Deutscher Wetterdienst
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DWD Climate Predictions for Germany
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  • seasonal qa (176)
  • DWD (176)
  • GCFS21 (176)
  • svhYYYY0101 (16)
  • svhYYYY0201 (16)
  • svhYYYY0301 (16)
  • svhYYYY0401 (16)
  • svhYYYY0501 (16)
  • svhYYYY0601 (16)
  • svhYYYY0701 (8)
  • svhYYYY0801 (8)
  • svhYYYY0901 (16)
  • svhYYYY1001 (16)
  • svhYYYY1101 (16)
  • svhYYYY1201 (16)
  • sfc20220901 (8)
  • sfc20221001 (8)
  • sfc20221101 (8)
  • sfc20221201 (8)
  • sfc20230101 (8)
  • sfc20230201 (8)
  • sfc20230301 (8)
  • sfc20230401 (8)
  • sfc20230501 (8)
  • sfc20230601 (8)
  • sfc20230701 (8)
  • sfc20230801 (8)
  • sfc20230901 (8)
  • sfc20231001 (8)
  • sfc20231101 (8)
  • sfc20231201 (8)
  • sfc20240101 (8)
  • sfc20240201 (8)
  • sfc20240301 (8)
  • sfc20240401 (8)
  • sfc20240501 (8)
  • sfc20240601 (8)
  • remi1p1 (176)
  • DE-015x01 (176)
  • DWD-EPISODES2022 (176)
  • v1-r1 (176)
  • mon (176)
  • hursAnom (22)
  • hursAnom corr pea (22)
  • hursAnom mse (22)
  • prAnom (22)
  • prAnom corr pea (22)
  • prAnom mse (22)
  • pslAnom (22)
  • pslAnom corr pea (22)
  • pslAnom mse (22)
  • rsdsAnom (22)
  • rsdsAnom corr pea (22)
  • rsdsAnom mse (22)
  • sfcWindAnom (22)
  • sfcWindAnom corr pea (22)
  • sfcWindAnom mse (22)
  • tasAnom (22)
  • tasAnom corr pea (22)
  • tasAnom mse (22)
  • tasmaxAnom (22)
  • tasmaxAnom corr pea (22)
  • tasmaxAnom mse (22)
  • tasminAnom (22)
  • tasminAnom corr pea (22)
  • tasminAnom mse (22)
  • Anomaly of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Anomaly of Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Anomaly of Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (22)
  • Anomaly of Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Anomaly of Near-Surface Relative Humidity (22)
  • Anomaly of Precipitation (22)
  • Anomaly of Sea Level Pressure (22)
  • Anomaly of Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Near-Surface Relative Humidity (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Precipitation (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Sea Level Pressure (22)
  • Mean Squared Error for Anomaly of Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Near-Surface Air Temperature (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Near-Surface Relative Humidity (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Precipitation (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Sea Level Pressure (22)
  • Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Anomaly of Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (22)
  • air temperature anomaly (22)
  • anomaly of daily-mean near-surface wind speed (22)
  • anomaly of daily maximum near-surface air temperature (22)
  • anomaly of daily minimum near-surface air temperature (22)
  • anomaly of near-surface relative humidity (22)
  • anomaly of precipitation (22)
  • anomaly of sea level pressure (22)
  • anomaly of surface downwelling shortwave radiation (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of daily-mean near-surface wind speed (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of daily maximum near-surface air temperature (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of daily minimum near-surface air temperature (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of near-surface air temperature (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of near-surface relative humidity (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of precipitation (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of sea level pressure (22)
  • mean squared error for anomaly of surface downwelling shortwave radiation (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of daily-mean near-surface wind speed (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of daily maximum near-surface air temperature (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of daily minimum near-surface air temperature (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of near-surface air temperature (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of near-surface relative humidity (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of precipitation (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of sea level pressure (22)
  • pearson correlation coefficient for anomaly of surface downwelling shortwave radiation (22)

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    Search Constraints:   DWD-EPISODES2022 | DE-015x01 | seasonal_qa

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    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Version: 20230509
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    Version: 20230509
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    Data Node:
    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Data Node:
    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Data Node:
    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Data Node:
    Version: 20230509
    Total Number of Files (for all variables): 3
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    Version: 20230424
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