfy (47)
  • hfyba (19)
  • hfydiff (19)
  • hur (295)
  • hurs (241)
  • hus (1253)
  • huss (1313)
  • ialb (16)
  • intpp (14)
  • lai (71)
  • landCoverFrac (31)
  • loadbc (217)
  • loaddust (195)
  • loadoa (148)
  • loadpoa (69)
  • loadso4 (217)
  • loadsoa (33)
  • loadss (217)
  • lwsnl (38)
  • masscello (19)
  • masso (47)
  • mc (152)
  • mfo (181)
  • mlotst (181)
  • mlotstsq (19)
  • mrfso (66)
  • mrlsl (70)
  • mrro (345)
  • mrros (708)
  • mrso (248)
  • mrsofc (13)
  • mrsos (330)
  • msftbarot (181)
  • msftmrhoz (28)
  • msftmyz (162)
  • msftmyzba (134)
  • msftyrhoz (19)
  • msftyrhozba (19)
  • msftyyz (19)
  • msftyyzba (19)
  • n2oglobal (36)
  • nbp (33)
  • nep (33)
  • no3 (27)
  • npp (33)
  • nppLeaf (33)
  • nppRoot (33)
  • nppWood (33)
  • o2 (27)
  • od550aer (217)
  • od550lt1aer (148)
  • od870aer (181)
  • omldamax (102)
  • omlmax (76)
  • orog (81)
  • pbo (47)
  • pfull (2)
  • ph (27)
  • phalf (2)
  • phyc (27)
  • po4 (27)
  • pp (13)
  • pr (1558)
  • prc (857)
  • prsn (936)
  • prveg (85)
  • prw (709)
  • ps (1242)
  • psl (1549)
  • pso (19)
  • rGrowth (33)
  • rMaint (33)
  • ra (33)
  • reffclws (38)
  • reffclwtop (184)
  • residualFrac (33)
  • rh (33)
  • rhopoto (181)
  • rhs (108)
  • rhsmax (58)
  • rhsmin (58)
  • ridgice (26)
  • rlds (882)
  • rldscs (295)
  • rldssi (37)
  • rlus (403)
  • rlussi (38)
  • rlut (1280)
  • rlutcs (252)
  • rsds (1314)
  • rsdscs (260)
  • rsdsdiff (230)
  • rsdssi (37)
  • rsdt (252)
  • rsntds (47)
  • rsus (1295)
  • rsuscs (260)
  • rsussi (38)
  • rsut (1172)
  • rsutcs (252)
  • rtmt (252)
  • sbl (15)
  • sci (69)
  • sconcbc (222)
  • sconcdust (200)
  • sconcoa (148)
  • sconcpoa (71)
  • sconcso4 (222)
  • sconcsoa (32)
  • sconcss (74)
  • sfcWind (1342)
  • sfcWindmax (58)
  • sfdsi (30)
  • sftgif (81)
  • sftlf (81)
  • sftof (68)
  • shrubFrac (33)
  • si (27)
  • sic (814)
  • sim (56)
  • sit (316)
  • snc (415)
  • snd (886)
  • snoToIce (30)
  • snomelt (38)
  • snw (340)
  • so (210)
  • soga (210)
  • sootsn (38)
  • sos (209)
  • spco2 (14)
  • strairx (56)
  • strairy (56)
  • streng (56)
  • strocnx (56)
  • strocny (56)
  • ta (1410)
  • talk (27)
  • tas (1451)
  • tasmax (1385)
  • tasmin (1385)
  • tauu (246)
  • tauucorr (29)
  • tauuo (209)
  • tauv (246)
  • tauvcorr (29)
  • tauvo (208)
  • thetao (210)
  • thetaoga (210)
  • thkcello (45)
  • tmelt (30)
  • tos (415)
  • tossq (31)
  • tran (38)
  • transifs (63)
  • transix (195)
  • transiy (198)
  • treeFrac (33)
  • treeFracPrimDec (22)
  • treeFracPrimEver (22)
  • tro3 (5)
  • ts (708)
  • tsice (38)
  • tsl (71)
  • tslsi (28)
  • ua (1410)
  • uas (1184)
  • umo (181)
  • uo (210)
  • usi (41)
  • va (1410)
  • vas (1183)
  • vmo (181)
  • vo (210)
  • volcello (67)
  • volo (47)
  • vsf (57)
  • vsfcorr (29)
  • vsi (41)
  • wap (266)
  • wetbc (69)
  • wetdust (195)
  • wetpoa (69)
  • wetso2 (217)
  • wetso4 (217)
  • wetss (36)
  • wfo (181)
  • wmo (181)
  • wmosq (47)
  • zg (1200)
  • zos (181)
  • zosga (48)
  • zossga (54)
  • zossq (19)
  • zostoga (188)
  • Aerosol Number Concentration (38)
  • Age of Sea Ice (30)
  • Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base (36)
  • Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top (36)
  • Air Temperature (1453)
  • Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550 nm (184)
  • Ambient Aerosol Extinction at 550 nm (38)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (217)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 870 nm (181)
  • Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (148)
  • Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area (81)
  • Bare Soil Fraction (33)
  • Burnt Area Fraction (33)
  • Calcite Concentration (13)
  • Calcite Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Capacity of Soil to Store Water (13)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Leaf (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Roots (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Wood (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to CO2 Emission from Fire (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Crop Harvesting (25)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Growth Autotrophic Respiration on Land (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration on Land (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Gross Primary Production on Land (34)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (33)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Primary Production on Land (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Coarse Woody Debris (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Fast Soil Pool (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Leaves (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter Pool (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Medium Soil Pool (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Roots (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Slow Soil Pool (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil Pool (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation (33)
  • Carbon Mass in Wood (33)
  • Cloud Area Fraction (223)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration (38)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (148)
  • Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius (184)
  • Column Integrated Cloud Droplet Number (184)
  • Compressive Sea Ice Strength (56)
  • Concentration of Biomass Burning Aerosol (33)
  • Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (212)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (141)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (70)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (33)
  • Concentration of Dust (190)
  • Concentration of SO4 (212)
  • Concentration of Seasalt (71)
  • Condensed Water Path (708)
  • Congelation Sea Ice Growth Rate (30)
  • Convective Mass Flux (152)
  • Convective Precipitation (857)
  • Crop Fraction (22)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (1385)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (58)
  • Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (55)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (1385)
  • Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (669)
  • Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration (13)
  • Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Iron Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Iron Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Nitrate Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Phosphate Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Phosphate Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Dissolved Silicate Concentration (13)
  • Dissolved Silicate Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Downward Flux of Calcite (14)
  • Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon (14)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Silica (14)
  • Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface (209)
  • Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux (30)
  • Downwelling Long Wave over Sea Ice (37)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation in Sea Water (19)
  • Downwelling Shortwave over Sea Ice (37)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (69)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (69)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dust (195)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of SO2 (217)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of SO4 (217)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Seasalt (36)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind (1169)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind Speed (15)
  • Eastward Wind (1410)
  • Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (217)
  • Emission Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (33)
  • Evaporation (710)
  • Evaporation from Canopy (71)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell Covered with Glacier (81)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil (33)
  • Fraction of Time Convection Occurs (36)
  • Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs (69)
  • Frazil Sea Ice Growth (Leads) Rate (56)
  • Geopotential Height (1200)
  • Global Average Sea Level Change (48)
  • Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature (210)
  • Global Average Steric Sea Level Change (54)
  • Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change (188)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH4 (36)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of N2O (36)
  • Global Mean Sea Water Salinity (210)
  • Heat Flux Correction (29)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (28)
  • Ice Water Path (245)
  • Land Area Fraction (81)
  • Leaf Area Index (71)
  • Liquid Water Content of Snow Layer (38)
  • Load of Black Carbon Aerosol (217)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (148)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (69)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (33)
  • Load of Dust (195)
  • Load of SO4 (217)
  • Load of Seasalt (217)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice (185)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water (185)
  • Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (47)
  • Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column (330)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (13)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (14)
  • Mole Fraction of CO2 (3)
  • Mole Fraction of DMS (212)
  • Mole Fraction of O3 (5)
  • Mole Fraction of SO2 (212)
  • Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water (1)
  • Monthly Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (76)
  • Natural Grass Fraction (33)
  • Near-Surface Air Temperature (1408)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidity (349)
  • Near-Surface Specific Humidity (1313)
  • Near-Surface Wind Speed (673)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Land Use Change (25)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land. (33)
  • Net Downward Flux at Top of Model (252)
  • Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Sea Water Surface (47)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind (1168)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind Speed (15)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport (181)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection (134)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffusion (134)
  • Northward Wind (1410)
  • Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction (181)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Area (68)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Volume (67)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport (47)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport due to Bolus Advection (19)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport due to Diffusion (19)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport (47)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Bolus Advection (19)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Diffussion (19)
  • Ocean Mass X Transport (181)
  • Ocean Mass Y Transport (181)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction (162)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (134)
  • Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (181)
  • Ocean Model Cell Thickness (45)
  • Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction (19)
  • Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (19)
  • Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration (13)
  • Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (13)
  • Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (14)
  • Plant Functional Type Grid Fraction (31)
  • Precipitation (1448)
  • Precipitation onto Canopy (85)
  • Pressure on Model Half-Levels (2)
  • Pressure on Model Levels (2)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton (13)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton (14)
  • Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (47)
  • Rate of Emission and Production of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter (184)
  • Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (30)
  • Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice (30)
  • Region Selection Index (55)
  • Relative Humidity (295)
  • Sea Area Fraction (68)
  • Sea Floor Depth (68)
  • Sea Ice Albedo (16)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (814)
  • Sea Ice Heat Content (37)
  • Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait (63)
  • Sea Ice Plus Surface Snow Amount (56)
  • Sea Ice Ridging Rate (26)
  • Sea Ice Thickness (316)
  • Sea Level Pressure (1549)
  • Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (181)
  • Sea Surface Salinity (209)
  • Sea Surface Temperature (415)
  • Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact (47)
  • Sea Water Mass (47)
  • Sea Water Mass Per Unit Area (19)
  • Sea Water Potential Density (181)
  • Sea Water Potential Temperature (210)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea Water Surface (19)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor (47)
  • Sea Water Salinity (210)
  • Sea Water Transport (181)
  • Sea Water Volume (47)
  • Sea Water X Velocity (210)
  • Sea Water Y Velocity (210)
  • Shrub Fraction (33)
  • Snow Area Fraction (221)
  • Snow Depth (886)
  • Snow Melt Rate (38)
  • Snow Soot Content (38)
  • Snow-Ice Formation Rate (30)
  • Snowfall Flux (749)
  • Snowfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (47)
  • Soil Frozen Water Content (66)
  • Solid Precipitation (76)
  • Specific Humidity (1253)
  • Square of Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (19)
  • Square of Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (19)
  • Square of Sea Surface Temperature (31)
  • Square of Upward Ocean Mass Transport (47)
  • Strain Rate Divergence of Sea Ice (56)
  • Stratiform Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (38)
  • Surface Air Pressure (1199)
  • Surface Altitude (81)
  • Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 (14)
  • Surface Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (222)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (148)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (71)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (32)
  • Surface Concentration of Dust (200)
  • Surface Concentration of SO4 (222)
  • Surface Concentration of Seasalt (74)
  • Surface Daily Maximum Relative Humidity (58)
  • Surface Daily Minimum Relative Humidity (58)
  • Surface Diffuse Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (230)
  • Surface Downward CO2 Flux (14)
  • Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress (246)
  • Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux (19)
  • Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress (246)
  • Surface Downward O2 Flux (14)
  • Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux (19)
  • Surface Downward X Stress (209)
  • Surface Downward X Stress Correction (29)
  • Surface Downward Y Stress (208)
  • Surface Downward Y Stress Correction (29)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (295)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (260)
  • Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (863)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (1295)
  • Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation (19)
  • Surface Pressure (43)
  • Surface Rainfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (63)
  • Surface Runoff (708)
  • Surface Snow Amount (340)
  • Surface Snow Area Fraction (194)
  • Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux (15)
  • Surface Snowfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (64)
  • Surface Temperature (708)
  • Surface Temperature Where Land or Sea Ice (28)
  • Surface Temperature of Sea Ice (38)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (862)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (38)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (863)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (38)
  • Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (260)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (403)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (1295)
  • TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (252)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (252)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (252)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (1280)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (1172)
  • Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (26)
  • Temperature of Soil (71)
  • Total Alkalinity (13)
  • Total Alkalinity at Surface (14)
  • Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2 (36)
  • Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction (32)
  • Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction (33)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Litter to Soil (33)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter (33)
  • Total Cloud Fraction (1316)
  • Total Direct Emission Rate of SO4 (184)
  • Total Emission Rate of DMS (217)
  • Total Emission Rate of Dust (195)
  • Total Emission Rate of SO2 (217)
  • Total Emission Rate of Seasalt (36)
  • Total Emission of Primary Aerosol from Biomass Burning (181)
  • Total Primary Deciduous Tree Fraction (22)
  • Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (22)
  • Total Runoff (345)
  • Total Soil Moisture Content (248)
  • Transpiration (38)
  • Tree Cover Fraction (33)
  • Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor (13)
  • Upward Long Wave over Sea Ice (38)
  • Upward Ocean Mass Transport (181)
  • Upward Shortwave over Sea Ice (38)
  • Virtual Salt Flux Correction (29)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water (57)
  • Water Content of Soil Layer (70)
  • Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (47)
  • Water Evaporation Flux from Sea Ice (38)
  • Water Evaporation from Soil (71)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water (181)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs (28)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (185)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (49)
  • Water Vapor Path (709)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (69)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (69)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dust (195)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of SO2 (217)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of SO4 (217)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Seasalt (36)
  • X-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (56)
  • X-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (56)
  • X-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (195)
  • X-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (41)
  • Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (56)
  • Y-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (56)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (198)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (41)
  • omega (=dp/dt) (266)
  • pH (13)
  • pH at Surface (14)
  • age of sea ice (30)
  • air pressure (2)
  • air pressure at convective cloud base (36)
  • air pressure at convective cloud top (36)
  • air pressure at sea level (1549)
  • air temperature (1645)
  • area fraction (66)
  • atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (184)
  • atmosphere cloud condensed water content (708)
  • atmosphere cloud ice content (245)
  • atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol (217)
  • atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol (195)
  • atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol (148)
  • atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol (69)
  • atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol (217)
  • atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol (33)
  • atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol (217)
  • atmosphere mass of carbon dioxide (36)
  • atmosphere net upward convective mass flux (152)
  • atmosphere number content of cloud droplets (184)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (217)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol (148)
  • atmosphere water vapor content (709)
  • carbon mass flux into soil from litter (33)
  • cell area (149)
  • cell thickness (45)
  • cloud area fraction (1316)
  • cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (223)
  • compressive strength of sea ice (56)
  • convection time fraction (36)
  • convective precipitation flux (857)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration (13)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration at surface (14)
  • downward sea ice basal salt flux (30)
  • downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (43)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in sea water (19)
  • eastward wind (1464)
  • effective radius of cloud liquid water particle at liquid water cloud top (184)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud liquid water particle (38)
  • fast soil pool carbon content (33)
  • geopotential height (1200)
  • global average sea level change (48)
  • global average steric sea level change (54)
  • global average thermosteric sea level change (188)
  • gross primary productivity of carbon (34)
  • heat flux correction (29)
  • heat flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (28)
  • heterotrophic respiration carbon flux (33)
  • integral of sea ice temperature wrt depth expressed as heat content (37)
  • lagrangian tendency of air pressure (266)
  • land area fraction (81)
  • land ice area fraction (81)
  • leaf area index (71)
  • leaf carbon content (33)
  • liquid water content of snow layer (38)
  • litter carbon content (33)
  • litter carbon flux (33)
  • mass concentration of biomass burning dry aerosol in air (33)
  • mass concentration of black carbon dry aerosol in air (224)
  • mass concentration of dust dry aerosol in air (202)
  • mass concentration of particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (148)
  • mass concentration of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (76)
  • mass concentration of seasalt dry aerosol in air (76)
  • mass concentration of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (33)
  • mass concentration of sulfate dry aerosol in air (224)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice in air (185)
  • mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air (185)
  • medium soil pool carbon content (33)
  • moisture content of soil layer (332)
  • mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of carbonate expressed as carbon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of dissolved organic carbon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of nitrate in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as carbon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of particulate matter expressed as silicon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of phosphate in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (27)
  • mole concentration of silicate in sea water (27)
  • mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air (3)
  • mole fraction of dimethyl sulfide in air (212)
  • mole fraction of methane in air (36)
  • mole fraction of nitrous oxide in air (36)
  • mole fraction of ozone in air (5)
  • mole fraction of sulfur dioxide in air (212)
  • moles of cfc11 per unit mass in sea water (1)
  • net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (252)
  • net downward shortwave flux at sea water surface (47)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by phytoplankton (14)
  • net primary productivity of carbon (33)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in leaves (33)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in roots (33)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in wood (33)
  • northward ocean heat transport (181)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to bolus advection (134)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to diffusion (134)
  • northward wind (1464)
  • number concentration of ambient aerosol in air (38)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air (38)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air at liquid water cloud top (148)
  • ocean barotropic mass streamfunction (181)
  • ocean heat x transport (47)
  • ocean heat x transport due to bolus advection (19)
  • ocean heat x transport due to diffusion (19)
  • ocean heat y transport (47)
  • ocean heat y transport due to bolus advection (19)
  • ocean heat y transport due to diffusion (19)
  • ocean mass x transport (181)
  • ocean mass y transport (181)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction (162)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection (134)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness defined by mixing scheme (131)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (181)
  • ocean volume (67)
  • ocean y overturning mass streamfunction (19)
  • ocean y overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection (19)
  • plant respiration carbon flux (33)
  • precipitation flux (1448)
  • precipitation flux onto canopy (85)
  • rainfall flux (110)
  • region (55)
  • relative humidity (359)
  • root carbon content (33)
  • runoff flux (345)
  • sea area fraction (68)
  • sea floor depth below geoid (68)
  • sea ice albedo (16)
  • sea ice and surface snow amount (56)
  • sea ice area fraction (814)
  • sea ice thickness (316)
  • sea ice transport across line (63)
  • sea ice x transport (195)
  • sea ice x velocity (41)
  • sea ice y transport (198)
  • sea ice y velocity (41)
  • sea surface height above geoid (181)
  • sea surface salinity (209)
  • sea surface temperature (212)
  • sea water age since surface contact (47)
  • sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent (27)
  • sea water mass (47)
  • sea water mass per unit area (19)
  • sea water ph reported on total scale (27)
  • sea water potential density (181)
  • sea water potential temperature (210)
  • sea water pressure at sea floor (47)
  • sea water pressure at sea water surface (19)
  • sea water salinity (210)
  • sea water transport across line (181)
  • sea water volume (47)
  • sea water x velocity (210)
  • sea water y velocity (210)
  • shallow convection time fraction (69)
  • sinking mole flux of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water (14)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water (14)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate silicon in sea water (14)
  • slow soil pool carbon content (33)
  • snowfall flux (936)
  • soil carbon content (33)
  • soil frozen water content (66)
  • soil moisture content (248)
  • soil moisture content at field capacity (13)
  • soil temperature (71)
  • soot content of surface snow (38)
  • specific humidity (1421)
  • square of ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (19)
  • square of sea surface height above geoid (19)
  • square of sea surface temperature (31)
  • square of upward ocean mass transport (47)
  • strain rate divergence of sea ice (56)
  • surface air pressure (1242)
  • surface altitude (81)
  • surface diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air (230)
  • surface downward eastward stress (246)
  • surface downward heat flux in sea water (209)
  • surface downward latent heat flux (19)
  • surface downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon (14)
  • surface downward mole flux of molecular oxygen (14)
  • surface downward northward stress (246)
  • surface downward sensible heat flux (19)
  • surface downward x stress (265)
  • surface downward x stress correction (29)
  • surface downward y stress (264)
  • surface downward y stress correction (29)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air (900)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (252)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (1332)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (260)
  • surface net downward longwave flux (19)
  • surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes (33)
  • surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes excluding anthropogenic land use change (33)
  • surface net upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from anthropogenic land use change (25)
  • surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide in sea water (14)
  • surface runoff flux (708)
  • surface snow amount (340)
  • surface snow and ice sublimation flux (15)
  • surface snow area fraction (415)
  • surface snow melt flux (38)
  • surface snow thickness (886)
  • surface temperature (977)
  • surface upward carbon mass flux due to plant respiration for biomass growth (33)
  • surface upward carbon mass flux due to plant respiration for biomass maintenance (33)
  • surface upward latent heat flux (900)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from crop harvesting (25)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from fires excluding anthropogenic land use change (33)
  • surface upward sensible heat flux (901)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux in air (441)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (1333)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (260)
  • temperature flux due to runoff expressed as heat flux into sea water (26)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to dry deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to emission (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to wet deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to emission (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to dry deposition (195)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to emission (195)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to wet deposition (195)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to net chemical production and emission (184)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to emission (181)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition (69)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to dry deposition (36)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to emission (36)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to wet deposition (36)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to dry deposition (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to emission (184)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to wet deposition (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to dry deposition (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to emission (217)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to wet deposition (217)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production (13)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to basal melting (30)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to congelation ice accumulation (30)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to frazil ice accumulation in leads (56)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to snow conversion (30)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to surface melting (30)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to ridging (26)
  • toa incoming shortwave flux (252)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux (1280)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (252)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux (1172)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (252)
  • transpiration flux (38)
  • upward geothermal heat flux at sea floor (13)
  • upward ocean mass transport (181)
  • upward x stress at sea ice base (56)
  • upward y stress at sea ice base (56)
  • vegetation carbon content (33)
  • virtual salt flux correction (29)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water (57)
  • volume extinction coefficient in air due to ambient aerosol (38)
  • water evaporation flux (795)
  • water evaporation flux from canopy (71)
  • water evaporation flux from soil (71)
  • water flux into sea water (181)
  • water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (49)
  • water flux into sea water from icebergs (28)
  • water flux into sea water from rivers (185)
  • wind speed (1343)
  • wood carbon content (33)
  • wood debris carbon content (33)
  • (1840)
  • (2177)
  • (608)

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